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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week seven: What would you do if... [Answer - Win hive!]

in OCD5 years ago

Ok here in the Philippines they seem to be in some sort of time warp where music is concerned. Air Supply, Bryan Adams, Scorpions, Celine Dion amongst many songs on permenant loop in every Taxi, Restaurant, bar and shop. Its like some sort of mass brain washing. So, if I had a time machine I'd go back in time, suffocate air supply at birth ( oh the irony) dispatch with Celine Dions mum as I don't want to take any chances history may try to correct itself with another one of her kids. Bryan Adams I'd beat to death with his first real six string in the summer of '69. The Scorpions I'd sabotage their tour bus before they made it famous. I have a pretty long list and I am open to suggestions in case i get my time machine working.


Lol...This made me laugh out loud! Well done as that's not something I do a lot.

Can you add Kenny G on your list? Maybe a bludgeoning with that saxophone of his. I'd also suggest you take a hammer to deal with MC Hammer.

Fuck it, just consider any choice of yours acceptable. Open season on shit singers.


perfect. I do hammer training with a sledgehammer so that would be a pleasure. You know where kenny G's instrument will end up as well don't you ;)

Yep, a sledgie will work just nicely. Not too much force, but not too little either. Swing as hard as you can!

Oh yeah...Kenny will be able to fart out some great music after you're done...Or probably not.

one last note

Jesus man! Not Kenny G!!!

What would we use to fill the silence whilst standing in elevators and in pretentiously twattish, expensive restaurants that describe themselves as bijou???

That guy just has to go...Sometimes hard decisions need to be made and sometimes, like in this case, the decisions are easily made.

You're a cold, hard man G-dog... A cold, hard, brutal man...

Note to self; hard decisions, easily made.

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You could just move location :D

It seems easier than embarking on a psychotic middle of the road pop butchery project haha.

Bryan Adams I'd beat to death with his first real six string in the summer of '69.

Ahahaha made my Sunday although it was a slightly unfair comment as he always says that "everything he does, he does it for you!"

Haha but i am saving the Philippines single handed. I need the time machine.

You had me at hello Celine Dion!!! :D

heh heh heh ( evil laugh)