Dear @culgin
Interesting choice of topic. Im a bit tired to read more about C-19, so I found your post a bit refreshing.
Thanks for sharing your experience with this browser.
However, what truly differentiates the Brave browser from the rest is that you are able to earn BAT tokens by clicking on advertisements forwarded to you by the browser itself.
I wonder how BAT token economy is organized. It's great to know that we can earn some token, but where would demand for this token be coming from? Any idea?
How many BAT tokens are you capable of earning weekly? Those 20 BAT - how long did it take you to collect that much?
I'm using brave browser to surf on Steemit (desktop only) and so far I don't remember seeing any ads which I could click in order to receive some BAT tokens. Strange.
Solid read, upvoted already,
Cheers, Piotr
Hello there @crypto.piotr.
How long have you be using Brave for? As I also did not have ads for about the 3 first weeks and now I get 10-20 per day. I have earned 5 BAT in a week just using the desktop browser.
They claim they redistribute in BAT 70% of the money they get selling ads.
Hope it is helpful and as commented above, I also wrote a post about it a few days ago.
Hey, thanks for the comment! You can refer to my earlier post on how BAT token economy works. @vlemon also gave a nice brief explanation.