Health benefits of lime

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Hey friends, today I would be talking about limess and their health benefits. This was the genius idea of a friend and i just learnt about some of these last night and was like yeah that's my thing. Every week I will be talking about one topic on limes. Today I would be talking about the health benefit of this beautiful fruit.
we would be talking about the following.:

Health benefits of limes.
limes for weight loss.
limes as spices.
limes for soap and skin benefits.
limes for teeth whitening.
limes for cleaning.
limes as fragrances.
every week we would treat one of those topics.
Lime is a fruit, it's under the citrus family 👪. It is very common around the corners of the earth. It is used for various things, like cooking, baking, whiting, toning, hair growth, treatments, soap production and lots more!
Limes are super foods that provides 51%of the bodies daily vitamin c needs as well as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin b-6, pantothenic acid,calcim, iron, manganese into your diet. They could be light yellow in colour or even green. In this part of the world, they are mostly green in colour.

(1). Better skin complexion : because lemons contain high concentration of vitamin c, which is the main ingredient in the formation collagen in the body, they are amazing for skin complexion and health. Limes Contain content powerful antioxidant and can help fight against skin damage due to the sun or the pollutants . so limes will keep you looking youthful and vibrant, lemons will help your skin blemish free and can even decrease the visibility of wrinkles on the body,Now how cool is that?

(2). Stronger immune system : The Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in limes boost immune system function and help the body fight off diseases.
The immune system plays an important role by keeping the body from catching colds from coworkers and even healing cuts and bruises. Remember that fruits and vegetables are the best sources for Vitamin C, and it is especially important to get enough of Vitamin C in your system during the winter months when your body is less active and the flu is prevalent.
Also, consider drinking limes water before traveling on a plane, because the large exposure to bacteria and people puts the immune system at even more risk.

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(3). Hydrates the body: guys I can't stress enough about hydration. Water is very very important to our bodies, it not only helps in flushing of toxins and waste from our bodies, it doesn't have any calories in it, it's just God's given gift to us all. Most of the population is in a constant state of dehydration because they don’t drink enough water.
A glass of lemon water will help with hydration needs because it is 95% water 5% lemon juice.
Warm or cold, it’s a simple as squeezing 1/4 – 1/2 of a lemon into a glass of water, stirring, and drinking it. This way you can get your vitamin C, your antioxidants, and a healthy glass of water for hydration.
Water is so incredibly important for your health and well-being! The lemon gives it a great and refreshing flavour if you feel drinking plain water is boring, the limes would make it more interesting. Dehydration is very dangerous, more dangerous than we perceive. Dehydration leads to constipation, dull skin, tiredness, toxin build up, dull eyes, dry skin. Water is very important, I go on water fasts once in two weeks. I take only water with limes and ginger. It's a great way to detoxify your body. You not only lose those annoying belly fats, but you get the chance to clean you body..

(4). Boosts Brain Function
Limes also contain potassium, which is responsible for better brain function and health.
You will experience better mental performance, less brain fog, and overall better feelings from the consumption.
Getting this added boost will increase productivity and happiness throughout the day.

(5)Fights Cancer: Doctors would advise every cancer ♋ patient to quit foods with sugars or high in carbohydrates.
Vitamin C and the antioxidants in limes help to heal your wounds and protect you from getting colds, but they also have a very powerful long-term effect.
The nutrients found in limes can help fight free radicals and contain 22 cancer-fighting compounds to lower the risk of developing serious diseases.
It’s the consumption of sugars specifically that puts our bodies at a greater risk for cancer. In such case it's best you have hot lemon water, boil a cup of water squize in your limes and put the skin in to, why? Because the skin of the limes contains higher and the most amounts of the vitamins. All the goodness of your lime is on the skin. This works wonders, with faith and prayers.

(6). Diabetes and Heart Disease Prevention:
Having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has long been associated with reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, and other diseases that stem from unhealthy diets.
Cutting out processed foods and consuming more nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables will help prevent these types of heart problems.
Limes are so healthy that they made it onto the list of the 23 healthiest foods on our planet . Remember that when making any health-related decision, the long-term impacts are just as important regardless of how far off they seem.
Potential dangerous diseases like diabetes and heart disease are just another reason why you should be consuming more lime water. Health is wealth remember!.

The profit generated by each plant rises to 8000naira to 9000 naira, per week during season months, against , in the other months. "Limes are in demand across seasons. While the price increases to in the summer, we are talking about two trees of lemon here so you imagine how much you could make from high quality limes and a lime plantation. You could supply to companies who use lime as ingredients,you could sell in your local market, you could export them to other countries. There is a whole lot of money in lemons that some people are just yet to discover. Thanks for reading through my post. Do have a great day.


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You do know that the pictures you chose are limes, not lemons right? Lol

Are you a real person or fake? That seems like a silly mistake..

Thanks a lot for the correction

You’re welcome, it happens to us all sometimes!