"Herero Lady" by Orish

in OCD2 years ago (edited)
Authored by @Orish










it's been a long time since I posted anything... I realize that I have to acquire a real discipline to ensure a constant feed of my PEAK. I also realize that being a blogger is a difficult and demanding task and you only realize this when you aspire to become one!

I have however been active lately, caught up in a surge of positive creativity. I focused on my creations... forgetting to display it... you know... bad habits...

Then I have to confess that I was worried that my latest content resources weren't good enough to be shared.... what an idea isn't it ;-) :-D whatever! Let's get started and just share !... for fun ! I can only improve !

Here is a pencil drawing that I colorized with alcohol markers. This is a test, both at the level of these markers, than of my technique. I drew it in order to make some studies to later achieve the series that I have in mind. The inspiration for this drawing came to me from a Namibian ethnic group, the "Hereros" whose women wear these very distinct headdresses coming to enhance dresses whose cuts recall that of women of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century.

Hope you like it ! N'hésitez pas à partager !


Hello Hive !

cela fait longtemps que je n'ai rien posté... je réalise que je dois acquérir une réelle discipline pour assurer une diffusion constante de contenus. Je prends conscience qu'être blogueur est une tâche difficile et exigeante et l'on ne s'en rend compte que lorsqu'on ambitionne de le devenir!

J'ai été pourtant actif dernièrement, pris dans un élan de créativité positive. Je me suis focalisé sur mes créations... en oubliant de la diffuser... mes vieux travers...

Puis je dois vous avouer que je craignais que mes dernières ressources de contenu ne soient pas à la hauteur.... quelle idée n'est-ce pas ;-) :-D Allez place à l'action... pour le plaisir ! Je ne peux que m'améliorer !

Ici un dessin crayonné et colorisé avec des marqueurs à l’alcool. Il s'agit d'un essai, tant au niveau de ces marqueurs, que de ma technique en vue de réaliser la série que j'ai en tête. L'inspiration pour ce dessin me vient d'une ethnie namibienne, les Hereros dont les femmes portent ces coiffes bien distinctes venant rehausser des robes dont les coupes rappellent celle des femmes du 19ème siècle début 20ème.

Hope you like it ! N'hésitez pas à partager !



Je me disais bien que je reconnaissais ces marqueurs 😂
Chouette de te revoir sur la plateforme, super dessin! 😍

@pipoune Merci à toi pour le commentaire et le Fan Club! 😀 oui marqueurs efficaces pour le prix mais cependant je ne suis pas convaincu par le dessin aux marqueurs à l'alcool. Bien que je pense que c'est parce que je n'ai pas encore trouvé le bon papier. Je vais refaire un test sur un cartonné légèrement glacé pour voir le rendu.

Oui, il existe des papiers spéciaux pour les feutres à l'alcool 😉 en tout cas j'ai testé ceux à l'eau et ils sont chouettes!

Hi there @orish, I see you have already posted in the OnChainArt community previously. That, and other art based communities are the best place for you to post your art as you will reach more like minded audience. The OCD Community should only be used for content that does not fit in any other communities. Please note for future content. Thanks

Hello @livinguktaiwan ! Thank you for your comment! I've been reading a bit about the ecosystem of PeakD as I realised I, indeed didn't understand All its rules and what Was allowed or not allowed in regards of cross sharing! What do you mean ny "content that doesn't fit in any other communities" as there already are a bunch of communities out there and one could easily make a mistake. So from now I guest I should Stick with no Art on OCD is that so?

Please see OCD Community rule 4

Try submitting your content to the more appropriate communities before OCD unless you feel it does not belong in any and is original content that works within our rules.

You are aware of the art communities as you have posted there before. And if you read a pinned message in the OCD community there is a post about posting into the correct communities. You can also search by keywords for all the art related communities.

Whenever you post in a community, always read the community rules firste, that's why they are there. That way you won't make any further mistakes. Hope it helps