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RE: Is The GameStop Trade Illegal? Chances of a Dollar Total Crash, and a Strong 1-Trillion-Dollar Force Driving Markets Higher

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I am very interested in the part where you say Dollar won't collapse, because I have been telling everyone dollar collapse is immtent so buy all the BTCs that you can you know.

It's about the economy right, the fundamentals, the US economy is doing bad, unemployment, dept then like currency could collapse. Possibility.

It will be a first time for all of us if that happens, as if its WW2 era time.

It does not sound bad, because we anyway thinking because of global warming in our times only world will collapse and all!!

Lets see...there is always a chance that we can improve things and stabilise before it gets too late you see... both for the dollar and the environment.


The collapse of the dollar would be very unpopular, a huge defeat for the government and Fed in the US. I don't think they would risk it. But a higher inflation between 5-15 percent would be logical. They also inflated the government debt (treasury bonds) after WW2. I suppose they will do the same now.

Buying precious metals, (cheap) real estate, stocks, cryptos seems to be good idea for me.