After this lockdown and stuff, I gave up something I was doing like updating a sports site, to learn about cryptos and write.
It's been good... you need to make a list of what all you what to do, reveiw it.Maybe have your mind think to find time and ways to do it. It helps...
Past few years, I travelled solo and enjoyed, wrote on it and its been loved in platform. I gave up on milk, although sometimes have it if its gotto be wasted...
its also a matter of making space for something. This year before the pandemic, one ofthe drama artist, asked me to try acting, just to spread awareness on environment and real things. At that time I said I have no time sir, I read about economy and crypto.
He said, all your life you want to be serious or also mix lightness in it. I seriously had no time, or money or age (almost 36) to do drama acting. Then pandemic came, I decided to leave the sports page update task and do writing and cryptos full time.
I also made up my time to do acting if that oppurtunity comes again, lot of reasons... its about making space. Although I am perfectly happy just reading news, writing, walking, being with cats and getting into activism, community building and such things...ofcourse can't live without exercise!!!
Right now, I am not reading crypto, to read some articles, else I will be studying graphs and reading news. Will do that another day.
Another thing in making productive use of your time, is it prevents you from becoming lazy, although weekends I don't mostly read or write on crypto..sunday complete break and rest, so other stuff.
Actually gives you energy to work next day.
Thanks for the comment @mintymile
So doing theater, that's a good experience, that enriches, I know because I did theater for 15 years. It is rewarding.
Organizing time is more than necessary, to be able to perform in so many things that one wants to do.
Studying about cryptomonics, graphics, etc. takes time, but it brings its own rewards.
You are right, it is a matter of taking time, organizing it, it is necessary.
And rest, another thing I usually leave aside, and I shouldn't.