
I don't think I will be patient enough to wait for a bird, because if one would fly up there you could hardly see it - our mountains are a bit higher 😉

Cheers and !BEER and good night Zac 😊

Yeah, I can certainly feel the creaks in my bones when I have to wait in the cold, but the challenge keeps me as rooted as the tress lol.
You have to get a proper zoom mate 😘

I also picked a tiny drone up on my camera as some wiseguy was taking photos of the snowpeaks with the drone. At first I thought it was a bird, as it was far and high above the mountain, so imagine my surprise when I saw that it was a drone on the PC.

Good Night Hannes and have sweet dreams!

Cheers and thanks!

Well, I could get a 2x Teleconverter which would make a 300-1200mm Zoom from my 150-600mm Sigma, but then I would have only the bird on the photo ... but I could see if it is a bird or a drone, maybe even the brand of the drone 😉

But seriously, if I make a detail shot of the peak a bird would be visible, but as said, if everything suits for a good shot I would not wait for a bird to fly by.

Cheers and !BEER

Well that will certainly be a costly exercise Hannes.

Here I will show you the drone and in the following reply I show you how mother nature tricked me today!


Cheers and thanks!

Cool, that's really a drone 😁
Now I'm curious...

I won't buy such a teleconverter, because it's too expensive and you lose f-stops when you use it. My lenses are not the fastest, so shooting would get even harder, and handheld shooting with the big lens wouldn't be possible anymore anymore I think.

Cheers and !BEER

So, I say to myself; "Myself try your best today to get a big bird crossing over the snow on the mountain"

All that I got was some birds every here and there. Then we came home and later, as the sun was was setting, I went out into our garden to get the sunset on the snow, but the clouds covered the snow.
Then I saw this line of Sacred Ibis's approaching.

637 (2).JPG

So, nature tricked me. It gave me plenty of birds passing in front of the mountain peaks, but it covered the snow with clouds!
And to spite me, another line of them came along a bit later, which I will show in a post.

Oh. I also came upon 4 snakes, a lovely butterfly and some more open sky flying bird shots during the day.
Plus some snow shots before the clouds settled on the mountains!

Cheers and thanks!

Oh that's a cool shot - I think all the birds and other animals like to be photographed by you. They seem to know you and don't hide, like they do when they see me ;)

Cheers and !BEER and now I say good night my friend 😊

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