Till hell freezes over!

in OCD5 years ago (edited)


All of us are already in the Spring mood, as next week our Spring season starts here in South Africa.
Bur winter is determined to go out fighting and we just heard that Grabouw can expect -3C tonight.
Here's a variety of pictures about our day!


This was the sight outside our bedroom window early this morning!


Around noon things cleared up a bit and a weak sun tried to warm things up a bit, so we left to go and get closer shots of the mountain peaks!


As we arrived, this was the first sight that we had.
The incessant rain created many puddles but this Belgian shepherd above decided to run through the puddles.


Not worried about the cold he had the same spirit as us.
We all wanted to be outside 😃


Right, this picture above is what I wanted to get and I took many shots of the mountains.


Other cars also arrived and people jumped out to take photos with their mobile cameras, so it was time for us to leave.
I suppose that the Internet will be awash with photos of the Cape snow today.
We heard that there is even snow of the famous Table Mountain today!


Back home, the sun was still struggling with floating clouds.


Even the moon is now completely covered in cloud and it has started to rain again. We are hoping that more snow will come down tonight,

The title of this post simply means that until hell freezes over, nothing will keep us from going out.

On the farm we had a wood burner and it was great to sit with the PC in front of the flames, but over here we only have a little one bar heater. Mainly to keep our little dog warm.
His small body is very susceptible to the cold lol.
But we are in the spring mood and soon the African sun will blaze away again, so our thoughts keep us warm.

And That's All Friends!

Note: All photos are my own, unedited and cropped for uploading!
Camera used: Canon Powershot SX60HS

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


Beautiful scenery & well capture. @papilloncharity

Thank you kindly my friend!

Soon our mountains will look like that again and you will sweat in the heat, Zac 😊
I love it when the peaks are snow covered and cloudy.

These photos look great and if I didn't know it I would believe they were taken somewhere here 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, you are so right Hannes,

Between you and me, I prefer this weather as somehow it energizes me.
This is our second year here and last year there were much less snow.
I think that you guys get far better snowy mountain looks as you get tons of snow. Looking forward to your snow photos in a few weeks time.

Cheers and thanks!

Of course, in winter the mountains are completely white, but I like it that way with slightly white powdered peaks and clouds around.

Hopefully I will be able to show you both 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

Yeah, I think it must be magical, especially if you can wait for a black bird to cross the peak.

Hold on, I think that I got one today, let me go and look!

Yes, found it and here's a crow crossing the peak!

109 2.JPG

Cheers and thanks!

I don't think I will be patient enough to wait for a bird, because if one would fly up there you could hardly see it - our mountains are a bit higher 😉

Cheers and !BEER and good night Zac 😊

Yeah, I can certainly feel the creaks in my bones when I have to wait in the cold, but the challenge keeps me as rooted as the tress lol.
You have to get a proper zoom mate 😘

I also picked a tiny drone up on my camera as some wiseguy was taking photos of the snowpeaks with the drone. At first I thought it was a bird, as it was far and high above the mountain, so imagine my surprise when I saw that it was a drone on the PC.

Good Night Hannes and have sweet dreams!

Cheers and thanks!

Well, I could get a 2x Teleconverter which would make a 300-1200mm Zoom from my 150-600mm Sigma, but then I would have only the bird on the photo ... but I could see if it is a bird or a drone, maybe even the brand of the drone 😉

But seriously, if I make a detail shot of the peak a bird would be visible, but as said, if everything suits for a good shot I would not wait for a bird to fly by.

Cheers and !BEER

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Oh, snowy mountains! It is one of my favorite scenery. :) Btw photos are great.

Thank you for popping in and glad that you liked the post

almost everything was frozen on top of the mountain and it was so cold maybe this is what I see from this post. thanks for sharing today's weather there.

Yeah, it was cold indeed, but also beautiful.
Thanks for popping in.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

It is one of my favorite place, frozen mountain, too cold atmosphere, thanks for sharing👍

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