Hello everyone!
Manual curation in Hive means a lot of work and by work, it even extends to checking the background and credibility of the author. It means countless hours spent by curators in checking not only the post but also the history and association of the author. Seasoned curators can already detect that something's amiss by just scanning the post alone. It requires instinct that is honed by months and even years of curating content.
OCD has been at the forefront of manual curation that ROI is sometimes sacrificed for the sake of upvoting worthy content. In the spirit of transparency and accountability, which OCD has been trying to uphold since its conception, we have made this post to serve as a reference for authors, delegators, followers of OCD trail, and to everyone who are curious as to how OCD works.
In this post, we will lay down all the inner workings of OCD curation. This will help new authors to get acquainted with all the curation initiatives that OCD has been maintaining to upvote a wide range of content. For those who take the time to know how OCD works properly, you might have an easier time being seen or noticed. Just provide quality and original content you'll be considered for more curation support.
Alright! Let's start with OCD's first and oldest curation initiative, the OCD Daily:
1. OCD Daily

At the time of this writing, OCD Daily is at its 759th Issue. That's how long OCD has been striving to showcase undervalued posts and help provide an audience to users who put in extra effort in creating original content.
A curator will find a post typically from new users and submit that post to the OCD team for scrutiny. Scrutiny is by means of voting from all involved curators. This is different from Hive votes. Voting within the curators usually happens within 24 hours and then the curator votes are tallied. The posts with the most votes are included in the compilation post. The post with the highest number of votes will become the top nomination of the day. The voting period (24 hours) is also the time to discuss each nomination and what makes the nomination worthy of an upvote or not.
To reward and highlight undervalued gems provided by relatively new users and to get those users acquainted with different niche communities supported by OCD under its Community Incubation Program.
Curation Rules:
These are the rules that serve as a guide to curators during the curation process of OCD Daily.
(1) Find a post that's considered 'high quality'*. Then ask the question: Is this post under-rewarded**? If yes, then determine if the user is relatively new*** in Hive. If the user is relatively new, then you have a post to curate.
(2) Pick posts that are not too old. A remaining voting window of 36 to 48 hours is ideal to give ample time for deliberation and voting of the post.
(3) No nomination of fellow OCD curator.
(4) Make sure that there's no plagiarism in the post.
(5) The same author cannot nominate the same author within one (1) month whether or not the author is included in the compilation post.
(6) If the author was included in the compilation post, that author cannot be nominated for one (1) month. If the author was nominated, but not included in the compilation post, other curators can nominate the author after two (2) weeks.
(7) No politics, no religious posts, and no crypto-related posts.
(8) No NSFW or low-quality content.
(9) If the post is a repost, skip it.
(10) If a nominated post is found to be plagiarized, raise the attention of other curators.
(11) An OCD curator is expected to be active. Not active for more than a week without prior reason being given for the inactivity or there's no good excuse when they get back is considered as not having an interest as a curator and will lead to possible removal from the team.
* Although quality is subjective, it's easy to identify effort in a post.
** Under rewarded means below $10 as pending payout, but the value is not fixed, it's just a loose guide for curators. Common sense and curator judgment is the ultimate guide to determine which posts are under-rewarded and which are not.
*** Relatively new is again depending on the curator's judgment. Sometimes reputation is used, but it's usually the length of time that the user has been on Hive and if he/she has been earning decent rewards.
2. Communities Under the Incubation Program

OCD started to be a community of its own. Because of its working curation, many users started to post in OCD and other similar general communities regardless of the type of content. This was good at first, but eventually posed a problem with content management. OCD became a jumbled mess because users are competing for attention in a community with no specific topic while the niche communities became a ghost town. To mitigate the problem, it was decided to abandon the curation within the OCD community.
OCD then collaborated with community leaders in different niche communities so that users are encouraged to post in appropriate communities. It turned out to be the best decision OCD has made because niche communities under the incubation program are continuously growing. There are still users who post in OCD especially for those posts that don't belong to any community, but OCD's curation is no longer focused there except the OCD Daily.
