The Future of Human's Life - "The Village" (Cover Song)

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Living in a small village as I used to be make me understand how important village for human's future. I was born in a fishermen village, in Meureudu, the district of Pidie Jaya, Aceh-Indonesia. My village's name is Meunasah Jurong Teupin Pukat. Most people in my village work as a fisherman. Since a long time ago, Meureudu or Meurah Dua, especially my village has become the area that produced fishes to supply to other area in Aceh. Not only for local consume, some fishes from our village also trade as export comodity to another province or country. Usually our fishes would be taken to Medan province in North Sumatra which has international harbor before they exported to another country. In fact, those situation is completedly unfair for our fishermen. The local prices that use by agents has much more profitable when they sell the fishes to international market.

I'm going to write about these situation on special edition when I back to my village then. Today, I'd like to share you my cover video about the song from Indonesian legend musician, Iwan Fals. Through this song, He remains us the power of village if everything under great maintenance.

Here is the lyrics and its translation..

Desa harus jadi kekuatan ekonomi

The village must be an economic power

Agar warganya tak hijrah ke kota

So that citizens do not migrate to the city

Sepinya desa adalah modal utama

Quiet villages are the main capital

Untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan diri

To work and develop themselves

Walau lahan sudah menjadi milik kota

Even though the land belongs to the city

Bukan berarti desa lemah tak berdaya

Not that the village is weak helpless

Desa adalah kekuatan sejati

Village is true strength

Negara harus berpihak pada para petani

The state must side with the farmers

Entah bagaimana caranya

I don't know how is

Desalah masa depan kita

Village is our future

Keyakinan ini datang begitu saja

This belief comes just like that

Karena aku tak mau celaka

Because I don't want to be harm

Desa adalah kenyataan

Village is reality

Desa adalah pertumbuhan

City is growth

Desa dan kota tak terpisahkan

Village and city are inseparable

Tapi desa harus diutamakan

But the village must come first

Di lumbung kita menabung

In the barn we save

Datang paceklik kita tak bingung

When the dry comes we are not confused

Masa panen masa berpesta

Harvest period is the party's time

Itulah harapan kita semua

That is the hope of all of us

Tapi tengkulak-tengkulak bergentayangan

But the middlemen roam

Tapi lintah darat pun bergentayangan

But loan sharks roam

Untuk apa punya pemerintah?

What does the government have for it?

Kalau hidup terus-terusan susah

If life continues to be difficult

With Love,

Reza Sofyan


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