[ESP | ENG] Vengo a presentarme - Introduce Myself / Amante de la tegnologia - Technology Lover.

in OCD3 years ago

matrimonio ines y rodolfo 2.jpg
Hace algunos dias atras... Cuando me uni a esta bella mujer...
A few days ago ... When I joined this beautiful woman ...

[ESP] Quien soy?

Me llamo Rodolfo Urbano soy del pais de las Mujeres Bellas (para muestra un botom, mi esposa), playas hermosas y gastronomia unica (hallacas, pan de jamon, arepa de reina pepia, pabellon y las empanadas de cazon o queso llanero etc). Nacido en Caracas - Venezuela, ciudad que vio nacer a nuestro libertador Simon Bolivar. Cuando tenia los 6 años de edad a mi padre lo trasladaron con una oportunidad de ascenso y nos mudamos a Valencia - Venezuela, nos establecimos y despues de mudarnos dos veces seguimos en aqui hasta el dia de hoy.

[ENG] Who I am?

My name is Rodolfo Urbano, I am from the country of Beautiful Women (to show a botom, my wife), beautiful beaches and unique gastronomy (Hallacas, ham bread, arepa de reina pepia, pabellon and cazon empanadas or llanero cheese etc). Born in Caracas - Venezuela, the city where our liberator Simon Bolivar was born. When I was 6 years old, my father was transferred with a promotion opportunity and we moved to Valencia - Venezuela, we settled down and after moving twice we are still here to this day.



Desde pequeño siempre me gusto la electronica, desarmaba mis juguetes no solo para ver que tenan adentro si no tambien para saber como funcionaban. Al llegar a la edad de la adolescencia empece a estudiar bachillerato y a mitad del primer lapso mi mama me pregunto si queria estudiar en la Escuela Tecnica Industrial - Valencia le dije que si y me inscribieron. Quedaba a una hora de mi casa en bus y estudiaba de 7am hasta las 5pm de Lunes a Viernes, en donde luego de 5 años me gradue como Tecnico Medio mencion Electricidad. Hice pasantias y trabaje en una distibuidora de fotocopiadoras llamada "El Mundo Del Toner" (Corporacion DELCOP) donde aprendi el oficio de Tecnico en Fotocopiadora. Luego de entrenamiento previo con expertos en el area e Ingenieros Japoneses en mi ciudad natal (Caracas), Trabaje con ellos hasta la edad de 24, cuando renuncie para salir como Misionero de "La Iglesia de Jesucristo" por dos años. Al regresar trabaje por seis meses mas con la Corporacion DELCOP, luego comenze a trabajar en diversas ramas, (Hoteleria como Recepcionista, luego como auditor nocturno - Distribuidora CONFECO como Jefe de Almacen - Empresa transnacional NuSkin como Atencion al Distribuidor) entre otras.


Since I was little I always liked electronics, I took apart my toys not only to see what they had inside but also to know how they worked. When I reached the age of adolescence I began to study high school and in the middle of the first period my mother asked me if I wanted to study at the Industrial Technical School - Valencia I said yes and they enrolled me. I was an hour from my house by bus and I studied from 7am to 5pm from Monday to Friday, where after 5 years I graduated as a Middle Technician, mentioning Electricity. I did internships and worked in a photocopier distribution company called "El Mundo Del Toner" (DELCOP Corporation) where I learned the trade of Copier Technician. After previous training with experts in the area and Japanese Engineers in my hometown (Caracas), I worked with them until the age of 24, when I resigned to leave as a Missionary of "The Church of Jesus Christ" for two years. Upon returning, I worked for six more months with the DELCOP Corporation, then I began to work in various branches, (Hospitality as a Receptionist, then as a night auditor - CONFECO Distributor as Warehouse Manager - NuSkin transnational company as Distributor Service) among others.



Les cuento esto, por que despues de mucho tiempo de tratar de encajar en el mundo laboral me di cuenta que no estaba conforme con nada de lo que hacia. Extrañaba mi primer trabajo aun cuando lo deje por que no queria atender mas fotocopiadoras, estaba cansado, pero, Que era lo que extrañaba realmente? Me di cuenta que tenia que ver con los entrenamientos que recibia en el area tegnologica de las copiadoras (Como funcionaban, las mejoras los nuevos modelos, los equipos a color). Cuando me di cuenta de lo que extrañaba era lo que me apacionaba me puse manos a la obra.


I tell you this, because after a long time of trying to fit into the world of work I realized that I was not satisfied with anything that I did. I missed my first job even when I quit because I didn't want to work on photocopiers anymore, I was tired, but what was I really missing? I realized that it had to do with the training I received in the technological area of ​​copiers (how they worked, the improvements of the new models, the color equipment). When I realized what I was missing was what excited me, I got down to work.



