Are you actually supposed to catch fish when fishing? When I've been out with my uncles we've actually been hunting (so catching fish is required because it's dinner, though there are shops back home so there's backup if fishing fails XD) but seems that whenever J goes fishing with his friends they're kind of trying to catch stuff but mostly just hanging out XD
Glad it brought a smile, if nothing else you can just chat while throwing lures into the water and pulling them back in again and then go get fish and chips after ;D
We had our long weekend last week I think.
It's an unfortunate byproduct of the scenario that I get grumpy, worried, overwhelmed, stressed and emotional along the way and that leaves me frowning
That's perfectly normal, and you're allowed to feel that way (there might be other probems if you don't XD). You're also absolutely allowed to do things to make you smile and destress like choose not to deal with some things where you can avoid it and go fishing :)
Campsites still haven't opened up yet?
We've had a pretty chill weekend so far. Phase 3 as of today so JJ and youngest went to a skate park as they've finally reopened, brought lunch back and then J went off to play Magic with his mates, youngest played outside with water balloons and mud for hours (he just came back in for a shower), eldest has been helping me with chores (a pleasant surprise as he just started doing it, the only thing I actually told him to do was put his sheets in the wash) and is now gaming online with his friends, and I've been bouncing like a rubber ball between making all the comments, data entry stuff (21 pages to go!) and sculpting, so pretty usual for me, but it makes me happy XD

I've caught a few fish in my day, but am not overly keen on the past time. I prefer shooting as I think it is more human. This image was taken a while ago and just used for effect, but on that day I actually caught something so it wasn't a total loss...There was a lot of shit talking though, more of that than catching fish.
It sounds like you've had a reasonable day. Things are opening up a lot now so we'll be able to do more things I guess. Camp sites are open here, but we chose not to go because of my dad. We will make a trip soon, have a bit of a camp...Tonight it's camp fires in the back yard and burgers, a fairly legit alternative.
Surprise, surprise...You're on your rig working. I would have been more surprised if you were not! LOL.
Have a good Saturday night and Sunday too!
How else am I gonna get this anim done otherwise XD
assuming I ever get it done x_x
This is you. Don't you even deny it!
I am totally denying it. This is me.
And this is me when someone interrupts me when I'm zoned XD
Lol...I wish my life was so easy to draw! It probably is though I guess, if someone with skills is doing the drawing.