Presenting your posts here on hive is more than just a few words - One must have a hook, something to grab people's attention and that's where photo's come in handy. They capture attention as people scroll and may entice someone to stop in and take a look.

When I shoot photos I often think is this going to end up on hive as part of one of my posts and considering I post here a lot there's a fair chance it will...Still, I never pitch myself as a photographer so again, average will do.
That works for photos but with hive in general I think average isn't always the way to go; A little more effort is required.
Many come here for the monetary rewards they figure will flow like champagne from the skies...They post an introduction post, a blurry photo or two and wait for the big bucks to roll in, but they don't often roll in do they...Throw up a few more poorly-crafted posts...Nothing...Resort to shitty memes...Nothing...Hmm...
There's often a reason for this...It's not a phenomenon or a mystery in my opinion anyway...It's, lack of engagement! A lack of effort. Here, reward comes through effort.
I don't know how many times I've reached out to new, and not so new, people with a comment or two...And have lost count of how many have ignored me, or replied with cursory one or two word comments. Admittedly some respond well and I respond more...Then...Nothing. It's frustrating, especially knowing that it's people engaging with people that's going to drive this platform forward.
OK, I get it, maybe people just don't want to engage with the G-dog and that's cool you know? I don't get upset or lonely. But I certainly feel a little concerned about the lack of engagement on the platform, not just from new accounts but from long-established ones too. Sure, they might comment within their own little circles, often blabbing about how we need more engagement, but then not engaging with new people, and others in the general public. Quite unacceptable.
It's not legit y'all.
It's not ok to ignore others, fail to engage, then whine about lack of engagement. That's not going to help retain users. I'm not having a crack though, it's ok, we all get busy...But for fuck sake, do you reckon you could comment twice a day on a new/different account each time? Those two comments could make a massive difference to those accounts...And ultimately the platform...Especially if everyone did it, every day. It's not that hard y'all.
You may not know this but I have an alternative account.
A couple know about it, I think maybe three or four people. I blog there daily, some 150-250 words each time with a decent picture and I generally get cents in reward and sometimes a bit more through a vote from a larger account. Generally cents though.
I started this account to see how difficult it was to establish a new account.
You know what? IT'S HARD! Like, really hard.
Here's the thing though...I don't engage using that account...I don't make comments. This is because I don't have the time. I'll respond to comments but not comment on other people posts. That's why that account isn't growing that well. It was/is a great experiment.
Engagement League so my weekly engagement (number of comments, characters, accounts commented on and voted on etc.) can be found there going back several months - It's a lot of engagement; A lot.On my primary account I comment a lot. It helps that I curate for @c-squared and @curangel as I'm always looking for new people to curate. I also track my engagement on @abh12345's
I'm not trying to ding my own bell here, just talk about the power of engagement and the need for it.
So, my suggestions:
- Get your ass onto Asher's EL League...A simple message on any of the Engagement League posts requesting it will suffice. This will allow you to track your performance and give you something to aim at.
- Comment with interest and relevance upon people posts, not just your crew but new people, to the platform and new to you. Keep the momentum up too, daily. Your comment will mean a lot to a user who gets none.
- Post with passion and personality. If you've just commented on someone's post there's a chance they will look at your own blog (I do this) and if they see stinky shit then they may not want to engage. You want them to see something interesting.
- Set yourself a target...Work out what getting into the top fifty in the EL takes and aim for it...Then the top thirty, top ten and so on.
- Get into Communities and look for posts and people to comment on - It doesn't matter that you may not love what you see, as long as you relate in some way, have an opinion or thought, you can make a comment.
- Encourage everyone else you know here to do the same thing; Daily.
That's pretty much it.
Doing this will drive your own brand forwards, will almost certainly increase your rewards per post and with some of the larger accounts now focusing on upvoting comments more and voting outside of their own Community, @ocd for instance, the dividends gained from a few simple comments could be large.
Doing the above with a little consistency will help you to put yourself in the picture here on hive and in a short time frame you will find your followers and rewards are increasing, your knowledge may increase and certainly your enjoyment will.
So, go and review the dot points and get on it y'all. Trust me, you will benefit from doing so. I promise.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
I use to think this is something we need to change about engagement here, we don't need to stay away from people we feel we don't know, spreading engagement is really important and I've always kicked against circle engagement it's terribly not cool.
