
Nice to meet you, Mister Havvy.
Good to know you have at least 12 years of experience... if only you had some good music too 😛😛

Oh hey @simplymike! Definitely, 12 years of experience, not as much as some but guess it depends on what your experiences are 😂

if only you had some good music too 😛😛

Why I oughta...!

Great rundown of info about you, this is all need to me. I’m glad you made a new #introduceyourself post (I want to do the same now.)

I especially liked that spreadsheet at the end, it proves to me the exact feeling I’ve been having about Steem. Nobody really cares about it anymore for anything more than rewards.

Thanks mate and I think it's probably a good thing to do these "behind the scenes" every quarter or so - we're all real people at the end of the day and it adds another layer of personality. Of course, if your blog is personal already, then it probably doesn't matter so much but I'm always looking for new ways to connect. Videos and walkthroughs might be something I do this year as well.

As for the spreadsheet, definitely something I felt I had to do and SEE for myself. I'm a science kinda guy so looking at the results is something I can do from the research and it's pretty obvious at the end of the day, at least for me. I know some have found their post payouts have gone up and actually have NEW followers but for me, that's not been the case. It's got to a point where it's really not even worth posting on STEEM for the rewards as 20p gets you about 7 strings of spaghetti in the UK!

It kinda reminds me of how it was when I first started, posting to a ghost town for little/no rewards. Alas, Hive is where it's at for me!

I live sharing my life here, I understand why some choose to remain anonymous though.

Are you saying you don’t like 🍝
Haha I agree with you. The only reason I’m still posting on Steem (only once daily and it’s a link to the previous day’s blog on Hive only) is because my 13-week power down is taking forever. Plus I have some pretty good auto votes set up for my posts and it’s hard for not claim free crypto.

Yeah definitely - being on Hive has really made me blog a lot more and use my website to connect via @steempress - I've loved interacting and met friends I'd never thought I'd meet!

Oh I love spaghetti - just wish I could buy more than 20p's worth 🤣

Yeah I still have 11 weeks to go on the PD. I did buy 22k STEEM last year when it was at it's cheapest I'd known it (average of 10.5p at the time) so will be looking to get that back whilst the price is somehow being magically propped up!

I'll probably move most in to BTC but whatever is left, I'll buy up some HIVE. I believe this chain is a great way for content consumers to be reward for supporting content creators and vice versa - definitely some futuristic forward thinking folks here!

My goal is still to get to 70 rep on both platforms as I'm at 69.9 and I can't quit on that haha! And you're right, it is hard to turn down free crypto! I also wanted to be an Orca by the end of the year so seems more feasible and worthwhile on HIVE now although I've leased most of my HP to curie to help them get back up and running.

Steem and now Hive have been my first experiences blogging. I’ve been doing it daily since I started in late 2017, so I’d say it’s become rather addicting. It’s just nice to actually have some people who enjoy my creativity and provide some on their own as well for me to enjoy.
I went to a meet up in 2018 when I was still getting a feel for things. It was a great time and I truly wish there were more meet ups to go to somewhat locally.

I’m doing a mix of buying chunks of Hive and swapping to BTC.
If you have an orca goal, I have a feeling you will reach it.

That's a great dedication doing daily blogs. I tried but I simply ran out of ideas... and time! I need time to do other things so kept it to at least once per week whilst I worked on the other projects! It's definitely good to have a creative outlet whether it's blogging, creating or some other activity!

Ah, they keep organising these meet ups when I'm not around! Was really hoping to go to one Steemfest but maybe a Hivefest once the travel restrictions are lifted! Think there's talk of some local ones near me hopefully being arranged after lockdown so we'll see how that goes!

Yeah, rep 70 and Orca were my two main goals with this all, then I'll have to find some new ones with Hive!

I have more of an issue finding the time rather than having the ideas.
Here is to waiting for some Hive events to happen. Good luck on these current goals and any future ones you may set.

Wahahaha! And all this time I'm thinking of you as Hayvey. I guess it's my Scottish roots and thinking about haver. My father always told me to stop my havering....

But seriously: you're going to continue with the Bluffer's Guides? I am very glad about that. And that's purely self-interest.

