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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week seven: What would you do if... [Answer - Win hive!]

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Right, let me slip on my goggles and zoom all way back to Ancient Greece. Imagine going around the Greeks, studying and adopting their philosophy with all the knowledge that I carry of the 21st-century. I would be a literal rockstar, and my death would leave me honoured a demi-god with a big ol' statue of Zacharius the Magnificent on the Parthenon.

Alternatively, they could just think I'm a witch or demon, not from Mount Olympus, and they'd just poison me for spreading heresy. Honestly, I think that's worth it given how much sex and wine they'd get to enjoy on the daily. Plus, I'd get the excuse of walking around nearly naked, letting my jollies to hang around. Syphilis be damned! 🏛️🔱

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Syphilis be damned!

Your Greek wife?

Lololol, that comment literally has my kidney hurting from all the laughter! I do not want to be married to anyone called Syphilis. Bad news all around, mate. Never can love making be any more dangerous!

Syphilis is a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact. The disease starts as a painless sore — typically on your genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person to person via skin or mucous membrane contact with these sores.


One of my all-time favorite movies

Oh god, I remember this scene too vividly. 😂 I bloody loved Monty Python, and this is a good snippet as to why their comedy is absolute gold. Biggus Dickus!

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Sounds legit. Just make sure you don't end up anywhere near Alexander the Great...He was notoriously fond of little boys. You don't want any of that action in your life! Just keep Alexander away from your jollies man, and you'll have a better time in Greece.


Oh god, not Alexander. I'm hopefully old enough that I needn't pleasure any old bearded Greek men. I've suddenly forgotten that Greeks liked a little man-love, and I'm not into that myself. My handsome physique could tempt a lot of women, as well as men. I think I'd rather go to Sparta, than Athens.

Yeah, safer in Sparta I think...Those ancient Greeks loved bro-love a little too much it seems.

Specifically the Athenians, so I suppose I'm more of a Spartan myself. They probably have better gender equality there than in modern times, to be honest. Apparently, men and women would often do physical exercises together... in the nude. Gonna have a lot of leg-days for all that kicking, eh?

This is Sparta!

Always leg day in Sparta bro.

Need some of those burly legs to climb Mount Olympus, that's for sure!

"If I had found the time travel machine. I would go to Athens in 387 BC. I would meet and hang with those crazy ancient philosophers like Socrates, Platon, Aristo etc. in School of Athens. I would try to be a famous philosopher. I would try to tell them about quantum physics =P"

I wrote this before i read yours. =)

That's a wonderful idea! It would've been superbly intriguing and awe-inspiring to sit down in the same room with them, just chatting about philosophy. I wonder how they'd think of our modern world...