If there's a new, unique, and genre-specific community that has the potential to raise a lot of activity, provided that the community has no existing similar community within the incubation program, the leader of that community can apply for OCD's incubation. You can apply by writing the application in the comment section of the OCD Communities Incubation Program Update or by contacting us on Discord through the #community-incubation channel.
Community Leader role and a special channel that is specific for the community will be created. The community leader can start curating posts in their community by dropping the links of the post on their special channel.
Discussions within OCD will then commence tackling the merits of adding the community to the incubation program. The final decision rests on @acidyo whether or not the community is accepted or not. The leader of the accepted community will then be given a
To support communities, help them grow, and allow users to find the right community spaces to interact with like-minded individuals. Users then gain through the focused curation done by community leaders.
The community incubation also rewards community leaders, curators, and moderators who are involved in the community by voting their curation reports if they choose to do them. This is fundamentally due to the lack of more options for communities to raise funds and be incentivized for their efforts and work. Community leaders can choose to reward their partners and collaborators by setting beneficiary rewards, raise funds by using reward.app to liquidate part of the post rewards that can be used for tipping within the community. Tipping either on posts that are not good enough for OCD nomination or to reward users who have good engagement in the community has been made easy in peakd front-end.
To further support communities, OCD also delegates to the community curation accounts depending on their number of subscribers and encourages others to delegate as well through our weekly incubation reports where all of the community accounts are listed.
Curation Rules:
(1) Community leaders will choose posts within their community and drop the links of those posts in their specific channel in Discord.
(2) It is expected that community leaders are competent enough to discern quality content in their own niche.
(3) Voting is usually done within a day or a day after.
(4) Voting strength or percentage depends on @acidyo's discretion, although some community leaders opted to recommend a voting strength.
(5) While not mandatory, community leaders are encouraged to have curation reports that will serve as a reward mechanism for their efforts. Curation reports are also upvoted by OCD. Part of the rewards will be used for community engagement such as contest prizes or tips while the rest goes to the community leaders.
(1) The arrangement between OCD and the communities under the program is merely a partnership or collaboration with the ultimate goal of helping the community grow. Community leaders are not doing the curation for OCD. OCD is just accelerating the growth of the community by adding more incentive for users to post and engage in that community.
(2) Community leaders are given all the liberty on how to run their community.
(3) Collaborations can be terminated anytime, but with proper notice and reasons will be provided including but not limited to: (1) community is large enough to maintain its growth and engagement, (2) community leader is proven to be abusing its privileges as a community leader, and (3) community leader is inactive or not able to manage their community.
3. OCD Contests

Contests have been proven to drive up engagement and increase subscriptions in the community. Since OCD is at the forefront of supporting different niche communities, OCD is now facilitating weekly contests.
To further help communities by highlighting a specific community under the incubation program for a week.
Curation Rules:
(1) Curation efforts from other communities will carry on while the community that is highlighted in the contest will have the privilege to curate all the posts that qualify in the contest.
(2) This is basically a community boost contest because other communities have certain limits on how many posts are curated per day, but the highlighted community can drop as many posts as they can within the contest period.
(3) All the rewards of the contest post will be used as prizes for the Top 5 winners chosen by the community leader.
(4) Users are required to subscribe to the highlighted community if they wish to be qualified for the contest.
(5) They are then required to post in that community.
(6) Entries of the contest should be replied to the contest post for easier curation.
(7) All qualified contest entries will be upvoted by OCD. However, plagiarism attempts and other forms of abuse will be dealt with accordingly.
(1) Community leaders within the highlighted community are barred from winning the contest. While they are not stopped from joining the contest, they should not be allowed to win to give chance to other users.
(2) For the distribution of rewards, community leaders are discouraged to choose winners from previous contests.