Algo que no les conte es que mientras estaba en una las empresa en la cual trabaje se me presento la oportunidad de administrar la red informatica de la empresa y estar acargo de los equipos especializados de medicion de la empresa (y lo hacia sin paga adicional) en otra de las empresas en las que trabaje apoye el proyecto de CCTV de la empresa y estuve encargado del mismo sin paga adicional. Empece a ver que lo que me gustaba realmente podia hacerlo sin nesecidad de empezar de cero ya que habia adquirido cierta experiencia y solo me faltaba un empujon y mayor capacitacion en lo que realmente me apacionaba. Empeze a capacitarme en Administracion de Redes Informaticas, Computacion, Sistemas de Seguridad (CCTV - ALARMAS - Control de Acceso).


Something I did not tell them is that while I was in a company where I worked, I was presented with the opportunity to manage the company's computer network and be in charge of the specialized measurement equipment of the company (and I did it without additional pay) In another of the companies I worked for, I supported the company's CCTV project and I was in charge of it without additional pay. I began to see that what I really liked I could do without having to start from scratch since I had acquired some experience and I only needed a push and more training in what really appealed to me. I started to train in Computer Network Administration, Computing, Security Systems (CCTV - ALARMS - Access Control).

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Luego de capacitarme empece a ofrecerle estos servicios a las empresas con las que trabaje anteriormente y fue asi como empece. Hoy en dia me dedico a la instalacion, mantenimiento y actualizacion de Sistemas de Seguridad - Redes Informaticas alambricas e inalambricas - Computacion - Coneccion Punto a Punto y actualmente estoy haciendo un curso de como hacer paginas WEB desde 0. Hoy sigo capacitandome y actualizandome en cada una de esas areas y me encanta.


After training, I began to offer these services to the companies I previously worked with and that's how I started. Today I am dedicated to the installation, maintenance and updating of Security Systems - Wired and wireless computer networks - Computing - Point to Point Connection and I am currently doing a course on how to make WEB pages from 0. Today I keep training and updating myself in each one of those areas and I love it.



En la Iglesia de Jesucristo (Iglesia a la que asisto) tengo el llamamiento de Especialista de Tegnologia (es de hacer notar que los llamamientos dentro de la iglesia son a nivel de servicio ya que no se recibe ninguna paga por ningun llamamiento) y estoy encargado formatear las computadoras, instalar Sistemas operativos, administrar las Redes Informaticas, realizar las trasmisiones via ZOOM y Facebook live, verificar el estado de la coneccion a internet, la recepcion de la trasmison satelital que se realiza cada 6 meses (Conferencia General de la Iglesia), manejar las camaras de video y todo lo que tenga que ver con tegnologia y realmente lo disfruto. Hoy sigo capacitandome y me encanta ayudar a otros a travez de este don que he recibido que me ayuda a conectar a las personas. En una oportunidad escuche en una capactacion en la que citaron a alguine y decia Cuando eliges un trabajo que amas no tendras que trabajar ni un solo dia de tu vida. Si amas lo que haces lo harias gratis y hoy en dia me doy cuenta de ello. Aunque mi profesion y por lo que me pagan dia a dia es debido a lo que hago, en la iglesia tambien lo hago con el mismo empeño como si me estuvieran pagando.


In the Church of Jesus Christ (Church I attend) I have the calling of Tegnology Specialist (it should be noted that the callings within the church are at the service level since no payment is received for any call ) and I am in charge of formatting the computers, installing operating systems, managing the computer networks, carrying out the transmissions via ZOOM and Facebook live, verifying the status of the internet connection, the reception of the satellite transmission that takes place every 6 months (General Conference of the Church), handling the video cameras and everything that has to do with technology and I really enjoy it. Today I continue to train and I love helping others through this gift that I have received that helps me connect people. On one occasion I heard in a training in which they summoned someone and said When you choose a job that you love you will not have to work a single day of your life. If you love what you do, you would do it for free and today I realize it. Although my profession and what I am paid for every day is due to what I do, in church I also do it with the same commitment as if they were paying me.



En resumen ama lo que haces, capacitate, disfutalo y se feliz... Seguire ayudando a conectar a las personas a traves de la tegnologia


In summary love what you do, train, enjoy it and be happy... I will continue to help connect people through technology


Los invito a buscarme en mi perfil de instagram @rodolfojum


I invite you to find me on my instagram profile @rodolfojum


Bienvenido a hive bendiciones y éxitos en abundancia 🤗🤗

Muchas gracias por la bienvenida a este nuevo mundo para mi, asi sera @elvlogdedany igual para ti.

Bienvenido muy buena tu presentación, te deseo en mejor de los éxitos!

Gracias @danielcarrerag por invitarme y junto a @josecarrerag instruirme sobre esta nueva plataforma donde podemos aprender, interactuar y ganar a la vez, Gracias Totales...

Welcome rudolph-conecta!
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Thanks for the welcome, @ecency I just downloaded the application for my mobile, it seems great to be able to have it on the smartphone as well and to be able to monitor it from there what I do on this platform ... I will also test the web platform to see how it works.

Congratulations and welcome!Hello @rudolph-conecta! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive!

It's also best to subscribe to Communities you like and share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience. Or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

Hello @indaycara, thanks for the information and help provided through this message, it is very useful.

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Thanks for the badge, I hope I can get the next one @hivebuzz

Es un placer nuestro @rudolph-conecta! Que bueno ver tus primeros pasos! Vas bien!