Recently I started engaging with you and like others too. However I do feel the people that this post could have spoken to will ignore it.
It's a beautiful picture there, did you edit the sky area?
Thanks for your comments. Yeah, I noticed us engaging more. I think it's good...A bit of effort building relationships can be a good thing. My brother just wrote a post partly on that topic. Build then maintain and move on to build more relationships...That's what we should all be doing.
Lamentably I agree that those who should read this will not...Still, I said it and feel better for doing so. It wasn't quite a rant although could have gone that way a couple times. I must be getting mellow in my old age. Lol.
The photo...I brought the pop up a little. I don't have a photo editor so use Google images. I haven't got the time or patience to spend editing. 3 seconds on Google photos and I'm done.
Yeah not quite a rant, but it should be a call to action honestly because I think it's one aspect a whole lot of people are quite guilty of. I've engaged with a whole lot of people who have circles and they seem to only think their circle matter more. It's really uncool. Always great to see you ontop @abh12345 engagement league
Yeah mate, I don't know how I do it each week...Oh yeah, I engage. Lol.
I think we need to keep hammering away at engagement...Like, all of us...Talk about it, promote it within our own circles and with newbies...Like throwing pebbles into ponds...The ripples make their way outwards to the edges.
I am quite guilty about my lack of comments on posts other than my own (which seem to get a lot more than the national average).
So here's a comment for you..
It is, but its a lot easier than it was 2 years ago.
Healthy account problems. We'll not get much sympathy but it is tough finding the time to get out of your blog when there's 50 comments there to reply to.
I just know someone will read that comment and call me an ungrateful bastard!
Ah ha...Yeah but you're not so it's all good. Few work as hard as you here and most know this.
Thanks. I've been very fortunate but also tried to encourage and build the network in my own way. There's more work to do though, for all of us.
You do and you've probably had more success than many others with their ranty-posts and finger pointing. Maybe we should call your BHP (The quiet achiever) That may not translate though...Lol. It was BHP's catchphrase in the 80's.
Yes, we all have more to do.
It can get overwhelming sometimes. I need to write more about the worst album a band has ever made some more. At least I can then go and walk the dog or something.
I'm thinking a Euro Truck post is in the works, that'll stop 'em :)
Haha, those are Epic...!!
8 without reply on the old chain :D
Yep...I recall my early days back in 2017...I hear you. Still, look at us now, exchanging pleasantries like a couple civilised chaps. Just dandy. Lol.
I like this photo! From the sky to the eroded rocks and the pink beanie. My dad had one in the same colour, which started life as a teapot cosy :)
It's easy to forget what it's like as a new recruit, and even accounts who've joined through an established Hiver have trouble sticking around for one reason or another.
However, I do see comments on new users posts, and not just the copy/paste welcome message. The tough thing is to engage on the next couple as well after the initial first post success.
Alright, I'm off to find a few people I've not spoken to in a while, there are many :/
Tea cosy beanies are the best...I won't tell Faith her beanie looks like a tea cosy though. Lol. (Nah, she would laugh actually.)
Spot on...Not just the first. I should have said this. Lol.
This is how I got a lot of my followers by engaging with others I did not know, it works👍
Totes man. (Did I just say totes?) WTF! Lol
Seriously though, it's a no-brainer...People will feel beholden to those that engage with them regularly and that's a good thing, as is expanding one's network.
Hope Brisvegas is treating you fine. We got some arctic weather heading our way for the next few days down here...Still, not as cold and wet as some places so shouldn't whine. :)
For a while I've fiddled around with few dapps and that has definitely affected the average effort output of my content. I wish I could undo those actifart and steemhunt posts. If not for those, I think I managed a decent level of output. Not every post required effort, sometimes they just flows.
I had told myself I would use communities as the perfect excuse to explore more authors. Sadly enough, in recent months life decided I could take some more kicks in the nuts and nowadays I'm literally happy if I even manage to read my usual suspects. If then I have something to add to the convo, I will do so but more often than not I'm the quiet type who doesn't excel at smalltalk.
Ironically, one of the first posts I published on graphene was about the need to network and build a tribe.