4. PoSH Curation

PoSH Curation is considered as a community in itself within OCD. This is in line with the posh token distribution. Sharing your posts on Twitter will not only increase your chance of getting curated through PoSH curation but will also let you earn posh tokens. The number of tokens earned is proportional to the engagements of the tweet (likes and retweets). While the PoSH token has no value yet, future plans about the token have been shared by this this post. You can find more about the token on the website, as well as information on how many others are registered and are sharing Hive links daily. Instructions on how to register can also be found on the website. Supplemental information about the registration can be found in this post.
All posts that are shared on Twitter and Reddit are promoting Hive.
To incentivize users to share their posts on Twitter and Reddit.
Curation Rules:
(1) Posts must be shared to Twitter or Reddit and the link must be shared to the designated channel in OCD Discord server.
(2) Posts must be of quality.
(3) Make sure that the tag usage is appropriate. Relevant tags should be included. For example: If your post is about photography, #photography must be in one of the tags.
(4) Author is encouraged to engage in OCD Discord and not just drop their POSH links there. Engagement is also considered in the curation.
(1) Sneaky attempts to get curated such as sharing the same post link again and again will result in getting banned in OCD Discord server.
(2) Quality is very subjective, but the curators are trying their best to spread the upvote to a wide range of content.
(3) Curation will happen a day to 3 days after the post. This will give way for communities to upvote the content.
(4) POSH curation serves as a sweeping curation. This will enable deserving posts to be curated.
(5) Technically speaking, all posts that are shared on Twitter should be rewarded, but because voting power is limited, it's also limited to quality content based on curators' discretion.
5. Other Niche Communities Curation Support

This is an extension to the communities incubation program but on a different premise.
Different communities are existing outside the incubation program and those communities also deserve to grow, so curation effort that will highlight those communities will go a long way.
To encourage users to post in appropriate communities and to promote different communities outside the incubation program.
Curation Rules:
(1) OCD Curators and Community Leaders are to find under-rewarded but quality posts from communities outside the incubation program.
(2) Posts must not be from OCD or the author's blog. They should be posted in a niche community.
(3) They will then drop the links in #other-niche-comms channel. This is a special channel for this curation initiative.
(4) They are then evaluated if they're from a niche community or not. They will be rejected if they are posted in a general community or not posted in an appropriate community.
(5) To prevent monopoly of nominations, a limit of 5 nominations per curator/community leader per day is imposed. Those 5 nominations per curator must be from different communities to encourage curators in finding lesser-known communities.
(6) A compilation post will highlight the author and the community where the post is located.
(1) Curators and community leaders must engage with their nominated authors especially in the comments of the compilation posts.
(2) Unlike in the communities under the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out.
6. Love Sniper Intro Post Curation

This is the newest curation initiative of OCD. A bot that was created by @rishi556 will scour the blockchain for the first posts created by new authors. OCD curators are then tasked to evaluate the post for curation.
An introduction post serves as the first impression both on the author and on the community. Getting to know the author and rewarding them in their introduction post will increase user retention and engagement.
To promote and reward introduction posts in Hive.
Curation Rules:
(1) Once a first post is created by the new user, the bot will notify the curators through a special channel in OCD Discord.
(2) The curator will evaluate the post. If it's not an intro post, the curator will drop a comment to encourage and guide the author to make an introduction post. If it's an intro post, the curator will also drop a comment that welcomes and congratulates the new author.
(3) The introduction post will then evaluated if it's worthy of an upvote.
(4) Once deemed worthy of an upvote, it will be dropped in a separate channel for the compilation post.
(5) Those intro posts that ended up in the compilation posts will be upvoted.
(1) This is the least strict of all curation initiatives because we believe we shouldn't judge the newbies in their introduction posts. However, not all introduction posts are to be curated, depending on the curator's discretion.
(2) Curated intro posts should be written in English or bilingual only.