I shall also refrain commenting on music taste and years of experience...

Haha, believe me, you weren't the only one thinking this - my friends in Texas were mortified and really struggled with the "rewiring" of how to say Havvy as they were saying "Hayvey" in their mind for years before I told them!

I'll continue with the Bluffer's Guides if there's something I think needs addressing, which is why I did a couple of them in quick succession around the Hard Fork. Seemed to be prevalent that most users didn't know what was going on or what it meant at the time. There's certainly enough material to put together more guides here, just depends on what the average user would be interested in to begin with.

No comment on your final sentence there 🤐

Hey Doc, I thought that you were going to let us in on some of your secrets here Lol

Intro's are difficult things to do, as how does one pack 66, sorry 20 plus years into a thumbnail?
But you did it well and I am surprised that this is not in trending Ricky, sorry Nivky, no Nicky Havvy! See? I am getting there Lol.

Enjoy your weekend and take care my friend!

Ps. The 66 still reverberates in my head as I turned the three 666's just the other day.
66 on the 6th day!

Haha hey it's the absolute legend @papilloncharity - great to see you over in these parts too mate - how are you keeping in your 20 years and beyond? Happy birthday for the 6th too, I think birthdays might be a bit different this time round!

The revealing secrets are an ongoing thing, I'm not sure Hive is ready to have them all in one hit! Although there's still a fair amount to sink your teeth in to if this is the first time you've had the misfortune pleasure to stumble across my blog haha!

Ah I appreciate the trending sentiment but as long as people are having fun here then that's the main thing! I think I am witnessing a "Havey" rewiring happen right in front of my eyes there 😃

Have a great weekend too mate, take care of yourself hey!

Doing as well as always Doc.

All of the new changes and swopping over is a slight bit difficult for the aged, but we close our eyes and Hive forth lol.
One gets used to a certain mode of operations until the world decides it is a time for change. So now we were issued with Hive and to make things more interesting a measure of Covid were added to the mix.
But they say that life goes on my friend.
Look after yourself!

Glad to hear you're keeping well young sprite!

Yeah the changes and events have been a roller-coaster hey! Now that I can see most interaction happening on Hive with friends I knew from before and the familiar faces, I'll focus here. Trying to handle multiple social medias is tricky when you have your hands in many pies! I still have an aim to get to rep 70 on Steem, just to say "I did it"! Being at 69.9 is going to mess with my perfectionism lol.

Like you say, life does go on... it's just a very different life at the moment!

Take it easy hey

Can't understand why you are on 69.9 on steem?
When I moved over to Hive I was 71 on steem and 70 on Hive.
Of course I knocked the difference off and am now also on 71 on Hive.

This made me to think that the steem rep was higher than Hive, but yours are lower???
Maybe just jack up your posting in Steempeak to get there?
You know? The 3 picture posts?

Although life goes on, you are right as it is taking us down a very different road my friend.

Take care!

Oh? I think I was the same on both when it switched over. I did post the same on Steem vs Hive but have done a couple more posts on Hive vs STEEM since the HF. But THIS, THIS screenshot of my rep on beeme.... it's going to make me crazy 😂


Are you saying spam the Steem blockchain with shit posts? Ah, I don't know if I can do that, I know others are and getting as much as they can from Steem before their powerdown finishes but I'd still rather just post my music posts copied over from Hive (easy enough to do) as I have 11 more powerdowns to come. I got to 69.9 the "proper way" so to speak...

Take care of yourself too mate, nice catching up, will see what you've been up to once I've recovered from my adrenaline crash from the livestream show tonight!

Of course I am not saying that you should spam my friend. Spamming is one photo and almost no comments. 3 photos and a write up is certainly not spamming.

My posts there during the wait for the powerdown will do much better elsewhere, but I don't mind as at least it is the decent thing to do.
At the beginning I also just copied my posts over from Hive, but decided to rather do different posts in there. Still quality posts however.

Doing it the right, hard and honest way was the road that we followed and you certainly deserve it!

Hope that your livestream show was a blast my friend.

Stay well and take care!

