I know this pain. Did something similar near the end of last year. Over 300 removed after carefully checking in on each one; then being flooded with memories. Some were inactive for four years. Quite a few were low rep noobs I followed most likely after they visited my space, seemed interesting and excited, made a few posts but I guess weren't interested in grinding to get ahead like so many of us were doing, then faded away. I saw how some got duped by the shit talkers and negative types, misled to believe the platform was destined for failure, so out the door they went. What bugs me there is some of those shit talkers and negative types are still around doing it, but that's a story for another day.
Thanks for the mention. I too have taken a lot of breaks over the years though, but I made it clear to those who know me best I will always return. Interestingly enough, every single time I've returned, I picked up damn near right where I left off. I think some fear their return would be a challenging experience that puts them at the bottom and makes them start all over again, so that bit of worry would make returning even more challenging and not so appealing. But really, all one has to do is show up.
And it's too bad those who feel creating content is no longer for them don't stick around to consume, since that's the most important role to play, yet having a whole bunch of butts in the seats simply here to enjoy the content and personalities is what's always been missing. Stage is full, seats are empty.
Do you had to unfollow and remove over 300 peeps from your list and The Nomad Soul around 400?
Sheesh! then I just think you two were following too many wrong people. LoL };)
And in the same breath people who talk like you just did will say people like me do nothing but care about themselves and their few close friends.
But you can relax. I know you're just being silly. Can't force people to stay and my one vote 10 times per day can only go so far. In reality when it comes to content creation, most struggle to get noticed. That's why there are some Youtube channels with more videos than views on all those videos combined. It's a tough gig, everywhere. The one picking up the guitar for the first time isn't playing stadiums for a reason, and it's not because the platform is broken (though it would help tremendously if consumer perks were marketed and the seats began to fill up).
Yeah I agree, the platform is not broken. I'm just pointing out that perhaps the two of you had a greater diversity of interests, people and topics to pursue, follow & consume in tha blockchain than average joes. And hence the extreme tiring cleanliness by what you have to go from time to time. That's all.
I'm sure my taste is unique; but that's no different than anyone else. Years ago I used to mock people for taking pictures of their food and sharing on social media. I didn't understand it. But then something catches my eye here, and suddenly realize how much work actually goes in to some of these foodie posts. So maybe I didn't like the amateurs on social media, but the professionals on a content platform is a whole different story. But that still doesn't mean suddenly I'm supporting every damn foodie post. Things simply catch my eye.
Something that's always bothered me is how on quite a few occasions people show up and present some from of arts/entertainment I enjoy, then that slowly fades as they start becoming obsessed with crypto, and that's all they talk about, then the entertainment is gone. So you'll keep them on list thinking someday they might have some music again or something like that, while you go look for someone else who's creating arts/entertainment and follow them.
Oh yeah! and what bothers me even more is that many of these chaps (once upon a time entertainers) suddenly start to talk about authenticity, consistency and be true to themselves & their "Art" trying so hard to convince you that they are not here just for the money and then fighting with claws and fangs to not lose your support after being clearly corrupted by it. ¡Wadda bunch of... of... of... well, you know what I mean!
Yeah! you must be happy now. There are a ton of these daily if you just dare to visit the Hot page of hive. Perhaps and even you can manage to develop an irresistible passion for also consuming and reward the growing endless avalanche of content on makeup in there. };)
Some of those makeup posts, I think I voted for a couple because they caught my eye and were artsy as fuck. I recognized the fact that young lady did a lot of work and the intention was entertainment. I mean, nobody complains when the zombies on zombie movies look like zombies because of makeup. Then I've seen some other ones that were just shit. Pure shit like she got shot with a paintball gun right between the eyes. But still, I'm an artist and know someone's going to look at my work and feel the same way, and the next one to come along thinks it's amazing.
And yes, it obvious at times some folks change their approach, and around here it's common for that change to lean more towards the crypto side of things, and the reason is the follow the money, telling people what they want to hear. But I've written about it before. If your goal is to follow the money, you will never catch it, because that wasn't part of the plan.
Yeah! just tell me more about the chaps that have been always misled by the usual slogan and old narrative of:
"I came here for the money but then stayed for the great community"
And then the yadda yadda & blahblahblah inherited by Hive and its 20 apostles from the beginning.
And ¡BOOM!
Yeah, prolly because although now the narrative & old slogan is not so public & visible, perhaps things in reality have not changed much behind the scenes.
And therefore, there has been no way that these main 20 apostles to get it into their heads that what this place actually needs are much more avid consumers willing to be paid by their consumption and not aim to lure so many opportunists and speculators with fat wallets and less commitment with the communal welfare of the platform.
So, in summary. ¿Money talks?
Crap! ¿Who Knows? just keep telling people what they want to hear and you will know.
Otherwise the opulent rewards adjusters of the chain might come up to bite your ass if you don't. };)
Sorry had to. My fingers did the walking.
Need. To. Cut. Them. Off. Penis.
Probably a good time for me to leave this discussion before whatever I'm saying is misconstrued; twisted into some form of madness.
To the fuckers and the hookers that lead them to some dark alley way to be murdered or beheaded.
Hmm I think this is the right post. Fuck must be.
I hope they rot in the dirt. The fuckers and the hookers. Not. The. Users?
No need to be a hater.
I post so slowly people welcomes me back when I have not gone lol 🤣, but yes I miss the former feedback but I feel there was a time of true bond and people scattered, and we endured "lows" So it was not the price really, then world going full dystopian was timely i guess
I'll do one post per week but sometimes can't even get that much done. Not sure if I'll ever go back to a daily grind. People do seem to be a little more excited to enjoy the work when it's a rare occurrence. Can also relax and pay a little more attention to detail when putting it all together.
I sometimes post twice a week sometimes once, sometimes beweekly, as the muses come, but this has always been this way since "old" times, current video is taking me months(while I work on other two simpler ones) and sometimes I drop some photography / folklore but even if those are less complicated posts I try they look pretty or are an interesting read. I am in a time where I should be posting everyday and be grateful for the support the community still gives me, which I am, but I simply cannot make them faster. I worked on one for world goth day and here I'm one day later, hesitant to share it, and readapting it into a new post hahah :) Not catching much sleep and fighting dystopian times.