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RE: Love Life in the Present No Matter What

in OCD4 years ago

I think there is a 2 pronged attack when looking at what we have and what we would hope to have at some point in the future. It is natural to wish for more, whether it be health, wealth, happiness or financial abundance. However if all of your potential happiness is staked on the achievement of some future thing, you will never be happy.

Many of us can relate to this. I will be happy when I lose the excess weight I have, when I make the money I have budgeted for or when I finally get my dream home. This sacrifices todays happiness and abundance or 'places it on ice' until we achieve what we believe we must in order to be complete.

Until we absolutely appreciate and demonstrate gratitude for what we already have, we can never evolve to any of the other things we have in mind. I think it is OK to be happy today while planning for a fulfilled tomorrow. I sincerely believe the secret to life is to be happy and have a meaning/purpose for the future.

Thanks for the opportunity to think on such things. Take great care and have a great end to the weekend and an even better week to follow 🙂👍


Thank you for the additional opinion. I agree with your opinion, and it's as good as it is, as you say.

I see it from the other side, and thank you for appreciating my writing.

Greetings, nice to meet you, have a nice day. ;)