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RE: Is Artificial Intelligence is a threat to human ?

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Dear @saswat036

interesting choice of topic.

But after the developement of robots and AI, humans are getting sacked from the job.

Many people out there seem to believe, that technology will create more jobs than it will cause to disappear. And it may be true. However currently technology is moving forward way faster than "we humans" can and transition period can be very painful for many.

As a human, we tend to make mistake, but as a robot, they cant create error as they are programmed.

Of course can. For that one reason: because there are programmed - mistakes can and will happen. Show me one operating system that doesn't have patches and errors. Which cannot be hacked and never goes down.

I think you've made small mistake in your title.

Is Artificial Intelligence is a threat to human ?
Instead of human you shall write "humanity" :)

Have a pleasant monday,
Yours, Piotr