Looks like you have a good time outside !
It would be better if you posted it on Have you been here community, as we're trying to help grow a diverse set of niche communities so readers can get a better community trending page as mentioned in The OCD community.For a list of the communities we're curating right now please check OCD Communities Incubation Program - Update #6. You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community onto OCD with the peakd.com feature to get more visibility and engagement from the OCD subscribers.
Thanks a lot, I thought if I just used the tag that it would be okay, but then thanks a lot, I'll make sure to post in "haveyoubeenhere" in my next Post like this. Cheers, thanks again
It's okay to use the tag but you're posting it in OCD. You can still crosspost to OCD via peakd.com :)
Thank you for your cooperation.