Did I miss a day posting?

in OCD4 years ago


I missed a day posting!!!
A four year streak of at least a post a day - cruelly ended!!!

Ahem... Oops...

No I didn't.

Continue on streaking streak.

sunset life.jpg

For a moment there, I thought I missed a day of posting as I was checking on Hivestats.io and saw this:


The first number is my curation activity, the three zeroes are my post earning for the day. It was late last night when I saw this and I have to say, my heart sank a little at the thought of having the streak ended and figured - it must be a mistake. So I scrolled back a week in my post feed to see what I had missed.


The tired stupid in me had forgotten how my internal clock works... it ticks over every three seconds on "HBT"

Hive Blockchain Time

Hive blockchain time is always accurate and doesn't get affected by silly human things like "Daylight Saving" as if changing the clocks tricks the sun. However, different interfaces calculate the time in different ways and the above zero grab from hivestats.io calculates on my local time, meaning that locally, I did miss a day of posting, but blockchain time I was well within the limits.

For example, this is the post in question that almost cost me my streak - kind of.

Looking at the "timestamp" on the interface, it is actually wrong on Hive.blog, as it is my local time and since it is 6 minutes past midnight, it has moved to the 4th of September.

From Hive.blog:


However, on Peakd.com, the same post was posted precisely three hours earlier.

Double dipping rewards!!

From Peakd:


Of course not, it is the same post, but the interface time is the interface's decision, but the blockchain is always accurate to the block. Peakd just happens to use blockchain time, which I far prefer because it makes things easier. For example, a Hive competition with an end time should conclude at a blockchain time, because it saves a lot of nonsense worrying about local times and differences between summer and winter etc.

Hive midnight is the same for everyone.

We have finally reached global equality!!

I know that most people don't care about what time the blockchain does what, but since this is an immutable and unedited blockchain, it is good to recognize that time matters. If you are quoting the time that something took place on the blockchain, make sure you are using blockchain time and not your local time, as that way it is always consistent.

Right at this moment it is:


You can always find the exact time on https://hiveblocks.com/ as well as other useful information either about the blockchain like the supply or feed price, or your individual account. It is worth having a look at and learning a little bit about "yourself" on the blockchain.

For example, what was your first activity?

For me:


What a dick move.

Granted, I had no idea how Hive (Steem at the time) worked, which was evidenced by many of my early posts and questions. But, I started to really learn after about six months on the platform when I met @acidyo and he started guiding me through our chats on all kinds of things.

@acidyo actually has the best first cast vote on the platform I have ever seen, which is his 5th transaction. After two comments, his third transaction he authored a post.


But his fifth:


Yes, he downvoted his own post. Again, back then in 2016, it wasn't overly clear as to what was an up or downvote - so he was probably going to upvote himself too.

But I thought I could change it later.I wonder how many people who come in for the very first time upvote their own first post? I don't mean new alts, I mean real people. Perhaps it is less common now as people get invited in, but back then there was very little information as to what was going on - if I knew more, I would have had the account @taraz, rather than @tarazkp -

As I said, I didn't have any idea about what a blockchain was, and even less about how one works. In fact, I didn't have any idea about crypto at all and didn't actually know I was joining a crypto community. Do your own research fail. but, I started to learn and once I scratched the surface, I was hoked and stared diving into areas that I have never really had a connection with before.

And this is why I think people who are interested in improving their experience here should start to learn about it too, rather than just rely on what they know and assume. Everyone acts on what they know, so knowing a little more can make quite a big difference in how we approach and walk our path - perhaps even finding like I did, a lot of new ways that I didn't know existed, and there are even more now.

There are a lot of different interfaces to use and interact with, as well as get user feedback so that we can see how we are doing and perhaps, where new opportunities lay. I know one person who after a chat with another user face to face, bought some SPS and staked it on Splinterlands, even though they are not going to play. Connections matter and sometimes, the thing that holds us back is that we haven't had the opportunity to sit down and have a real chat with people. For example, I probably would have stayed lost for a lot longer if I hadn't have met @acidyo and I am unlikely to have got connected with a host of other users from around that time and then, going forward to build a larger network over the last four years.

It doesn't matter where you enter Hive or through what gateway, we are all connected by the blockchain that enables us all. So, learning more about the infrastructure is part of the process of building a network, as we all have something in common. This way, we are able to discover new relationships across the blockchain and the community. The people who take the surface level path only, tend to limit their effectiveness quite a lot, as when they do start talking blockchain as they inevitably do as they have a lot of confidence, their understanding and information is heavily lacking.

