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RE: My thoughts on Voice; a Steemian's perspective!

in OCD5 years ago

I like to think I'm one of the good ones ;) LoL. But don't we all?

I disagree with the ideal that criminals would run rampant if there was no law, that is something we are indoctrinated to believe from a very young age. That is done on purpose so we crave governments and "security."

What about the "wild wild west"? Or the mid-evil times? There was no law and people still survived and created lives for themselves. They built communities to help protect each other, they didn't need a governing body.

Walking down the streets, often what's stopping that guy you've just walked past from smashing your head in and taking your stuff, is the law and consequences :/

So you're saying people are only good out of fear? That without government everyone would just kill eachother? That we can't take care of ourselves without a governing body? That's simply not true. There are criminals and bad shit that happens now in a society, so what has changed? Nothing.

In all honesty its much worse because governments create wars, drop bombs and fire missiles at innocent people. They kill and harm far more people than any criminals or thugs ever could. So how is it better? Because it's under the guise of "safety, security or freedom"???

The truth is the system we live in (the matrix) creates fear so they can control people. It pushes greed. It divides us. It teaches us that money is more important than people and it keeps us at odds with each other on everything it can so we are weak as a whole. This system is not for humanities benefit, only for control.... I personally can't be supportive of a system like that.

But that's just one hippie's OPINION, so we may have to agree to disagree ;) Sorry this got so long and I promise I wasn't trying to come off as a dick, only trying to express my views. Take care friend :0)


"So you're saying people are only good out of fear? "


Fear of your parents, police, government and God

By the way, "Government" is made of people, who are inherently evil. When the government itself gets too powerful and isn't accountable to anyone, they immediately do bad things like said killings and bombings you mentioned. They pillage funds and make corrupt choices.

The wild-wild-wild west era and medieval times were terrible times!! haha. People bonded together in clans in order to protect themselves from evil outsiders. It's where tribes, and society, really come from - protection from those outside that group. It's a self preservation measure.

So you're telling me that if all laws were gone then tomorrow you would go out to rape and pillage? You would steal and harm innocent people? Of course you wouldn't because you have morals (or at least I assume most people do).

You wouldn't stand up for injustices that you saw? You wouldn't help someone who is being beaten or robbed? You wouldn't help to create a community?

Why do you think the wild wild west times were bad? Because of history books (more propaganda). Many people liked it the way it was, with no laws. I know I would've. Sure the medieval times were probably a bad reference, but what I'm saying is any kind of ruling class is terrible, whether it be oligarchies, governments or anything in between.. The whole system is fucked.

So you're telling me that if all laws were gone then tomorrow you would go out to rape and pillage?

I wouldn't. God is watching me apparently. Also I'm quite wealthy in those two departments already. I'd be the one guarding my stuff, and sisters, from the mob.

You wouldn't stand up for injustices that you saw? You wouldn't help someone who is being beaten or robbed? You wouldn't help to create a community?

Probably not. I'd be too busy trying to get away from the situation and hide from the mob. If there truly were zero consequences for those people, I'd be next on the beat up/kill list. Those people being beaten wouldn't stand up for me either haha.

Why do you think the wild wild west times were bad? Because of history books (more propaganda). Many people liked it the way it was, with no laws.

Depends on who you are doesn't it? If you were a native American ("Indian"), or an African American at the time, I bet you wouldn't like it so much. I'm sure life was good for the young, strong white cowboy who could ride into anywhere and take whatever he wanted without consequence.

The whole system is fucked.

This I agree with 100% :)

LoL, I'm loving the replies... and our conversation to be honest.. It's always nice to hear other people's opinions and perspectives on things, especially if they aren't getting upset or offended.. Thank you for being so awesome! It's been a while since I could have a good, fun conversation with someone not getting pissed off.. I feel like people are loosing the skill of conversation and it's incredibly sad.. I understand we are on opposite ends of this spectrum on nearly everything except this system is fucked, but that is mainly my point so I guess in the end we are on the same page in the end, and thats all that really matters.. Take Care Friend :0)

You too.
Yeah, people have forgotten that it's perfectly normal to be on different sides of an issue. Yin-yang, is how the universe is. Peace :)

agreed, unfortunately most people just don't realize that shit.. Thanks again for being so cool, it really makes me believe in humanity that much more ;)

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle of your two extremes, and are a bit context dependent (looking at it now is different than accounting for time passing/ evolution occurring), but I can say one thing with an ample amount of confidence: a forced schedule of shroom ingestion for all members of society would swing things sharply in the direction of @moderndayhippie s vision of how "lawlessness" would look.

The more the collective consciousness of humanity is focused to ego, the more potential there is for self-sabatoge at the mass scale. To broaden that awareness to include the insight of the true connectedness of all things matter is to severely lessen the likelihood of valuing the state of one's organism over the health of the colony and the nearly infinite line of dominoes that extend out from it in countless directions.

The beauty of seeing nature from that perspective is enough to cure most "evil", in and of itself, if my own experience(s) with this are anywhere in the ballpark of how the average individual's "journey" would unfold. Whatever evil survives it would almost certainly be met with a more intelligent and compassionate response than any of us are used to witnessing "in the real world" that we know today.

Hi @moderndayhippie

I've noticed that that we're both playing Holybread. What's your impression so far?

I play as @project.hope and so far I found this game quite entertaining. Perhaps it will get boring soon, but right now it's still loads of fun :)
