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RE: Till hell freezes over!

in OCD5 years ago

I think that you are right Hannes,

They seem to have established a modelling agency and when they see me they come running, or is that flying hahaha.
Maybe you have to ask them why they fly away from you and I am sure that they will say that they don't like the police, as they are scared of being arrested lol.

I have wished you a good night elsewhere my friend.

Cheers and thanks!


That must be the reason and I can completely understand it, but somebody must have told them what I work 🤔

BTW, only a few people apart from family and friends know my job, because whomever you tell you are policeman, they will have tons of questions which I can't answer, because my job is so much different from normal police work.

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, didn't you know that they have a daily national bird bulleting that are operated by the pigeons. Some notices, "Beware of the Austrian mountain goat", "Poop on Lena's car", "Food in Lena's garden". C'mon I know that you can enlarge on this lol.

Some years ago I posted about a crow that stole a neighbor's barbecues chicken. The guy went inside to take a call and when he returned to his patio, the chicken was gone hahaha. I even posted a photo of the crow eating the chicken on a street lamp post lol.

Shame, I can feel for your dilemma of having to try and explain and to fend against the questions. So what do you do as a policeman? "Well I arrested one of your family members a while ago". Hahaha, that might put a quick stop to the questions lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Haha, oh yeah, they certainly have such a paper telling conspiracy theories about mountain goats ;)

The chicken flew away - I would have loved to see the big eyes of the man 🤣

Actually, a friend of my son thought exactly something like this. It seems I have a colleague who could be my twin brother 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, so be warned as the animals like to scandal hahaha.

Hahaha, that guy was so confused and I saw him going around searching all over for the chicken lol.
Maybe he blamed his poor dog while the crow sat smiling a thank you to him hahaha.

It certainly does seem like it to me my brother!

Cheers and thanks!

🤣 🤗

Cheers and !BEER

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