Are running and yoga practice compatible? 🇮🇹 Correre e praticare yoga sono attività compatibili?

in EXHAUST5 years ago

Yesterday I finished a 8.564km running that lasted about 0hh:57mm:3ss !


Hello everyone, dear friends near and far!

Yesterday afternoon, after the summer break, I started running again with my friend and Yoga teacher.

The ambient temperature was pleasant and I can define it as ideal for running.

We both ran in minimalist shoes and chatted throughout the course: this is the way I prefer to run, because I generally do not notice the physical effort in progress and I arrive "at the finish line" with great ease.

Back in "our ashram", after a shower we practiced an hour of Vinyasa yoga.

Here are some data provided by my wrist GPS and useful for future comparisons:






Ita 🇮🇹

Ciao a tutti, cari amici vicini e lontano!


Ieri pomeriggio, dopo la pausa estiva, ho ripreso a correre assieme al mio amico e insegnante di Yoga.

La temperatura ambientale era piacevole e posso definirla ideale per la corsa.

Abbiamo entrambi corso con scarpe minimaliste e chiacchierato durante tutto il percorso: è la modalità di correre che io prediligo, perchè generalmente non mi accorgo dello sforzo fisico in corso e arrivo "al traguardo" con molta disinvoltura.

Tornati nel "nostro ashram", dopo una doccia abbiamo praticato un'ora di Vinyasa yoga.

Ecco un po' di dati forniti dal mio GPS da polso e utili per futuri confronti:






(All images in this post, unless otherwise indicated, were taken by me and are licensed CC0 by @amico)

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Hi @amico! It's just been so long since I have chatted with you!

Are you still active with @Actifit? I remember during the first year of #AutomaticWin's you had quite a few badges! So because of this I wanted to thank you for supporting the most recent @AdventureReady Announcement with an up-vote.

Did you manage to collect some AWIN Tokens along with your #AutomaticWin's before? I'm not sure if I had rolled that out yet or not...

Anyways! It's not to late and I would absolutely LOVE to have you back in the #AutomaticWin feed!

So count this comment as a welcome back hello! I hope that you decide to re-join us! 😄

Thanks for the welcome back, mate: really appreciated! 🙏

Have a !Beer 🍻 and a huge hug!

Posted using Dapplr

It feels good to reconnect! I hope that all is well with you!

Are you still rocking the 5 fingers? I still am... Except we just got about 30cm of snow in about 2 days... So back to the winter boots! 😩

I've seen some good snowfalls and you're right to wear appropriate shoes. However, I know people who are barefoot even in the middle of ice and snow: are they extremists?

Yes, sometimes I still wear the 5F, when I am not running barefoot or other minimalist footwear.

A huge hug 🤗 and some bit of !BEER 🍻

Hahaha! I've tried that (when I was much much younger) before... running barefoot on the fresh snow is a tinny bit extreme! (At least here in Canada where the temperature can drop to -50C.)

That's good! I'm glad your still running with your 5F! Minimalist running is the way to go. 🙌

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BEER Hey @wil.metcalfe, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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excellent exercise plan, I am not an expert, but I think it is a good time that you set to run all that distance
happy start of weekHello dear friend @amico good day

On Saturday and Sunday I walked through the woods and picked some mushrooms: although my eyesight is decreasing with age, I can still find some... I'm pretty happy! 👍

A huge 🤗 hug, !tip & !BEER 🍻

Every time I read more about people who gather mushrooms, that is a pending subject that I want to learn, I do not know anything about them, but they are delicious
I wish you a happy rest and happy dreams

BEER Hey @jlufer, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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Totally compatible!

Yours is an opinion definitely expressed on deep experience, so of absolute competence: thank you very much! 🙏Good to know, dear @toofasteddie!

Who knows if I can ever be as fast as you? Maybe on my next karmic carousel ride?

A huge 🤗 hug, !tip & !BEER 🍻

BEER Hey @toofasteddie, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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Se ce l’hai fatta io direi che è più che compatibile! Complimenti 👏👏👏
Cos’è exhaust? Una alternativa a Actifit o ha cambiato nome e grafica?
Baci !BEER & Abbracci

Boh, io mi fido del mio insegnante... poi il massimo che mi possa succedere, come insegna lo yoga, è di lasciare il mio corpo e cominciare presto o tardi un altro giro di giostra?

A fine settimana, tutti gli exhauster ricevono ulteriore rewards nel proprio wallet, in base alla propria posizione nella classifica settimanale: è carino!Si, @maruskina: con @exhaust puoi caricare varie attività registrate da un GPS: una sorta di Strava / Endomondo / Wikiloc (ecc.) su HIVE BlockChain? C'era già anche su STEEM, ma l'uso è ancora poco diffuso... vuoi provarlo anche tu?

!tip !BEER ... e un caloroso abbraccio! 🤗

BEER Hey @maruskina, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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Non solo corsa e yoga sono compatibili tra loro, ma anche con lo scrive su Hive. Welcome back :D

p.s.: secondo me è compatibile anche una birra

Ben detto, carissimo @garlet... è tutta solo questione di organizzarsi? 🙄

Un caro abbraccio 🤗 !tip e un po' di !BEER 🍻

Ti ringrazio @amico per l'incoraggiamento.

