Buen día comunidad de HIVE, hace 9 días atrás estuvo de aniversario mi ciudad natal Barquisimeto, cumpliendo nada mas y nada menos que 470 años, ni siquiera yo sabia que esta ciudad tenia tantos años.
Cada año a partir del 14 de Septiembre, dia en que se celebra el aniversario de la ciudad de Barquisimeto capital del Estado Lara. se da inicio a la feria en conmemoración de la misma, trayendo consigo muchas actividades para toda la familia, Stand de Ventas, Comida, entrenamiento para los niños, artistas de distintos géneros musical, fuegos artificiales y mas.
Good morning HIVE community, 9 days ago my hometown of Barquisimeto celebrated its anniversary, turning nothing more and nothing less than 470 years old, not even I knew that this city was so many years old.
Every year from September 14, the day on which the anniversary of the city of Barquisimeto, capital of the Lara State, is celebrated. The fair begins in commemoration of it, bringing with it many activities for the whole family, Sales Stand, Food, training for children, artists of different musical genres, fireworks and more.
Barquisimeto fue fundada el 14 de Septiembre de 1552 y es conocida como la capital musical y cultura de Venezuela, de echo tenemos un monumento de una guitarra que te indica que ya estas llegando a la ciudad.
Barquisimeto was founded on September 14, 1552 and is known as the musical and cultural capital of Venezuela, in fact we have a monument of a guitar that indicates that you are already arriving in the city.

También es hogar de la procesión con mas gente en toda América, no estoy seguro de la cifra pero si recuerdo que la que mas feligreses trajo fue de 4 millones de personas y no todas eran de Venezuela si no que venían de toda américa e incluso de España.
It is also home to the procession with the most people in all of America, I am not sure of the figure but I do remember that the one that brought the most parishioners was 4 million people and not all of them were from Venezuela but they came from all of America and even from Spain.

Personalmente nunca había ido a esta feria que inicio en 1967, si que tiene sus años, en primera instancia creí que no entraría pues la fila para ingresar al complejo ferial era enorme, no exagero al decir que había mas de 1 km de gente haciendo fila para poder entrar. A diferencia de años anteriores no hubo artistas internacionales debido a la pandemia y motivos politico-economico.
Personally I had never been to this fair that started in 1967, it is old, at first I thought I would not enter because the line to enter the fair complex was huge, I am not exaggerating when I said that there were more than 1 km of people queuing to be able to enter. Unlike previous years, there were no international artists due to the pandemic and political-economic reasons.

Lastimosamente no pude ir el primer día, a diferencia de otros años la feria tenia una duración de 11 días, esta vez solo duro 4 días, fui a partir del segundo día, lo primero que nos encontramos fue un desfile de bandas bastante animado.
Unfortunately I couldn't go the first day, unlike other years the fair lasted 11 days, this time it only lasted 4 days, I went from the second day, the first thing we found was a quite lively parade of bands.

Se me olvidaba mencionar que para entrar el requisito era llevar un envase de plástico, esto con motivo de reciclar tanto plástico como se pudiera, básicamente una entrada gratis.
I forgot to mention that to enter the requirement was to bring a plastic container, this in order to recycle as much plastic as possible, basically a free entry.

También había un pequeño espacio para los amantes del Skate.
There was also a small space for skate lovers.

Definitivamente había mucha gente que vino a ver los artistas, los buhoneros no podían faltar, había ventas de todo
lo que se le pudiera colocar una luz, en esta feria todo tenia luces.
There were definitely a lot of people who came to see the artists, the street vendors could not be missing, there were sales of everything
anything that could be placed with a light, in this fair everything had lights.

Fue una celebración hasta el amanecer y contaba con dos tarimas, una en la que estaban los artistas invitados y otra , mi favorita donde hubo nuevos talentos invitados, le dieron un espacio para demostrar su talento a la nueva juventud del Rap y el Hip Hop, Coreografías, Bailes culturales como el Tamunangue, Bandas de Reggae y personas de la tercera edad concursando por la mejor voz de Barquisimeto, todos muy talentosos.
It was a celebration until dawn and had two platforms, one where the guest artists were and another, my favorite where there were new guest talents, they gave a space to show their talent to the new youth of Rap and Hip Hop, Choreographies, cultural dances such as the Tamunangue, Reggae Bands and seniors competing for the best voice in Barquisimeto, all very talented.

Sin duda alguna una buena experiencia para ir en familia o grupo de amigos y pasar un buen rato, yo fui 3 días, fui con mi novia y la pasamos bien, había muchas cosas mas pero ya saben siempre esta la preocupación de que te puedan quitar el teléfono con tanta gente moviéndose por todos lados, aunque puedo decir que si estuvo muy presente la seguridad en todo momento pero era mi primera vez en un evento así, no esta demás ser precavido.
group of friends and have a good time, I went for 3 days, I went with my girlfriend and we had a good time, there were many more things but you know there is always the concern that they can take away your phone with so many people moving everywhere, although I can say that security was very present at all times but it was my first time in an event like this, it is worth being cautious.

Me gusto mucho que hubiera tanta gente apoyando los nuevos talentos, quienes quieren buscar reconocimiento y ver a los ancianos que cantaron canciones de antaño, excelente voz la de todos, incluso hubo un Dj.
I really liked that there were so many people supporting the new talents, who want to seek recognition and see the old people who sang songs of yesteryear, everyone's excellent voice, there was even a DJ.

Y bueno, eso fue todo por hoy, me agrado los 3 dias que estuve en la feria, fue un cambio de ambiente bastante propicio para mi y mas con el encierro que todos pasamos con este problema de la pandemia, saludos a todos y hasta la próxima.
And well, that was all for today, I liked the 3 days that I was at the fair, it was a very propitious change of environment for me and even more so with the confinement that we all went through with this problem of the pandemic, greetings to all and until next.

Happy birthday to your home town and your home town is beautiful.🥂
That seems very festive! I would like to suggest that visiting experiences would better suited to pinmapple and you can pin the exact location of the fair through pinmapple websites too. you can check out the community here and also the rules :https://peakd.com/c/hive-163772/created.
ooh!! I didn't know about that community, thanks for the suggestions, I don't usually go out much so I don't usually have this type of publication in mind.
Thank you.
I don't quite understand the cross post rule, can't I cross post with this post to that community?
I should make the post originally in the community, right?
You can crosspost any post to OCD. So it's fine if you post in other communities and then crosspost it to OCD for extra exposure that you may need. Keep in mind though, always find communities that suits your content before posting it on OCD.
I understand, thanks for the suggestion, I had stopped posting on hive months ago for reasons of force majeure so I didn't have the time to investigate much about it.
I hope you're fine now :) have a lovely Sunday.