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RE: Engagement: Putting yourself in the picture

in OCD5 years ago

I think the picture is great, for what it's worth lol. Anyway, I'm new here and I get what you mean that it's hard to get noticed. Although I've had a few posts getting a great reward, my last ones caught cents only. I'm not letting it stop me though, trying to find some like-minded people and leaving comments where I read something interesting. I find it hard to get my feed filled honestly, any tips on that? Because it almost seems as if the feed doesn't change much at the moment. But I don't want to start following random people. You're on my list though, I like your writing style! Have a good day..


Hey there...I just read your comment and as yet haven't had the chance to see your blog but...

For now I'd say remove the reward as a measure of your success here. Replace it with comments made and replies gained on those comments. It really is quite amazing what some well-placed and valid commenting can do. It's about relationships.

If you've scrolled back through my feed you'll see I write about many different things. I think that's made it easier. If I wrote only about kangaroos people would get bored, not to mention how small my audience would be. I also work on branching out of my comfort zone with what I read...That also helps to build more relationships. Sure, I may not be interested in pink unicorns with angel wings and cat faces, but maybe someone is and why not build a relationship with them?

feed and replacing your name (in the web address bar) with their own...:So, if you're looking for people to follow you can check out the @curangel daily post showing what the curators have promoted. Or @c-squared for that matter. I used to go to people's profile pages and see who they follow. You can do that by going to your own


That will show you what that person sees on their feed and may lead you in a few directions.

Try communities also. As I said, I don't know what you're into yet (will look later) so no suggestions just now.

I only follow a few people I think 85 or so.. I also cull that list down from time to time as people stop posting, start posting rubbish etc. Some follow hundreds but I've never done so. 100 maximum. I can then give them my attention.

As a curator for the two projects above though, I see a lot of posts and accounts. I might not love it all, but I reward passion, personality and effort. It's a good triumvirate of elements to add into your blogs and when determining who to follow.

I'm available for questions if you have points to clarify. I talked this out on my phone as I literally just woke up but when at my computer will be able to answer you and be more timely. I hope this helps, and thanks for your comment..

So that's a comment that I can work with, thank you so much!

For now I'd say remove the reward as a measure of your success here. Replace it with comments made and replies gained on those comments. It really is quite amazing what some well-placed and valid commenting can do. It's about relationships.

Noted, will do!

If you've scrolled back through my feed you'll see I write about many different things. I think that's made it easier. If I wrote only about kangaroos people would get bored, not to mention how small my audience would be. I also work on branching out of my comfort zone with what I read...That also helps to build more relationships.

I like your attitude, and it made me think. I would get bored if I had to write about the same thing as well, so makes perfect sense.

So, if you're looking for people to follow you can check out the @curangel daily post showing what the curators have promoted. Or @c-squared for that matter. I used to go to people's profile pages and see who they follow. You can do that by going to your own feed and replacing your name (in the web address bar) with their own...:


GREAT tips!! Thank you.

Will check those tips later on (whatever/feed etc .. curious to see what I find, it may be a whole new world opening up lol..

Have a good day :)