Well hello again. Luckily I'm in the inner Hav(v)y circle, so didn't need too much of an update. Though I'm sure many others would be happy to cross your path! And obviously you haven't come across the right partner yet, because anyone should be thrilled for such a talented and interesting young lad to spend time with. ;)
Good luck with the show tonight! Looks like you've got some excellent curation juju to take with you into the evening. Well done!
Haha yeah you're able to see a bit more under the curtain than most @plantstoplanks - some might consider that an unfortunate situation to be in 🤣
Ah gee thanks for the kind words 😊 Maybe when this lock down period is over, I might brave it out there but the man cave... might have to get a second chair for that lucky lady 😆
Thank you for the well wishes on the show too! Will try and squeeze in a shout out for you too - can't believe how well this post was received, why was I even confused about which platform to stay on?!