(3) While this is a very lenient curation, intro posts should be decent enough that eliminates the doubt of sockpuppet accounts or possible attempts of abuse.
All OCD curation initiatives are done manually and they all require time and effort from the curators. OCD got those efforts of curators covered by doing compilation posts that set the curators as beneficiaries. The rewards from the compilation posts serve as compensation to the curators who worked tirelessly in making sure that deserving authors are rewarded. Having compilation posts is also important for authors and posts that may be overlooked by other stakeholders. Curation projects having compilation posts also keep the retention high because it makes the author feel seen and even drives engagement.
If you have been upvoted by @ocd and/or @ocdb, it's not by accident. That means a curator has reviewed your post and liked it enough to have submitted it for curation.
While OCD has been doing its best to reward content creators, they must realize how important it is to participate socially on the chain. Just creating content and then wait for OCD and other curation initiatives to upvote it is not sustainable and efficient. Don't just post content, go away to create another post, and then come back to post another while expecting the previous one to be upvoted. Engage with the people who are leaving comments to your posts and do the same to other content creators (means you also have to leave thoughtful comments to others' posts). There are also other ways of contributing to the ecosystem other than just posting.
Let this be clear: If there are two equally great content and we will only choose one to upvote, OCD will always favour that content from the more active author. This is because the author who is more active and involved socially on the chain is more likely legit and not just a sockpuppet. Also, great content exists everywhere on the internet and anyone can create it with enough effort. The key difference is that content on the internet is not rewarded the same way as on Hive. Always remember that here on Hive, some people are actively looking to reward great content. Some have already even made this their full-time job.
We value a lot more on the content that is produced by users who have an active history on Hive than those just sharing their content and not being as invested either by stake or activity.
You gals and guys do great work.
Question: Does looking into the history of staking/selling the hive/HBD earned weigh in to repeated votes?
I would think we would want to encourage those using hive and staking / curating themselves and engaging to take the highest priority?
Of course we're just human so saying we don't look at that at all and that it may not effect our decisions might be a lie, but we do try to curate according to effort, contributions in other ways (such as being active and engaging outside of just your own posts) and in general what kind of content you produce consistently and if there's a want for your content (if others enjoy commenting on your posts after having read them).
Judging someone based on their sells may come into effect if it's a long term trend, we all have needs and Hive can help a lot of people in need if they use it well. There should be plenty of investors and outside money coming in to take their Hive they may be selling, at the same time if they sell when prices are low or before another run up I'm sure they'll regret it more than we do. I like to think that judging people based only off of if they're selling or holding is kind of similar as judging posts based on where the author is from and what vote should be given depending on their average salaries in such a country. It feels wrong and weird, this platform is a great example of bridging those gaps where anyone from anywhere can get equal treatment and rewards based on their contributions and loyalty and activity to Hive.
Thanks for all the work you do and support you have given.
Thanks for your amazing original content you bring to Hive!
You are welcome. Very exciting news-- @jarvie and I are bringing back @photogames and have made it a community- c/Photogames. Soon (next week) there will be a lot more interaction and great content.
Nice! Looking forward to it! Maybe you can do a collab with photography lovers community down the line as well and OCD can help curating participants!
Thanks! That is definitely something to look into for the future. We are hopeful with all the new abilities on PeakD and in communities that it will be a great season 3 of Photogames!
I salute the work all of you do for the community and really appreciate this post explaining how the curation is done.
OCD has helped and encouraged me tremendously over the years, and I really am thankful for that.
I started the Hive Silver Bloggers Community and applied for support but understand that takes time.
However, the #other-niche-comms channel seems to be missing in discord? I've had a couple of really good undervalued blogs in the Silvers community and besides adding it to Twitter or reblogging, I'm unable to highlight them here on Hive.
Please advise on that channel, thank you🤔
Wow. Kudos to OCD team for their work here with the advice given towards content creation and engagement. Definitely sure, it's not easy checking out the background of numerous authors before voting in order to know if it's a fishing account.