It can be really difficult to find the time I know. Between real life and posting here it's easy for engagement to fall away, or never take flight in the first place. I understand that of course.
You know, sometimes I really struggle to find something to comment on, something/someone new...Much of the content is just terrible, still I work hard, dig deep and keep seeking out the little gems. It takes time though.
I never got into Actifit and almost never click into one...That's just me though, some people love it. I can't be bothered...If that was my only thing here I'd just leave and go walking myself, you know? I mean who cares how many steps the G-dog did today? Lol.
Communities could be good although a couple of them lost their way OCD and GEMS being a bit generic. Seems OCD is changing though, actively driving people to other communities. My LEGO and THE PEW has seen a a slight improvement since that announcement with a couple of new people coming along as posters or subscribers. Let's see how that goes.
Eventually communities should help as there will be more topical verticals. It’s not guaranteed they will help with discovering new creators but because the average quality is rather below average we will all end up subscribing to plenty of communities and hopefully have varied feeds, with plenty of creators we didn’t yet know. And topical niches will make engaging definitely easier.
Time will tell I guess. For now we have what we have and I guess need to make the best of it. I'm not really hive-savvy so just go about my own thing, posting stuff that hopefully a few read. (skim).
I can simply tell how wonderful your family is. You have a very beautiful wife and it is so l believe the kids are or will be. Thanks so much for sharing but you have a nice shots from there. Maybe you should consider taking photography serious someday. They really are nice ones here. And it must be so tough for you managing all those accounts but you really are doing a great job there man. Thanks for your support always sir, @galenkp
Haha, it's unlikely I'll take photography seriously...I have other hobbies that take up too much time. I don't know, maybe someday when I retire from my job. Thanks for your kind words though.
Wow. One of the very frank straight to the problem solving post I have seen around. I have seen all you are saying happen on steem and partly on hive. Though engagement on hive is better than steem, there is a whole lot of improvement to make. I personally set a target of 20 comments a day and at least a blog post a day and I have been growing and making some good friends on the way. I hope the big accounts as they have started getting interested in engagement will keep it up and help new comers who are in for quality get at least noticed. Great advice share and will stick to my goal. Hopefully I can grow my so to 10,000 in a year.
Thanks for your reply.
Can I ask...Do you track the results of your engagement? I mean, have you any idea of what benefits you're gained from doing so? I think it would be interesting to know. Good luck for the 10,000 you seek too.
Personally, i get upvotes quite frequently on my comments and sometimes replies which channels the conversation to a whole new exciting level.
That's the way. I think it's important to see the results you gain from engagement.
It actually rekindles your spirit to continue.
Definitely some good advice here and it is hard work if you want to grow your blog but as you commented on my post recently, it's being consistent, posting like you want to and have an abundance mindset.
Thing is, this is a social media site at the end of the day and do people who are friends on say, Facebook or Twitter, go on the look out and engage with other people's posts other than their own group? I think it really depends on what you want to get out of it all.
If you want to grow your following for whatever reason then yes, networking and engaging is part of it. If you just want to casually browse and catch up with friends, it's probably not a big deal.
This is of course taking the whole "rewards" thing out of the equation because as soon as you put that in... yeah... you see the mentality change for yourself. In fact, that's a pretty interesting social science right there. You might be interested in reading a few books by Robert Cialdini who talks about the behavioural changes from a social motivation (no monetary influence) that occur when money is introduced from the various scientific experiments he's done.
I completely agree...But if that's what a person wanted there's more simple methods to do so, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Coming to a complex and clunky place like hive doesn't make a lot of sense...So, enter rewards. (The real reason (almost) everyone is here).
As you say, throw in a reward system and all that just want to hang out with friends stuff gets turfed out the window as everyone is tuned into that radio station, you know, WII-FM (Whats in it for me.)
And for most, if someone wants to get something out of it (other than the warm and fuzzy feeling of hanging out within their little friends group) engagement is required. (Excluding of course the circle jerking, bid-botting etc.)
There's a family on here, I won't say who, and they interact a little between themselves. Recently they were disadvantaged on a reward thing...And all hell broke loose. But...Hang on, isn't it all about the interaction within your group, the old G-dog thought...Clearly not.
