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RE: The unexpectedly fun dad

in OCD4 years ago

The Japs and the Chinese have it right as they know that the first 6 years of a child's life is the most important. By the sound of this, you are doing everything right and yes, early development is a sure bonus for any child's future.

Both of my daughters participated and became champion "Modern dancers" and I am glad to say that one of my granddaughters is also a star in what they call "Acrobatic dancing"
She is through to the finals this year that will take place during June in Ireland.

Teach a child to achieve instead of dumping a child in front of a box.
I was so lucky to grow up on the streets :)


I think there is a reason that Asian countries top the PISA tests - though I am not sure how valuable much of school is in and of itself. I am hoping that smallsteps is able to think for herself and therefore, choose what she learns with greater sensitivity.

Is travel to Ireland okay?

I was so lucky to grow up on the streets :)

This is the thing of it - none of this is new - it is just that many parents rely on various gadgets to do the parenting now =)

To me personally, school always seemed like a box that tried to fit all. I could just never get myself to fit into that box :)

Yes, travel to Ireland will be okay, as they live in the UK.

And maybe that's why there's so many problems with the youth today. We work with many kids and at times we find 12 year olds that cannot read or write. In this day and age!

School success favors a particular kind of person, but misses the majority.

Reading and writing are essential skills I reckon there is a value in being able to actually write, not just type too. I might write a weird post on it one day.

Yeah well, so many of us are not those particular persons.

Essential skills indeed. Reading was my main forte and it helped me, not only through school, but also still in my life today. I cannot over emphasize the importance of teaching children to read.