Many times we feel distracted and lost, we feel that we cannot do the tasks we have, or that we are unable to take responsibility for something. Many reasons lead to feeling frustrated and giving up before completing tasks, including:
* Stacking too many difficult tasks in one day:
Many of us get excited at times and put in place a plan for our day that includes many big tasks and promises ourselves that we will accomplish them, so when one task needs a lot of effort and energy, the day will end without finish the rest of our plan. Here a person begins to feel frustrated and feels that he is not qualified to accomplish any task of his own.
Dear reader, the solution here is very simple. Create a monthly plan, and then divide it into four weeks, as every big task will become divided into sub-tasks, and every day you can take some points to accomplish in your day. By this, you will feel that your day is valuable even if you do not complete all the tasks, but you will feel comfortable because you still have a chance tomorrow to complete the rest of the tasks that you have to do.
* Not taking breaks:
Some people, when they are busy doing what they have, they spend long hours without taking any breaks, and this will lead in the long term to pain in the eyes and back due to bending over or standing for long hours. Hey ... do you want to kill yourself? If something happens to you, you will not be able to accomplish anything.
Therefore, you should take periods of time to sit in nature, or you can even make a cup of coffee for yourself to reward it for the effort you made, or perhaps you can refresh yourself with a hot bath to remove the effects of fatigue from your body.
* Addiction to browsing social media and delaying tasks:
Perhaps here, some will stop, and they may not like that I mentioned the problem that they suffer from and they do not confront themselves with.
Many people complain about not completing tasks due to lack of time, but they have long hours to spend in front of a smartphone screen and review news and publications that are useless. Here, this not only affects the time but also the postponement of your tasks, and some of them are important and are not likely to be postponed.
You can return to a previous post in which I talked about this point and how to find a solution to it:
* Failure to adhere to eat healthy food and do exercise:
Some people might say this point has nothing to do with the topic, but if you don't feed well then how will your mind be nourished? If you do not exercise, how will your body become flexible and well-built? Addiction to fast food will only bring you obesity, and I previously heard that "obesity is the fertile ground for all diseases", so think about it carefully .. Your health is also important so that you can continue running after your dreams and aspirations.
* Compare our capabilities and what we have achieved with others:
Every person has a specific ability with which he can accomplish his tasks. We are not equal in intellect or thinking. Therefore, do not underestimate the size of your accomplishments, no matter how much you see the accomplishments of others, reward yourself, as it deserves appreciation.
* Bad friends:
Surrounding yourself in a circle of frustrated and bad friends makes you lose your time and effort, and even sometimes you will lose confidence in yourself because of what those frustrated people say that you will not be able to accomplish anything. Go away from them and leave them behind .. Such people do not deserve to be around you when you achieve your dream.
* Inability to say "no"
Many of us are overburdened because we are too shy to say "no" to things that do not suit us, and we accept various tasks and matters because we do not want to reject a request from people close to us, even if this matter makes us upset, we do not refuse.
Learn to say no to the things you can't do ... everyone has their own life and has their own tasks.
In the end, I may find supporters or opponents of some points, but everyone has his/her experience and what I wrote is from my own experience that I summarized for you in some lines, that may be it will be a starting point for someone to change his life.

Interesantes razones las que expones acá de por qué sentirnos frustrados, y estoy de acuerdo contigo totalmente. Ahora bien, si analizamos bien estas razones, todas dependen directamente de nosotros, es decir, está en nuestras manos eliminarlas para entonces disminuir la sensación de frustración que nos pueda estar afectando. Quizás no es fácil, ya que muchas veces nuestro comportamiento obedece a patrones de crianza, pero sin duda alguna el estar conscientes de las causas de nuestra frustración puede ser de gran ayuda. Saludos y bendiciones.

@lynds @redpalestino
SO much to do so little times, it could get us frstrated too sometimes ,, that's why we need to measure priority ... Time is a gift ... Thanks.