I get what you're saying and I agree...I'm sure there's a handful of people here who don't care about the rewards and that's their prerogative...But the vast majority do...No different to people collecting likes on Facebook...That enjoyment that comes from it when someone likes the photo of the plate of avocado on toast they just posted...So rewarding, that tick. Lol.
So, yep, I think you and I are in agreement generally, yes? Those who want to stay within their group can do so, and don;' need to interact with others. Those that want, or need, to make a go of it...Engagement.
Thanks for commenting and the tip on the book.I'm hitting up today anyway, so will see if it is around.
Afternoon sir, your post makes a lot of sense and if a user followed your step then success is sure to follow. I personally think that a major factor in engagement is that in regards to mainstream 'social media' we're now so conditioned to everything being easy access and immediate.
Steemit and now Hive are great platforms but engaging on them reminds me of being on forums back in the early 2000's. That is not a bad thing and it definitely creates communities or like minded people but if somebody is just looking for an ease of access 'social media/dopamine hit' then it is a lot harder to gain this on here. As you rightly say you have to put in the effort and commitment and that 'effort' is something I see lacking in the majority of people today.
Hey mate, hope you're well. Yep, your point is spot on and I agree. I am not on Facebook so don't waste a second of my life like so many others do. I wonder how many sit there scrolling that endless feed and for how long, for no actual gain, when that same time could be spent engaging on hive with loads of gain, over time.
Laziness and the want it now expectation ethos in play for sure.
And yet there they are whining and moaning about why their posts only get 0.01 in reward...
Thanks for commenting. I hope you've been well (as can be) in this current situation.
I'm well thank you mate only just crossed the floor to HIve. I know its awful to say but I'm enjoying the lockdown as it is the most time off I've had in the past ten years. I'm naturally only a few steps away from a hermit so spending my free time reading and watching bigfoot documentaries is pretty cool. I hope you're baring up ok aswell, but from reading through your back log of posts it looks like your adapting and staying positive.
I think the next few years post Covid 19 and the economic fall out (which was coming anyhow) are going to drastically alter the way people interact in all aspects of life. I wonder whether social media will become even more encompassing and invasive or if we will see a rise in people rejecting the dopamine hit of facebook, instagram et al?
Good to hear you're well and yeah, we're going ok too. It's a good little break for some who don't get the chance, many suffering though too.
I think we'll be dealing with this for a while to come, the fallout economically and from a social aspect. It will be very interesting to see how it all plays out. Yes, agreed, it will change things for many.
Glad to see you on hive too!
Yea I have to remind myself sometimes that this isn't just a free holiday. I'm pretty solvent but I have friends with children, mortgage payments the classic set up and it all seems to be going down the Swanee.
Thanks for getting back to me as well mate; linking in with your original post it is refreshing to actually have a conversation with someone on here, get to learn about their worldview and know that they will make an effort to respond and that its not all about an upvote.
I've had to freeze my mortgage to be honest. For 6 months. Fortunately my bank permitted it; Some have not. It's been hard for many, and yet strangely not so much for others. Weird times. I'm working, but on reduced pay. As is my wife. Been a bit tight.
You're welcome, I always reply. Engagement is so important. I like learning new stuff and what better way than to engage here and shoot the breeze? The time difference sucks but it is what it is. Almost midnight here...Work tomorrow and all...I comment a lot though and enjoy doing so. Always get back to people even if it's delayed by the time lag and being asleep. Lol.
Damn, that was fortunate with your bank. Well I hope things all work out for you my friend, all I can really offer is I can include you in my prayers if that's something you'd be ok with as I've no idea if you're a religious man?
I hear you on the time lag and sleeping. I've no real excuse right now but when the world is 'normal' it can be bloody hard to juggle your online world, working life and home life.
@galenkp, I really enjoyed reading your articles most especially on steemit but now on hive it is absolutely more than a sweetner to my health. Although I joined hive Community few days ago and I am loving it. Good job sir. You are really a mentor. My regards to your family.
Hey there, thanks for your kind words and I'm glad to see you here on hive! I try to put my best foot forward and work towards building a better future for myself and hive. I appreciate your engagement and feel happy you have come over...It's people like you who will help drive this all forward to great success.
Keep up the good work!