As said, time matters and being on the blockchain a long time doesn't mean that a great deal is known, as there is the possibility to stay very narrow and not roam wide. This can mean that there is the feeling of knowing, but there is no visibility on what isn't known. No issue, but remembering that there is always more to know than we do, means we might also realize that we don't know everything we need, so we might want to get curious and find out more.

So anyway, while my posting streak continues, hopefully people get a little more interested in finding out a little more about the Hive blockchain, even if you have been here a while and think you know enough. Who knows what we are missing...

I don't. Do you?

I know what time it is though.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

BTW, the sunset picture used, was taken after midnight.


Haha the downvote was actually on purpose after I read up a bit more on what content was being rewarded here and regretted that first post. :P

Mine too...


Looks like you were writing down words from the dictionary.

You are the only one who read it :D

I noticed that you didn't post on Sep, 10. Well, you generally post more than one in a day, thus no problem.

However, do you make pressure on yourself that you should post at least one in a day? I think it would be unbearable.

By the way, I wish I would meet HIVE (Steemit then) in 2016.

These are both Setp 10:


However, do you make pressure on yourself that you should post at least one in a day? I think it would be unbearable.

Not really. I find it easy. two a day is quite simple, three would be perfect, four if I wasn't working :)

These are both Setp 10:

Maybe bcoz of the time difference between two countries.

As I said, I didn't have any idea about what a blockchain was, and even less about how one works. In fact, I didn't have any idea about crypto at all and didn't actually know I was joining a crypto community. Do your own research fail.

I've been comfortably sitting on this bench for a while. Meeting people to explain, they do so on the surface.

I joined Hive via a friend and honestly, I couldn't comprehend the posts on LeoFinance but with the buzz about crypto, I've been Keen to understand.

Yesterday, I bought my first coin ever with my first payout from the platform and I got guide and help from my friend and you don't know how much joy I feel. It may be little but I feel I'm gradually getting off the ignorance bench.

I came into the platform with the thought of doing just what I know how to; write.
But with each day that passes, I'm exposed to more things, more curiosity and thankful for people who are willing to put me through, where I lack understanding.

And this is why I think people who are interested in improving their experience here should start to learn about it too, rather than just rely on what they know and assume. Everyone acts on what they know, so knowing a little more can make quite a big difference in how we approach and walk our path - perhaps even finding like I did, a lot of new ways that I didn't know existed, and there are even more now.

Yes, I agree.

As said, time matters and being on the blockchain a long time doesn't mean that a great deal is known, as there is the possibility to stay very narrow and not roam wide. This can mean that there is the feeling of knowing, but there is no visibility on what isn't known.

This is why it's good to have someone who has gone ahead guide to understand beyond the surface.

I'm getting around to knowing a few more things than I'd always known.

And I'm just learning of the block chain time.

There's a lot to know and you have a way of imparting so much knowledge with your posts.
Thank you.

I am glad more people are giving it a go and giving it a chance. There is a long way for crypto to grow, yet many act as if this is near mass adoption level. There are 7 billion more people to go before that happens :)

It takes some time to learn, but don't just focus on the promise of money - generally that is nonsense :)

It takes some time to learn, but don't just focus on the promise of money - generally that is nonsense :)

Thank you, I'll keep this in mind.

time has flew..I remember on steemit commenting on your posts way back in 2017. youre still awesome :)


Post til I'm dead!

actually, would be cool if we can make some delayed posting, so i will still make posts every year on my birthday for the next 50-100 years, with predictions, so at least some will enjoy our optimism.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

half way there:


Would be pretty cool though - you could be known as Hiverdamus :D

When the downvote mechanism took place in blockchain , i thought it will help me to earn reward through downvoting plagiarised and low quality contents but slowly i realised the complete story of downvoting. ..lolz
I wish Hive could minimise power down week from 13 weeks to 4 weeks as how steem now work .It will promote newbie to invest more hive as their mind psychologically allow them to power up to increase the vesting power and at the same time can power down to liquidate hive as per their need quickly.

I am sure you earned something downvoting people ;D

It doesn't matter too much in my opinion for the powerdown - the reason they did it on Steem though is so that 30 odd people can rape everything it has faster.