Hello, I really liked the dynamics with which you express yourself, it is fluid and interesting to read. Enjoy your writing. A greeting

Hey @ariapost thank you so much for stopping by and glad you enjoyed reading this eccentric introduction post 😄

Greetings from the UK, I hope you're keeping well and having as good a weekend as possible!

Age is a number, experience you are able to retain is what counts, 😆 - new introduce yourself always good to remind one about which track you are on.

Raising funds under your 2020 banner is proving to be a difficult task, with 2020 becoming international inmate year of note!

Have a wonderful day, keep having fun.

Haha, too right Joan! No point in not giving yourself some cool experiences to show with that number hey!

I almost forgot a few things in that intro post then as I was about to press "publish", another thing popped in my head, then another... by the end of it I was like... maybe I should ease off a couple of these things haha!

Regarding 2020km challenge - there's still a long way to go and I think things with coronavirus may make donations harder to come by but there's still a long way to go and I haven't really done too much in the way of promotion. It's a year long challenge so don't want to relentlessly post and tire people out about it... but it's there, and I'm still doing it!

Take care of yourself Joan! Have a great weekend hey!

Glad to see your post little brother even though I already know you pretty well and I'm so happy I've met you! <3
Also, congratulations on the beautiful reward pool, a well deserved one!!

Hey hey little sister! Thank you, I'm glad we met too and yes you know me more than most haha 😁

I just woke up to see the rewards on this post, wow! Wasn't expecting that 😮 thank you Hive Community 😊

That's a fun table to look at😝.

Great intro post! Looking forward to seeing you around the block!

Haha, yeah I'm a sucker for looking at the data and drawing conclusions but this table was a little easier to see where the activity is at 😄

Thanks a lot @fredrikaa! Keep up the great developments - I know there's a lot of work happening at the moment to set the foundations on Hive and exciting changes ahead.

Well hello again. Luckily I'm in the inner Hav(v)y circle, so didn't need too much of an update. Though I'm sure many others would be happy to cross your path! And obviously you haven't come across the right partner yet, because anyone should be thrilled for such a talented and interesting young lad to spend time with. ;)

Good luck with the show tonight! Looks like you've got some excellent curation juju to take with you into the evening. Well done!

Haha yeah you're able to see a bit more under the curtain than most @plantstoplanks - some might consider that an unfortunate situation to be in 🤣

Ah gee thanks for the kind words 😊 Maybe when this lock down period is over, I might brave it out there but the man cave... might have to get a second chair for that lucky lady 😆

Thank you for the well wishes on the show too! Will try and squeeze in a shout out for you too - can't believe how well this post was received, why was I even confused about which platform to stay on?!

nicky, do you like war craft?

Hey Joey! I've not played Warcraft before, just had a quick look at some videos and looks a bit like Final Fantasy? I couldn't get in to that type of game (RPG), didn't have thr patience for it haha!

I like War Craft but I really love Paper Mario.

I've not come across Paper Mario before. Is it literally how it sounds? Mario made of paper? 😁


Haha, fantastic! I need to have a look at that, sounds great fun. Is it as infuriating as the original Mario platform games were? That brought out some serious rage

It is more like Mario crossed with an RPG.

Took you long enough to get your intro out!!!!

I'm not surprised the engagement activity is so low on Steem as many are just waiting for power down to finish. It will be interesting to see what happens in two months time when people are done.

And Havey, Harvey, Havey, Harvey .... Gotta be careful nowadays 😉

Haha I know it's late, sorry! So much going on right now Pauline from Taiwan (not China, not Thailand)

I think people are just posting on steem now to get rewards from their auto votes before the powerdown completes as there's certainly no comments on the trending posts and it filters all the way down to the content creators who were still not sure... Well, I'm a bit more sure now thanks to the trusty spreadsheet 😁

You don't need to be careful around me, you should know that by now haha

Hi! I'm new here too. Your intriducing post is so nice, not like mine 🤦🏼‍♀️ your such interesting! It's so sad that steemit had that sad ending, at the begining the people of steemit was so nice.
Now we have to begin here and see what will happen here! Nice to meet you 😊

Welcome to Hive Handsome!
Followed you ! :)

Haha ah gee thank you on both fronts 😊

Nice to meet you too, what awesome stuff do you post about?

I mostly post on Food and Travel :)