Hey, @galenkp.
re: engagement
Very true. The key to getting engagement on your posts is, for most of us, engaging on other people's posts. Upvoting and engaging. It's very much a reciprocal thing, and not necessarily in a circle voting kind of way. It's worked for me, for you and who knows how many others.
It is, however, a bit counterintuitive when it comes to the time one has to be here. Seeing what posts can get vs. what comments get is pretty disheartening to someone who is trying to build up their account. They want to spend the time where it's the most cost-effective.
I tried it. Didn't work out so well.
Then, I too, was introduced to @abh12345's engagement league, and you know what. It opened my eyes. I was literally doing nothing. Not compared to the folks who were engaging at the time. I literally had to up my game by a factor of 10 to even hope to compete with them.
Funny thing, though, while I rose up the ranks and managed to earn some HIVE prize money, what happened week to week was even better. People noticed me. I got more eyes on my posts. Curation trails started coming by. Occasionally a free floating whale. It was awesome.
So, I doubt you need another testimonial to the one you've given here, but maybe, just maybe, someone reading this post and my comment, and those others who echo your sentiments, will get the message. Engagement is where it's at—for newbies, for established accounts still building, and for the large accounts that always seem to be calling for more engagement. Time to pony up, people. :)
This is a great example Glen.
I agree completely of course but your comments about the EL especially. People think they're engaging with 8-10 comments per week...Try 350 and almost 100,000 characters!
Investing time in commenting can seem fruitless but it's not, plain and simple. It's so easy too. Read the post, make a few lines in comment, have some dialogue, repeat on a few more posts from that user and you have a relationship.
This is the benefit of the EL...It tracks performance and the numbers don't lie. Such an easy way of keeping things legit when it comes to engagement. Everyone should be on it!
I totally agree...Time to cowboy up!
Large accounts, medium and small...especially new...Comment more. Setting a goal and being in the EL is also suggested. But alas, many will not...They will rely on their alliances and then complain and finger point at others for not engaging.
I agree, we all need to do it, and if we are, the new ones will follow. We need to lead out by example.
I wonder just how many of those folks spend more time on discord than they do on chain. It seems to me that there must be friendships and alliances being forged there, because the lack of engagement on chain wouldn't do it. So, there everyone sits, talking on top of one another. I guess it is possible to get someone to look at your posts and such, and I'm not saying it doesn't have it's benefits—I've got GINABot open all the time—but if you want engagement on chain, you've got to bring it from Discord, too.
And as far as time investment goes—it really doesn't take that long. It can at first, just knowing where to go to find posts your interested in, but after that, it just becomes a routine.
The sad thing we're running up against always is that few people really like to read or write. That's why we've got Twitter and what used to be 114 character caps, and memes ruling the social media-verse. If people could communicate in emojis and memes on and offline, they would. :)
Your Discord point is valid and yes, I believe that many sit there and chat instead of on hive. I've seen it with my own eyes. Sure, it has its place, but the engagement should be on hive and with a person spending hours on Discord circle-jerking in a chat room they don't have time left for hive. I find Discord frustrating mostly, the chat rooms. I message back and forth with a few users but it's not a daily thing.
Your last paragraph is good too, yep, that's the problem. Maybe we're the dinosaurs man? I don't know, everyone is looking for a shortcut these days and they find them...But what real value is there?
I hope historians in the future read emoji as there won't be much of the english language (any language) left in the future.
I guess we started with pictographs of some kind, we might as well go full circle. :)
I try to minimize what I do on Discord, too. Only recently, within the last six months, have I actually been able to get a few answers to questions I had. Initially, nada. And for places that are supposedly trying to accomplish something, there seems to be more idle chatting than anything else, all on top of one another so that it's difficult to follow, and mostly about topics I'm not interested in repeating. First time ever on Discord turned me off from it completely, if the name discord itself wasn't enough to do it. Who decides to call an online chat/voice service, discord, anyway? Do we want to invite backbiting and infighting? :)
I hear ya loud and clear with Discord...It's a gamers thing I guess, and we know how they can be. Lol
I prefer to use it only when I need to communicate, like with Asher yesterday on that arcange thing. (Arcange apologised by the way). I got on Discord chatted one to one with Asher and bibbety bobbety boo...Solved.
I don't know man, I think many just have nothing better to do and so spend their time in Discord. I've always had a problem with a monetised platform playing out off the platform like on Discord. Yes, do the back end stuff there, but engage on the platform. Just my opinion.