Your commitment to posting on hive everyday is out of this world and motivating. Any day I feel lazy to post I ask myself silently, do you think @tarazkp skipped a day posting on Hive. I love reading your contents.

lol - I hope it is a positive effect on you - don't feel pressured to post, but it is also quite a creative experience to post every day I find. Makes me think more, rather than just consume.

No pressure at all, it’s motivating

I am pretty much a newbie and it gets so confusing most days.

still trying to read and learn more.

Look at it this way - the general rule in life is: the more you learn, the more you earn.

Funny I read this now,,, when I was just aboit beating myself up for not being active at all today.... Coincidence much😲

Go get em!

Is the blockchain time local to whatever the original server was on? COLONIALISM XD

I'm trying to remember if I upvoted my own posts, I am too lazy to check, I don't think I ever did (but may have done?) because it has always felt stupid xD (guess it also helped that I've been on some incarnation of socnet for as long as they've existed on the internet).

I was rather bemused by the post as I didn't notice you missing a day but then again it's entirely possible I could have missed a day x_x

Nah, I think it is GMT - or CET or whatever it is these days.

I did for a while. I also upvoted a bit a few years ago too, as with the bidbots, there was very little active stake for actual posts. But, I haven't done it for a long time consistently - sometimes randomly. I was thinking about starting again :D

I knew I was going to post late that day, so it wasn't actually a danger - but seeing all the zeroes in the interface made me take a second look - just in case :)

Centred in Greenwich, COLONIALISM XD

I am joking for anyone that's skimming the comments and new to me

LoL your streak would be a challenging one to get back if you dropped it XD

It's crazy to imagine actually. Whatever you're looking for from this platform I hope you find it and more.

There is so much out there :)

Things were definitely a bit confusing for me when I first arrived. One of my big mistakes initially was upvoting old ass posts waaaaaay past the 7 day payout.

I think that is kit too bad, as if I remember correctly, it doesn't burn vp.

See…3 1/2 years later, I still didn’t know that. Lol

As I said, I didn't have any idea about what a blockchain was, and even less about how one works. In fact, I didn't have any idea about crypto at all and didn't actually know I was joining a crypto community.

This describes me, exactly, even though I had read the white paper and anything else I could find about the site, on the site. There was so much lingo I didn't know though, all that reading did me no good at all. I dove in, sank, then scrabbled to the surface just to remain alive. It makes me feel better to know you did the same.

And this is why I think people who are interested in improving their experience here should start to learn about it too, rather than just rely on what they know and assume.

That's one of the biggest reasons I read your posts. Maybe I should check out acidyo too. Three years later, I want to know much more.

I think a lot of the people who have done pretty well here, have done the same. Maybe sink or swim builds resilience.

For my content, since I am not overly technical, I try to find a balance where there is enough to build understanding, not too much that it is overwhelming. I fail either side a bit too :)

I didn't even know this feature existed. I already knew I still have a lot to learn still. Thank you.

No worries :)

Haha 😂 “What a dick move” !

Going to check what I did first too. It might be funny, I hope I wasn’t begging for upvotes or anything embarrassing 😂


Transaction 1.
"vote 4 vote"@vlemon


Everything you are saying is accurate and it is something i've been trying to do for a while now.
As the saying goes, anything worth doing is worth doing well. Seeing as we have decided to join the Hive blockchain, we might as well make good use of it. And how better to do that than by learning all the ropes needed to make it work?
It might not be easy at first, but it is not impossible.
Thank you @tarazkp for this. You just redirected my focus.

. And how better to do that than by learning all the ropes needed to make it work?

A lot of people dive into "earning" without learning along the way - as they think it slows them down, when it actually empowers them. This is not Facebook, Instagram or Twitter -

The solution is to just do things the right way. It might be longer, but it would always prove to be the best.

Hey taraz,
that is most impressive. Posting over four years every day? Did you make a conscious decision to do that, or is it in your blood, to churn out daily posts? :o). I want to do the same, but every day, I don't post, the momentum goes away and I say "tomorrow". I hope to get this work flow as well, some day. Hopefully today :o).

Demasiado hermosa la foto, gracias por compartir contenido tan interesante, para mi excelente, porque soy nueva en la plataforma, aun estoy aprendiendo. Investigando un poco por aquí y otro poco por allá.

I am...

Getting more interested.

And yes...

I upvoted meeself early on. ;-/

No thanks. These kinds of comments are not going to get you very far.

Nothing to do with not liking little users. It is the way you are that I don't like.