Thanks for sharing how curation works here.
I had to translate it into Spanish to understand and I was fascinated by your guide, they have given me your vote on several occasions and I am very grateful😊
I think that people have every right to post those too, and get rewarded for it. There is freedom of speech, no censorship.
These (and any other legal, original) contents should not be excluded from curation in my opinion.
Then what does below $1 means? Because no matter what I do, what I post, what I write about, most of my posts usually earn much less than $1. Most of the few exceptions are boosted either by me, or by someone else.
You have every right to publish anything you want in Hive, just as any curator has every right to set their own curation rules. Invest in Hive, become a curator, and set your own rules. Complete freedom, no censorship. 🙂
The simple answer is just making your own curation group, buy stake and setup the curation criteria just as how you want to run it, thus has been done by other curation groups and ocd isn't the only one you'd try to fish for votes.
The second part sounds like crying for an audience. Earn it and make content that grabs who you're writing for, you know, like a real content creator, or just make a lot of friends to scratch your back and make you feel good about posting.
I do not try "fish for votes", nor "crying for an audience".
I am just stating a fact based on years of personal experience. Look around.
I should have wrote the second part with a general description. Most of the Hive blockchain posts are ignored, not just/only mine. But my posts does not even count. I mostly gave up putting work and effort into my posts, because it is not worth it. People usually ignore it. And sometimes, when I write a short post, they tell me to write long posts, but when I write long posts, they tell me to write short posts, so nothing is good. With a few exceptions.
You certainly are making new records now.
Sounds exactly the kind of thinking what everyone else is doing. You're confusing scribble posting vs content creating. When someone says their content is something they worked hard on, I go look to see and then see stuff evident on why things aren't working out for the account and it's not really content alone that dictates why votes come from.
Even content creation is a targeted conscious effort to be consistent at a focus niche target. When I look at someone posting multiple interests on a single blogging account, I just see scribble posting, bunch ideas tossed here and there that aren't necessarily bad by themselves but it makes a less cohesive blog to look at as a content creator.
The hard truth is that most people aren't wired to think like content creators but rather content consumers. If you care more about the rewards and less of the comments your targeted posts are receiving, reconsider where you're lacking in effort and that's self marketing.
Thank you. Spin it. :D
Ah, okay. That completely explains the lack of interaction in general on the Hive blockchain, sometimes even on posts with more than 100 upvotes.
Oh wait, it does not.
Dunno, started using the blockchain years back and the first week was enough to tell me it's all bots running the digits. There was a feature to display how many organic views a post gained and it showed how many people are really interested in what others are posting. Take a good guess why that counter was removed.
Point is when you're making a post that isn't niche targeted your chances of getting some traction is less compared to some general feel good life is great post people still attempt once in a while.
Going to ask you a serious question, do you think of yourself as a content creator? and if so, what kind?
Probably that feature lasted less than a year. I registered on the Steem blockchain on 2017.05.17, but I have not even heard about that feature.
My "good guess" would be "to make this thing business based".
Yes. The kind, who nowadays post random content. What I like (or what comes in my mind) at the moment. I have tried to post specific content in the past, but that did not went well. Nowadays not much people are interested in amateur radio. That is one of my hobbies.
Why are you equating censorship with exclusion from curation? Those are two different things.
I don't understand what's the point of bringing this up. What are you trying to get across?
I would call that curation censorship. At least heavily discouraging certain types of content. We know that the upvotes are affecting the visibility of the posts on this platform. Less upvotes means less visibility. And besides less mood to post those kinds of content.
The fact that most people (including me) earning cents with their posts.
Many people would be happy for a $1 payout on their posts, let alone $10.
A pending payout on a post close to $10 is actually very good. Many people do not earn that much in a week.
