steevc just finished a 7.1km run, that lasted for 42 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 495.0 calories.
Description from Strava:
The weather just keeps on changing. Yesterday was really windy and this morning it was raining. It was pretty cold out there too, but I needed to get a run done.
The roadworks near us are causing chaos with long queues at the lights. Luckily that does not affect me as I do not tend to drive during the week. I just headed up for my usual loop of Fairfield. As I ran up the hill there was some snow coming down at times, but it was not going to settle. Although some may think I am crazy to run in these conditions I do not get too cold when I am running and I know I will not be out very long, so it is not a problem. I just try to keep going.
My legs were tired from my long run on Sunday, but this one was not too bad. There were a few people out walking their dogs or heading off to school or work. They were all bundled up in their coats. I think I saw one or two runners. There was not much wildlife to be seen.
I was glad when I started back down the hill. My tired legs managed to keep moving and I was not going to break any records, but I did get another 'local legend' status on Strava.
Podcast listening was from Drumeo and Radiolab.
When I got near home I could see how long the traffic queue was for the lights. It does not help that we have so many cars parked on the street, so there is a risk of gridlock. I just wanted to get in and warm up. My feet were wet and so was my hair, so I needed to dry myself before breakfast. I am fine now and the weather is looking better too.
Have a good day and run free.
If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:
About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.
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We have quite a bit of snow on the ground in some areas. In other areas it is all but gone which is kind of surprising. With Spring right around the corner you never know what to expect here. I think we have at least one or two more big storms in store.
We're getting all the seasons lately. Just when you think spring is on the way it goes cold again. Hope you can stay safe and warm.
Yeah, we had a couple false starts like that too, but that isn't uncommon here in Michigan. They have memes about it and everything.
"Local legend" that's not a bad title to have. Well done 👍
You should see the snow at my place. The banks at the end of my driveway are almost over my head lol
Our snow is nothing really. It was a big deal when we had a few inches, but we never get it really deep here. We don't lots of snowploughs to clear it anyway.
Yeah there is a lot that goes into snow safety in terms of driving (snow tires, plows, salt...etc) and places that don't get a lot of snow regularly often aren't equipped to deal with it, so it is a big deal.
We got the wind so strong here, that it blew away my compost bin unto the streets. Crazy. Now it's like spring weather. Not complaining today.
I saw a few things get blown around. Our fences survived. Nice and sunny out now, but I'm stuck indoors.
I'm gazing out of the windows and it's snowing here. Lucky me, WFH all week.
Of course it's sunshine here now. We've had every weather in the last week. At least we didn't suffer any wind damage yesterday.
Here the weather has changed a lot, Temperature has gone to 30 degree centigrade.
LOL! Here it was 4C, feeling like -1C :)
Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.

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This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):
I used to run in school but nowhere near 7km. Good work there.
I didn't like sport at school, but started running in my 40s. You just have to keep working at it.
40s😲😲😲...there's a lot of hope for me then. Still in my early 20s.
Nearer 60 now! Trying to stay young.
Great. Hope I can emulate you when I get there.
You ran on Sunday and I'm seeing a post of you running again today
Do you run everyday?
It's a great thing to exercise but it's not great to exercise too much
I run 3 or 4 times each week, but you can see others on Hive who do a lot more. We can each work out what is good for us.
3 to 4 times is okay
Please make sure that you have enough time to rest your leg. My leg aches too and I guess it is because of how much I stressed the leg
You need not worry. I recover fairly quickly, but then I don't run every day.
Monday was extremely windy and a few things in the garden were blown over. Today was part spring and part winter again!
keep yourself fit
That's the idea :)