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Hard to believe that you are not a photographer. The quality of pic is telling the other story. Nice click
Thank you...I just point and click...Many don't turn out. Lol.
People definitely have different styles on interacting with social platforms. My level of interaction is different in different places. Actually, it can be different on different days so, not a good example.
You mention these "big bucks". Is that something I should be expecting to be seeing? :)
Oh yeah dude, just post up some blurry photos of that weed growing next to the bus stop across the street...Like a series of them...Take one of a rock and call it boulder Friday too...Then just sit back and watch that crypto roll in like Cyclone Katrina back in 2005.
It'll happen. Trust me.
We can't always engage or interact to the degree would like to for whatever reason however a little effort will go a long way. It all depends on what a person wants to get out of it. But wanting something and putting no effort into it, letting others do the heavy lifting, is not legit.
Wait, you mean I can't let someone else do all the work and I just get all the monies? :)
What about picking a spot of grass in the yard and posting a picture each day/week/whatever of it growing? Would that be cool? :)
Actually, a time-lapse of something cool growing (flower, etc) might not be too bad, done all at once in one post with a decent write-up.
Grass growing Friday we could call it...Post it on a Tuesday though, just to keep things interesting. Lol.
Your second post could be entitled:
Grew another 0.001 of a millimetre
I love that time-lapse video of things growing though.
Ahh man...That pic of Koekohe Beach, with your wife standing inside a Moeraki boulder is amazing:) Great shot, and an awesome informational post to help some people out @galenkp! Keep it up Bro:)
Thanks mate! It was a pretty cool spot. We went there specifically, from Dunedin, to see those 60 million year old boulders. They break apart like dinosuar eggs...It's pretty cool. We went on to Oamaru as someone had mentioned it and found it to be an amazing little town with a Victorian Quarter (buildings etc.) and an insane Steempunk museum. It was a cool day.
I'm a bit of a fan of engagement and whilst I don't write hive-related posts often it's always at the front of my mind because I engage a lot. I write that stuff in the hope that the people that need the push read it...Whether they do or not I never know.
Thanks for commenting. Yeah, I like that shot too...Shows the size of dem boulders which are dotted all over the beach. The crack because of imperfections inside then open up. Big bastards, but small ones also. Couple images...Below. I have one of Faith (wife) sitting on one...It'd have to be 7 feet tall at least.
Wow!!! That's incredible...& thanks for sharing those breath taking photos man...I Gotta check out some more of your content 👍
Cheers for sharing this, quite a lot of great comments and suggestions :-) I recently saw a Tweet showing that HIVE has been seeing a decent step-up in engagement time on average, compared to Steemit anyways. Still, you're right that we're not seeing enough engagement within the platform, and it's made me rethink about the way I do things, too!
Credits to: (abd12345)
I saw that post from Asher and yes it's good...But not good enough. I would say that 80% of the community don't engage effectively...Imagine if that figure was 80% who did! W'd have a pretty thriving little thing huh?
True, I've seen some users not talking around a lot, which is a shame, since we're quite the lovely folk around here! I want to see HIVE get the same sort of interaction that places like Reddit have, comparisons aside... I think we're getting there though!
It's moving in the right direction. I reckon if we all keep talking about it, creating the engagement-culture then when people come on board it's like the norm.
It's something that we've got to bring to the forefront, I suppose :-) There's no fate worse for a social media platform, than having little to no engagement. That's basically a death sentence, or at least the beginning of the end.
Agreed...We all need to start pulling in the same direction and engagement is an easy one to begin with I think.
I think the picture is great, for what it's worth lol. Anyway, I'm new here and I get what you mean that it's hard to get noticed. Although I've had a few posts getting a great reward, my last ones caught cents only. I'm not letting it stop me though, trying to find some like-minded people and leaving comments where I read something interesting. I find it hard to get my feed filled honestly, any tips on that? Because it almost seems as if the feed doesn't change much at the moment. But I don't want to start following random people. You're on my list though, I like your writing style! Have a good day..
Hey there...I just read your comment and as yet haven't had the chance to see your blog but...
For now I'd say remove the reward as a measure of your success here. Replace it with comments made and replies gained on those comments. It really is quite amazing what some well-placed and valid commenting can do. It's about relationships.
