Is the blockchain time local to whatever the original server was on? COLONIALISM XD
I'm trying to remember if I upvoted my own posts, I am too lazy to check, I don't think I ever did (but may have done?) because it has always felt stupid xD (guess it also helped that I've been on some incarnation of socnet for as long as they've existed on the internet).
I was rather bemused by the post as I didn't notice you missing a day but then again it's entirely possible I could have missed a day x_x
Nah, I think it is GMT - or CET or whatever it is these days.
I did for a while. I also upvoted a bit a few years ago too, as with the bidbots, there was very little active stake for actual posts. But, I haven't done it for a long time consistently - sometimes randomly. I was thinking about starting again :D
I knew I was going to post late that day, so it wasn't actually a danger - but seeing all the zeroes in the interface made me take a second look - just in case :)
Centred in Greenwich, COLONIALISM XD
I am joking for anyone that's skimming the comments and new to me
LoL your streak would be a challenging one to get back if you dropped it XD