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RE: The value of content

in OCD2 years ago

Re-think content. The Blockchain (those who use it) have failed the content. Mostly, I think that is the me factor. When I get my billions you can share the penny millions that spill over.

Imagine Hive media.
People log in to Hive Media like any news outlet.
But! Hive Media needs to be organised.

It would need it's front end. Once logged in a user has choices, what topic. Politics football blah blah. Click the topic link and Hive authors are linked in the specified topic.
This would require someone to find all the relevant publications each day for the site to link too.
Optionally all authors might post from an organised schedule of one account. Gets more complicated though.

Then you have the ability for just the reader of topics to be here. The way things are. not so easy for a reader to find what they look for.

Opinion wanted on value an account brings.

This account by its nature is designed to take money from the reward pool. It does this by posting and accumulation of rewards from giving votes. Subscriptions also contribute. They do not add up to that much. The sub is cheap to keep it fun and open to the newest of members to the chain.

The idea is to build the rewards to cover the cost of the ticket plus a dollar. Then begin to buy two lines or enter to an alternative lotto.

HA! Maybe I should not have asked that you will flag it to bits lmao.