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RE: Heat Wave and Lights Out... A Horrific Nightmare

in HiveGhanalast year

This is exactly what we are facing here in Nigeria, there has been no steady power supply and the heat is unbearable the worse of it all is mosquitos that will never allow one enjoy the heat in peace, ahhhhhh at some point it became so fraustating, but it rained yesterday here so its a bit better.
So sorry.


Good for you oo, you got rain, this rain is just taunting me, sometimes i want to even cry, and don't even get me started on the mosquitoes, luckily for me i am on the 3 floor of my apartment building so they are less there however i do not know how mosquitoes are able to find their way in the dark

Am just creating a content on how mosquitoes get to find humans they are just miserable, even now they are Hunting me as am writing, I can't even be inside the net due to heat even though it rained yesterday, it's still hurt.

I can't wait to read because i want to understand these flies, they must really be special

They are more than special, they are small but mighty honestly

I like your adjectives, mighty, ahaha

Yes they are small but mighty when it comes to battle

Haha, interesting, how beautiful are the creatures of God

Here comes the link.

Where is it?