It's not curation censorship it's the curator's discretion. Those aforementioned topics can be divisive and contentious. Rewarding one view on any of those topics could be seen as supporting from bias. To avoid any conflicts of interest it makes sense to support and foster the niche communities and topics that are being supported.
Curation is a choice just like posting is a choice. I was in the position you mentioned making cents per post. I started back in 2017 and i never complained about not getting exposure or traction... i just kept plugging away with a focus on the topics that interested me. I definitely never told others how to curate and what would be appropriate for them to do with their own stake in the blockchain.
If it's not worth the time or effort to put forth in your own posting then why is it important to criticize one of the biggest initiatives on the platform that rewards smaller accounts for their time and effort? There is literally a whole team of curators that scavenge this blockchain for undervalued and quality posts.
OCD has been one of the biggest supporters of fledgling communities and accounts. I curate more than two different incubation communities and countless accounts have been rewarded and growth has been fostered within those communities adding value to the whole platform. My own posting has suffered because of the time i spend to help find and encourage newer users. I believe the time and effort is worth it even at my own expense!
I guess we can all be entitled to our own opinions based on our own personal experiences. I wish you all the best, rather it's here or somewhere else.
This is mutual. I registered on the Steem blockchain on 2017.05.17.
I said it is not worth it, because people usually ignore them.
Putting hours or work into a post just/only to earn a few cents and no (or only a few) comments is not worth it.
And since English is not my native language, what more, it is far from it (my native language is Hungarian, which is not even Indo-European, like English), I put double work and effort almost into anything on this platform. Just try to understand and write a Hungarian sentence. And if you feel that the challenge is easy for some reason, then try it with the Old Hungarian alphabet (traditionally written from right to left), not with the latin alphabet.
Isn't that part of content creation? not being guaranteed that you'd get positive, negative or no reception? Seems like you're not really using that time and effort effectively if that's the results you're yielding. And what's with the language challenge? I'm sure your native language has it's own set of rules for communication but isn't that argument a little bit off the mark when some people that thrive on the platform aren't even native English speakers?
Positive reception: Fine.
Negative reception: Also fine.
Even neutral reception is fine.
No reception: Not fine.
Content creation on a social network is supposed to get some kind of reaction. That is why social.
If I want to write for myself, I open up some kind of text editor program. Or simply get a pencil and paper.
They have a lot of money. I do not.
I have multiple disabilities, and a low (approximately $250 USD per month), pension like income, which is less even that the minimum wage (approximately $550 USD per month).
I commend you for having such a command of English being a second or more language for you. Hungarian is extremely difficult. I think you do quite well in expressing yourself in English.
My encouragement to you would be to take time to put as much effort into your posts as you do your comments. Share photos that are in focus and maybe post less but with more effort and quality. In many cases, less is more.
Topically, not everyone will be interested in the same things as you are. But if you find a community that is and your content is relative you will probably find more success with that approach.
As you know, the text editor is much better now that we don't have to code our posts. In my opinion, something is better than nothing. To get something for Any effort is a much better prospect than doing it somewhere else for free.
My advice to you, not that you asked for it, would be to take some time to reaccess your approach and modify your posts accordingly moving forward. You have a decent following and i do know that if you powered up your rewards more often your vote would be worth much more.
I am sure that you have been around long enough to know what works for others. Success is something that can be adopted into your own strategies. I do wish you all the best!
Thank you for your encouragement and for the suggestions, but I must mention the fact that most of my followers are inactive nowadays. They left the platform long months/years ago. And gaining new followers feels like close to impossible, despite constantly/regularly interacting with others. Probably I am not wrong, if I say that being on the 16th position in the engagement league is not that bad.
I give you some !PIZZA for the good conversation.
When did you say it's not worth it? I got curious and checked your posts. I'm just wondering, if you're a curator, would you upvote your posts over others'? What makes your post special that people should care?
I'm not belittling your posts. I hope that should be clear. I mean that as a content creator, if you consider yourself to be one, you should think about your intended audience. Else, if you just want to share your mundane day-to-day life, don't expect people to care because their lives are already mundane as they are.
