In Russia we have no schisophrenic divides between freedom and liberty. It's only one word for these - "СВОБОДА". To be free you must have: will + power + knowledge + resources to do what you want. Freedom in the world is at maximum when everyone have equal will, power, knowledge and resources to do what they want without oppression from more powerful ones, so no one can subject other bu utilizing brute force, information inequality or wealth gap.
IRL we have inequalities and can't get rid of them practically. But we can make people immune to some abuses: you cannot "kill infidel" if he is anonymous. Even if you are stronger. With anonymity, weak one can speak loudly and be not afraid of a brutality from a strong one. So anonymity = freedom. Likewise you can't start a downvote war if there is no such thing as a downvote. Rich one can't hurt a poor one for a dare of speeking something that rich one don't like. So elimination of downvotes = freedom. Freedom is allways good if it's freedom for all equally. So if there is no one with a power to downvote, it's benefitial for ecosystem. Invincibility is freedom. Freedom for all is good. Give us all invincibility from a power hungry, censoring, wannabie dictators. And then they can be free to say and do what they whant. I don't mind as long as evil people are harmless, let them be free to be as evil as they want.
To get a free society you must discourage attempts of people to attack and subdue other people. Downovotes is a weapon of destruction, and a tool for agression. Don't listen those who preaches: "I beat your for your own safety". It's what a states saying to get your liberty form you. It's a downwards chain of command with powerful on top and us on the bottom. Aggression makes HIVE worse. We do not need it.