Is Tunnel Vision Guiding Your Journey?

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

Do you get #tunnelvision when it comes to various areas of your life?

It could be with your business or career.

Or perhaps in your relationships with loved ones and friends.

It can even affect the perception of who you think you are.

I took this photo last night because I have tunnel vision when it comes to walking under the fishing pier. I must take a photo every time I am here, lol.

Tunnel vision isn't always a bad thing as it can maintain focus on a task at hand. But when it comes to the big picture, this tendency limits the experiences we have.

If you zoomed in on the photo it looks like a walled tunnel over water with light at the end. Zoomed out, we can see that the wall is really just posts and we can freely move in and around them.

Using this analogy to view the big picture of where you are headed in life the posts correlate to the big events you have experienced in the past. These can be both joyous and traumatic events.

They form a pattern in our mind and when we look ahead we predict these patterns to continue and from the current perspective the future is limited to a narrow window of what is possible.

No matter what we dream of for the future, we continue to walk inside the piers, even though these dreams require us to step outside of them.

This goes on forever. Unlike the photo, which has a finite end, our conscious mind will project these posts infinitely into the future.

If you truly desire to realize your dreams, you are going to have to step outside of these posts and seek the path that is going to take you there because the tunnel doesn't lead there.

The tunnel only takes you along a repetitive path that has you experiencing similar pains and joys to those you had in the past.

I walked that tunnel much of my life. Severe depression was the result of childhood traumas of abandonment and neglect.

I read books, talked with therapists and doctors, and kept chasing dreams, yet the tunnel kept extending itself. The experiences stayed the same.

It wasn't until I raised my awareness to what was keeping me in this tunnel and made the changes required to escape the repetitive journey and began to walk my path with purpose.

Now I live a life of Wow! I'm grateful for every moment, every breath, every joy and every pain. I'm especially grateful for the pains as they are the opportunities to tear down the tunnel walls. I let them go and the future is brighter and clearer.

It is my purpose to help others go from just surviving as they traverse their own tunnels to a life of Wow!

I hope you found this helpful and I'm grateful you read. Let me know if this resonates with you.


I find it helpful and I'm also glad you have been able to find a way out of the situation, improve your life and be happy. It is not a small thing, it is actually life saving.

It is my purpose to help others go from just surviving as they traverse their own tunnels to a life of Wow!

This is excellent news and I suggest you use Self Improvement community for this type of posts to reach the right audience.

We have different communities on Hive and we're encouraging users to post in the right community based on the topic of the post. OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community.

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide. I also put together a list of communities, which is not complete, there are much more communities on Hive, but it will help you get started.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse! Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.