The reward pool and people's voting power are limited resources. You can't expect people to vote anyone and everyone's posts. So it will always be a competition. That's how a meritocratic system works. You are not censored or barred to post anything that you want to share. Just don't expect people to care about you or your posts. Don't mix things up.
Every upvote, tip, or comment is freely given. And you should be grateful if you receive them. Just don't be entitled and expect them. It's always a curator's discretion to recommend posts for an upvote. That's why you need to definitely determine if your post is worthy of an upvote or not.
I stopped self-upvoting long time ago, so no, I would not upvote my posts. I support others.
What makes other people's posts special? A joke, a good (or even a bad) photo, an interesting story or fact, a discussion, or even a viewpoint, an opinion. It could be literally anything. It is totally random.
When I get them, I am happy and grateful. But the comments are so rare (not just/only on my posts, but in general) that it is discouraging and disappointing.
There are plenty of other curation projects out there that will support the content that OCD chooses not too.
If you want to earn you need to find an audience. That can be in a community or you go out looking for them. There must be people who share your interests. Search and tags may be ways to find them. I would not try to rely on a curation project finding your posts. Getting more followers and responses to your posts can be the start of something. Try to make it fun if you can.
There's plenty of stakeholders or other curators that may look for such genre, we don't. How is that something to become argumentative about?
I confirm reading this.
Hi, how do I delete my account?
This is too complicated for me. I tried posting a blog, and it wouldn't let me. I thought this would be a better platform for me to use, but it won't let me post and blog stuff. So I don't want to be on here, I want a platform that I can post to at anytime without any restrictions. Obviously this isn't it.
Hive: A Complete Beginner's Guide (With Fun Doodles):
Part I
Part II
p.s. You can't delete your account. Now it's in the blockchain forever. With giftgiver, I added some HP to your account, now you can get a little more.
Hi @regusreubens , I hope your Hive experience is improving.
Every user on Hive requires 'Resource Credits' in order to post. This prevents spambots for abusing it. To get your resource credits:
Now you'll be able to post more. If your posting runs out, you can keep doing this once per hour. It's explained further in the 2-part guide Alexander linked above.
Thanks for linking my guide, @alexanderfluke , hopefully it helps people! 🙏
You've done a great job. 👍 👍 👍
I (and most of the people) have other problems.
We are able to post, but almost (or sometimes literally) no one cares, so it is not worth to post.
How do you mean "restriction"
This was very well explained, very descriptive. I will have to put this one to my bookmarks.
I believe transparency is a very important way to carry out any activity successfully.
People have different interests. I write on many topics that are close to me. From travel, to flying a drone, mushrooms, nature, kitchen and cooking - what's wrong with that? Should I be monothematic?
Where is this coming from?
@federicoelniche Aquí puedes aprender a como OCD elige el contenido, espero te sirva! 🤠
Days ago I wrote this "cheers" post having you in mind, glad to read this one now.
I have wondered why I never see any upvotes from OCDB/OCD in politics/news/informationwar/deepdives/conspiracy/corruption tags.
Why choose not to do these topics though? I would think Crypto is a fine thing to post about and get upvoted on as that's usually fairly neutral. There are some really great posts in these topics.
Due to controversy.
Couldn't resist replying with this song :)
Lol! My daughter's often playing this.
OCD already gets enough controversy as it is. They'd be accused of discrimination as well if they started voting on religious and political things. At one point crypto (and that blockchain) posts were the only thing in trending and there were a lot complaints that it gave the impression that was the only thing you could earn anything writing about; hence avoiding them and trying to cover more genres.
Thank you, your post is very helpful for me. Many things are clear for me now. Quality contents and persistence are keys to survive in hive and no political, no religious conflict.
Thank you for sharing such valuable information. You guys are a great example for the entire community.