If you've scrolled back through my feed you'll see I write about many different things. I think that's made it easier. If I wrote only about kangaroos people would get bored, not to mention how small my audience would be. I also work on branching out of my comfort zone with what I read...That also helps to build more relationships. Sure, I may not be interested in pink unicorns with angel wings and cat faces, but maybe someone is and why not build a relationship with them?
feed and replacing your name (in the web address bar) with their own...:So, if you're looking for people to follow you can check out the @curangel daily post showing what the curators have promoted. Or @c-squared for that matter. I used to go to people's profile pages and see who they follow. You can do that by going to your own
That will show you what that person sees on their feed and may lead you in a few directions.
Try communities also. As I said, I don't know what you're into yet (will look later) so no suggestions just now.
I only follow a few people I think 85 or so.. I also cull that list down from time to time as people stop posting, start posting rubbish etc. Some follow hundreds but I've never done so. 100 maximum. I can then give them my attention.
As a curator for the two projects above though, I see a lot of posts and accounts. I might not love it all, but I reward passion, personality and effort. It's a good triumvirate of elements to add into your blogs and when determining who to follow.
I'm available for questions if you have points to clarify. I talked this out on my phone as I literally just woke up but when at my computer will be able to answer you and be more timely. I hope this helps, and thanks for your comment..
So that's a comment that I can work with, thank you so much!
Noted, will do!
I like your attitude, and it made me think. I would get bored if I had to write about the same thing as well, so makes perfect sense.
GREAT tips!! Thank you.
Will check those tips later on (whatever/feed etc .. curious to see what I find, it may be a whole new world opening up lol..
Have a good day :)
I looked "everywhere" and I can not find that other account anywhere.... Heheheheh
Yeah I know...Maybe it's you.
I will from time 2 time engage others outside of "the click"
Warning tho, a sense of humour will be needed to follow the T.C.I just did with @tubcat
I think with time, and patience, I will get better at the engagement part of this. Time meaning... More of it..... I do not know....
How You do it ALL...???*
I've seen that account around so will take a closer look.
Each of us can only work with the time we have available. No one should ever take to task a person for not engaging enough...I think people need to do what they can although many choose not to do even that much. It's those who whine about engagement but don't do it, or really anything other than their own thing, that annoy me.
Each to their own I guess and I can really have no influence over what one people do.
How do I do it? A couple of posts a day, some 1400-1800 words, plus 50-60 sizeable comments? I don't know, I'm quick I guess. I just make it work somehow but it's a lot of work. A lot of work man. Loads.
Oh believe Me when I say I know it is a lot of work. Those little Sammi Jo rescue chapter were painful to a person like Me that has no natural talent for writing.
I kinda think it just rolls of and outta your
TongueBrain. Big Big Brain.... LoLGetting it into a post so well like You and Taraz do takes some skills. I thought I was creative till I tried this..... Maybe not so much. In time We will see...... I will keep trying.
All you can do is try right? (And keep trying). A bit of personality and passion, which you always add, and some basic writing skills is all a person needs. We cannot all be amazing authors. If I was, well, I wouldn't be here I guess.
Guess how many seen it....??
The photo is pretty good. Helps when you have a nice subject? XD
Engagement is bloody hard work and a timesink, can understand why people don't do it even though they really should. I've spent a good chunk of the day here commenting on just my feed and haven't even expanded out to my favoured tags yet (where it's more the same people again that I generally monitor through tags rather than watching). Does that count as circle jerking? I'm supposed to be reaching out further looking for more and more and more new people? When does it end? At some point I need to actually work so I have stuff to post XD
I'm a bad person and haven't looked at the introduceyourself tag forever and will probably continue not doing so for the foreseeable future x_x
I think I wrote somewhere that a person can only do what they can from a time perspective. I mean we all have lives in the real world too right? You do what you can and that's it, no need to feel like it's got to be justified. I think reaching out to new people will have some value...I remember what it was like when I was new...Not many reached out really, @sirknight did though and he stuck with me for ages. A few others. But I got out there, commented, on posts, kept commenting and built that way.
