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RE: A music philosofy to face depression

Welcome to our community!

This is an interesting first post but could be so much better with added media and Markdown 👈 CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION!

Try adding some photo's and also make sure to use the YouTube share URL link so it posts the video rather than just the link.

Have you tried using markdown?

It's a combination of special characters, and here's some I use most often.

For example: # * - which change the text format.

Use a hash for headings

Heading 1

Use * each side of your word, sentence or paragraph for
italic text.

3 lines --- Create a dividing line.

< center > place text here </ center >

This will centre your text.

Looking forward to your next post!

@darrenclaxton for MusicForLife


I appreciate a lot your comment and your help. I´ll try to increase the quality of my future posts