Thanks for all your work, OCD team. It should not be easy to evaluate so many publications. Congrats ❤️.
Thanks for your effort to motivate new users to improve our content and value our time, I just beginning like writer and I want learning with each step here, thanks for your support.
Many thanks for existing!
I didn't know what OCD really was until a small time ago, even though I've been curated through @skatehive some while ago.
Really happy to learn more about this and become part of the crypto revolution.
Once again, thanks ! <3
I love what you guys do! Keep up the great work. Curating manually must feel like a never ending job as posts are being made constantly, and sometimes under-rated posts just never see light of day. But thanks to you guys that happens much less.
Thank you guys for putting in effort to grow smaller people and guiding the next wave of "content creators". What the OCD team strives to do is just amazing work.
This is a great guide to understanding the upvotes given by the team, and I have learned a ton myself. I will be keeping this post handy for any of my possible prospects that might join the platform.
Thanks for this clear guide to understand the ocd process and what is expected to participate as a curator as well as what the parameters are for those of us working to make our way on hive with quality content. I just joined the discord and followed the bread crumbs to this post, and it didn't disappoint in answering a lot of my questions!
A lot of what is explained here is exactly why I am willing to put my time into the hive platform, why i noticed ocd before the hive transformation, and why I came with you when the hostile takeover happened. I live, breathe, and raise my children with a community mindset and I am so grateful to have found a social media platform finally that connects those of us who live the path of consciousness in our daily lives, on the internet.
I'm sure I will talk with you here and there as I get my feet wet in the discord and work towards being able to dedicate enough time to curate as well as my current levels of participation on the blockchain.
Keep up the good work supporting those who support others. <3
There are 'points here on which I already have an opinion formed in the short time I have been in blockchain and yet I am not going to touch. But I want to say the following:
LoveSniper seems excellent to me. Although I could not enjoy it because it was created a few weeks after I joined, I think it supports newcomers with its introductory post. One suffers a down mood when your post gets few upvote, since the effort is quite a lot, especially when you are for the first time in a blog.
Actually I have seen that many introductory posts have a lot of upvotes and rewards and that's fine. It's motivating and keeps us from quitting in the first few weeks. However, I have also seen cases where the rewards are "huge" a few hours after publishing and when you review that supposedly new user, you find that behind him there is a group or people who are even curators in some community. I think this is extremely unfair and should be avoided.
Of course there should be advice, support, etc., I applaud that, but it should be careful to what extent the influence of these "experts" creates a disadvantage for those new users who have started by our own means in Hive, and that finding out, reading and analyzing we have made our first post and the following ones.
OCD has quite strong rules of the game, but I think it can't be otherwise: there will be many who try to win with little effort and perhaps succeed and others who, however, despite having a quality and visually attractive content will go unnoticed.
In my opinion, in curation there must be a lot of objectivity and work ethic of the person who acts as a curator at a given time, thus expanding the possibilities of visibility and development for all users.
This is my humble and inexperienced opinion.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Your OCD team has a very excruciating job night in and night out. You guys are doing a job well done despite all the sacrifices. The communities under your wings will not be like what they are now if not for your sacrifices. With that said you are helping a lot of people (like me) to stay and love Hive in return. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
Oh, wow! I never know how much work you guys and girls did. I am new to making reports, so having all this information is very useful for myself and @planetauto. I really appreciate everything you do, and thanks for putting it into black and white, for people like me.
Sure! I always take care of those who visit my blog
Good post
There were many tings I missed in my article. Hence my intro post didn't deserve the curation I think.
I have questions...?
Is it abuse if someone hide his or her personal data and not share in any discord channel?
And what are the roles for couples?
If they made accounts from referrals of each other then it is also abuse?
Because someone make downvote my post with screenshot where my fiance denied to share her personal picture for verification. But I agreed and shared my picture given below but they put me in banned and abuse behavior. Thanks Please answer me as soon as possible.