That seems very festive! I would like to suggest that visiting experiences would better suited to pinmapple and you can pin the exact location of the fair through pinmapple websites too. you can check out the community here and also the rules :
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ooh!! I didn't know about that community, thanks for the suggestions, I don't usually go out much so I don't usually have this type of publication in mind.
Thank you.
I don't quite understand the cross post rule, can't I cross post with this post to that community?
I should make the post originally in the community, right?
You can crosspost any post to OCD. So it's fine if you post in other communities and then crosspost it to OCD for extra exposure that you may need. Keep in mind though, always find communities that suits your content before posting it on OCD.
I understand, thanks for the suggestion, I had stopped posting on hive months ago for reasons of force majeure so I didn't have the time to investigate much about it.
I hope you're fine now :) have a lovely Sunday.