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RE: 3D Character Fanart: Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds

in OCD5 years ago

I thought you'd used sculpt mode before, was wondering when I dropped that screenie in artbees if you just don't usually look at the wireframe XD

If you don't spot the mistakes or can't be bothered fixing things for a quickie there's nothing wrong with acknowledging them for the next piece and moving along otherwise you'll be stuck forever :D

This turned out all right at any rate, kind of like something we might expect to see in a phone game maybe :)


I always use sculpt mode. I've watched someone box-model a Tim Burton-styled character before and it was a real pain to watch.

And I agree with that, of course I'll spend as long as it needed to finish a project, but still I'd rather move on than going back too far when I spot a mistake. #NoRagrets

Thank you, Ry. But please don't tease me about game-dev, I really want to start doing that! XD