Non c'è di che, @garlet: piacere mio! 🙏

BEER Hey @garlet, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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eccoti un piccolo upvote ;) correre non fa per me ahime' conosco la zona dove hai corso pero' :)

Uè, grazie per l'olio di balena! 🙏 Spalmato sui muscoli, 🙄 serve a far svolar via l'acido lattico? 😂

Com'è che conosci la zona in cui ho corso? Hai vissuto / lavorato / studiato da queste parti?

Un caro abbraccio, !tip e un po' di !BEER 🍻

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

Wow, that's a long run. Have you been running for long? I doubt I can reach that far of running. Anyway, that's a good way in sweating out. I'm just doing walking every morning for now.

I used to walk alone too.
I started running at an advanced age, motivated by wanting to try the experience of completing a marathon. It took me a few years to reach the goal and then I ran three of them... to (maybe finally) understand that the 42.195 km is not my optimal running distance... but how satisfying it was to reach the finish line! ❤️

Now covering the distance of 10 km comes naturally to me, even if I am definitely out of shape!

Is running a common practice in your area too?Where do you live, @mrnightmare89?

Thanks for stopping by, mate!

A huge 🤗 hug, !tip & !BEER 🍻

I live in the Philippines. Not at all, it depends on people wanted to be fit but I saw a lot of them having an exercise in the morning.

Well, in many Western countries - Italy included - running is a business and shoes a kind of sacred gral.
I, who tend to be nonconformist, prefer running barefoot or minimalist shoes.

What do you do to keep you fit?
How many steps (or km) do you walk on average every day?
Do you drink !BEER 🍻 or do you only enjoy it in token form? 🙄

Haha not just a token form but the real thing. lol

It's different here, sometimes I went for a walk with just my sleepers. No one will look at you if you're doing that. Usually 4km to 10km but for now, I just walked for 1 km. hahaha But to make sure I am fit, I do warm up in boarding house like stretching or zumba.

I also love walking with sleepers: during the summer, they are my main shoe when I don't have to go to the office to work.
When I run barefoot, many people notice it and are often surprised or upset... but I don't care what they think about what I do.

Stretching and zumba sound interesting... great choice! 👍

If you collect lots of !BEER tokens, you can convert them into local currency to pay for a non-virtual beer. Or, even better, find a beer seller who accepts HIVE payments?

  • How widespread is the use of cryptocurrency in the Philippines?
  • Do any retailers use them?

Hahaha that's a good idea but for now, converting it to cash won't be enough. hahaha

It's good to walk barefoot especially on the beach.

Crypto? Not yet, few people only know that's why some people were being scammed. lol
Binance accepting the Philippines currency and they allow some ph apps to buy crypto. Although, the people are not that knowledgable for now. We all know that the Philippines is behind for a decade I think from foreign countries. lol

BEER Hey @mrnightmare89, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @mrnightmare89, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEER Hey @mrnightmare89, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

E' sempre tutto soggettivo e "rincorrere" le proprie passioni è sempre cosa buona e giusta.
Adesso che ci penso bene però, non so se la !BEER è tanto compatibile con la corsa..😂 😂 😂@amico Secondo me tutte le attività che ci fanno sentire bene sono compatibili tra di loro anche se potrebbero non sembrarlo.

Ah beh, sono moltissimi i runner che osannano i benefici della !BEER ... ma a ben vedere, l'alchool è una sostanza che mette in imbarazzo il nostro fisico, pur regalando un po' di ebrezza. Lo yoga la considera sostanza intossicante... tanto per dire! Ma finchè sono tokens, abusiamone e godiamoci un po' di senso di abbondanza, giusto?!

!tip e un caro abbraccio! 🤗

BEER Hey @libertycrypto27, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

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 5 years ago  

You have uploaded 16 running activities, and 5 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:

Over these 5 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 42.78 kms at an average pace of roughly 7:55 min/km!
Your latest run was at a pace of approximately 6.662min/km!
Looks like you went a bit faster than usual this time! Nice work!
Have a !BEER for your troubles!

Thanks for the useful info, dear @exhaust! 🙏

But, wait: you are out of !BEER 🍻... that's a huge problem! 😜 LOL 😂 😂 😂

A huge hug! 🤗

Posted using Dapplr

BEER Hey @exhaust, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

Every day is a good day when you run.
Kevin Nelson

Reblogged by @runningproject

...and enjoy a good recovery !BEER .

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

BEER Hey @amico, here is a little bit of from @maruskina for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEER Hey @amico, here is a little bit of from @garlet for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Certo, lo provo volentieri!
Devo confessare che non sapevo cosa fossero neanche Strava e gli altri 😂
Infatti anche con Actifit mi costava spesso raggiunge i 5000 passi 😂
Non è proprio il mio forte ma l’importante è non arrendersi!
Baci !BEER & Abbracci

Sono sicuro che te la caverai benissimo... in tutti i sensi! 👏

Strava e gli altri sono ottimi "giochini" anche social per ingaggiarsi in sfide a distanza trovando e ricevendo così motivazione all'uscire di casa anche quando si starebbe volentieri dentro a poltrire... l'unica cosa da evitare, è poi farsi prendere così tanto da "intossicarsi"? 😂

Ciao, notte notte! 😴 (ora mi attende il mio esercizio quotidiano al pianoforte... che recentemente ho iniziato a studiare, LOL)

BEER Hey @amico, here is a little bit of from @maruskina for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEER Hey @amico, here is a little bit of from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

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Hive Power Up Day - Introducing the Power Up Helper!

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Hive Power Up Day - Introducing the Power Up Helper!