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RE: "Herero Lady" by Orish

in OCD2 years ago

Hello @livinguktaiwan ! Thank you for your comment! I've been reading a bit about the ecosystem of PeakD as I realised I, indeed didn't understand All its rules and what Was allowed or not allowed in regards of cross sharing! What do you mean ny "content that doesn't fit in any other communities" as there already are a bunch of communities out there and one could easily make a mistake. So from now I guest I should Stick with no Art on OCD is that so?


Please see OCD Community rule 4

Try submitting your content to the more appropriate communities before OCD unless you feel it does not belong in any and is original content that works within our rules.

You are aware of the art communities as you have posted there before. And if you read a pinned message in the OCD community there is a post about posting into the correct communities. You can also search by keywords for all the art related communities.

Whenever you post in a community, always read the community rules firste, that's why they are there. That way you won't make any further mistakes. Hope it helps