It is a great job you are doing. The truth, the effort that the users have to make a post, the time they dedicate, and every single thing, has a unique value. Okay, they won't always be rewarded with a monetary value, but the appreciation of the public has a much more unique and special value to the artist. I've noticed that there are publications that are not at all appreciated, and they are very good, on the other hand, other publications are quite appreciated and don't exactly have an effort on the part of the publisher. I don't want to say that they are false accounts, but in hive we should value enough the appreciation of the effort that some people exert. In my short time (although I don't have much voting power), I have tried to encourage those people to keep sharing, I comment on them, and I value their art a lot. In the same way those people return my affection, that is why I love hive, it is a mutual support, and I know that as in everything, the monetary valuation must influence a lot but, the truth, for an artist the money only serves to subsist, the most valuable thing is the appreciation of the people in their art. Thanks for your attention :3
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