For a new person wanting to build (I know you don't, nor are you new) I think it is critical to get noticed. I pass over hundreds of posts a day whilst curating and don't even click in for a look...Someone comments on one of my posts and I go check them our right away, often even before I reply back.
It's a proven method of doing it, and people like us need to make sure new people are aware, and welcome to drop in and comment.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Yeah, a good subject helps which is why I'm rarely in front of the camera.
And still with you in spirit @galenkp. ; )
Oh hey mate! Good to hear from you.
Look at me huh? three years in 30 days time and still banging out a couple posts a day...You'd think a bloke would have nothing left to say but...Still do! Lol.
I hope you're all well and the current shenanigans over the flu are not impacting you too much.
Awesome. This is evergreen content.
Expect my own iteration of the same sort of thing to drop sometime in the future. haha. 2022 is just around the corner and I have big plans to get more and more people in on Hive and guided along the lines of success from a variety of levels.
Thanks for the post - even though it is 2 years old already. Still so relevant.
You're welcome. Commenting with validity and relevance is how I built my account and I know it works.
Here's to a great 2022 for all!
Absolutely. I have to be honest and say that this was something that was a bit lacking from the Steemit days. There was a lack of... soul in posts and comments. Just a bunch of big whales washing each other's backs while everyone else milled about trying to get their attention.
I recently got a reply to a comment I posted that started out like this: "Before you read my reply I want to inform you that you won 1 HSBI share from me. I have been giving away ecency points to better commenters but your reply stood out, so I decided to give 1 HSBI instead. I have never seen such a nice comment on my post from day one of hive till today. In short, I believe in giving."
This was a really awesome and inspiring reply. I still don't know what an HSBI is... any ideas?
I started on Steemit in June 2017. I posted and commented a lot and things started to happen. I made it about the enjoyment not the money. I do the same now as I did then. A scan through my post feed will demonstrate that I think. If one makes it about the enjoyment they garner from what they person do rather than from what they may get people would be happier.
Nope,I have no clue what an HSBI is.
Right. It was worth a shot to ask you about the HSBI though, haha.
I agree. The main, main focus should be on the experience. I have been re-educating myself in everything here and really, educating me in all the new stuff Steemit just did not have what Hive has now.
It's inspiring to think about what we could be doing on this Web 3.0 going forward.
What I would like to see, as a very personal goal here, is to create a Hive community that is intimately local. I am South African, I am Cape Townian. We have a specific community here and though it will be pleasing for people from around the world to see what we are up to, I want to build communities on Hive and move them over from their Facebook/Whatsapp-based groups.
That way, their posts are not just about lonesome South Africans writing things for people abroad to read, but writing and organizing events and sharing happenings right here. Get busy and make it about creating that community that they love so much. There is more than Hive offers those people than just the rewards.
It's a grand vision and I hope you succeed.
I engage with a lot of Saffers and always find good value there. They are a lot like Aussies, (but with funny accents.) 😉
😉 Are you sure it's not the Aussies with the funny accents? 🤣
I actually have some family in Australia. A nephew and a niece. They are the oldest two of my kid's cousins. The world is getting smaller as it seems we have family all over the place.
And thanks. I think my watching you and what you and others do, I will learn what I need to succeed.
It's incredible how after 5 years this is still relevant and important in this platform. And now more than ever because we now have short content like Waves, Snaps and others.
I always try to comment as much as I can, although I can't read other's posts that much.
Thank you for these advices.
I don't know what waves and snaps are and don't really care to be honest; I enjoy doing the content I post and enjoy the engagement it gets and the relationships that form. It's those things which have kept me here and without it I'd be gone pretty quickly.
I agree with you in the fact that engagement in posts is more important, but the short content form is quite interesting.
I know you said you don't care, but let me explain. Waves are short content from Ecency and Snaps are short content from Peakd. They are like "tweets" on Hive and is a good way to engage with people. Other frontends have their own short content too.
As I said, I'm not at all interested in snaps and waves...I don't like tweets either, it's mindless drivel designed to keep people preoccupied and thinking about everything else except what's important. Total rubbish.
Your (annoying) explanation was pointless and only proves my point above about people being distracted and preoccupied. Had you read and understood my previous comment you wouldn't have provided an unsolicited explanation for something that I'm not interested in and which I do not value.
Well, I'm sorry for that. Didn't mean to be annoying.