Heat Wave and Lights Out... A Horrific Nightmare

in HiveGhanalast year

Hi guys,

How are we all doing? It's been a good week so far and things have been going great, the week started off quite well for me and I know that it will end well and we will wrap up the month of love in style.


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But something has been happening in my vicinity for a while now and I cannot really generalize it as the whole of Ghana experiencing this so I wanted to share and find out from my Fellow Ghanaians if I am the only one experiencing this in my vicinity.

The Horrific Nightmare

So for the past few days since the rains started taunting us, giving us a few drizzles here and there and then halting completely just when we were getting our hopes up for an end to this heat wave that has made the lives of Ghanaians a living hell, the electricity company of Ghana also decided to join in the joke.

I do not know nor can I confirm if load shedding is back on however nowadays the lights just keep going on and off every now and then, and our rooms have become a literal hell in terms of the heat that continues to build up every evening. Already sleeping with the fan on has become difficult enough with this sudden rise in temperature due to the unexpected harmattan and now with the frequent lights out it has just become worse.


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For the past 3 days now I have been sleeping in the darkness with no light because ECG always takes their light at the end of that hectic day when you are looking forward to freshening up and getting to sleep with the fan on to cool your system. Because there are no winds to even improve ventilation or circulation the heat stress keeps mounting up and I'd have to wake up in the middle of the night to just pour water on me now.

I am just worried that this heat stress may become too must and put people's health at risk, sleeping on the bare floor wearing the least amount of clothes helps but people could literally pass out from heat stress or heat stroke, or worse, people could develop heat rashes and a whole lot of other health complications. So if your area is experiencing this please take proactive steps to stay healthy.


I'd like to know though, is it only in my area? or perhaps only in Kumasi? or you guys are also experiencing a similar situation somewhere out there in Ghana, I'd really wanna know, irrespective please let's all endeavor to prioritize our health, especially during these times, and don't joke around with hydration. Drink lots and lots of water.

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If you feel something is not right in your system, get yourself to the hospital for a quick workup and if you happen to be looking for information then please make sure that you are speaking to the right people, there's so much information out there you could literally get drowned in them. Stay safe.


and our rooms have become a literal hell in terms of the heat

I said it before, the last person to enter hell for forgot to close the door

haha, help me find that person, we have to lash him or her


I think it’s only in your area o
I hope nobody has gone to do illegal connection
Normally they do that to areas whose supply is more than the amount electricity they pay

I hope not because ei, we are suffering, shouldn't they investigate if that's the case?

I’m sure they are doing the investigations

They should solve it quickly lest we die out of heat stress or heat stroke


I thought light in Ghana is 247?

Please oo, whoever told you that lied to you, its become quite bad recently, and utterly annoying

This is exactly what we are facing here in Nigeria, there has been no steady power supply and the heat is unbearable the worse of it all is mosquitos that will never allow one enjoy the heat in peace, ahhhhhh at some point it became so fraustating, but it rained yesterday here so its a bit better.
So sorry.

Good for you oo, you got rain, this rain is just taunting me, sometimes i want to even cry, and don't even get me started on the mosquitoes, luckily for me i am on the 3 floor of my apartment building so they are less there however i do not know how mosquitoes are able to find their way in the dark

Am just creating a content on how mosquitoes get to find humans they are just miserable, even now they are Hunting me as am writing, I can't even be inside the net due to heat even though it rained yesterday, it's still hurt.

I can't wait to read because i want to understand these flies, they must really be special

They are more than special, they are small but mighty honestly

I like your adjectives, mighty, ahaha

Yes they are small but mighty when it comes to battle

Here comes the link.

Where is it?

Lol the condition is similar to what we are also facing in Nigeria, but thank God at least it rained last night the heat is much reduced and we have light for few hours.

please can you give me the link to Hive ghana discord?

I see that's good then, atleast you guys are enjoying some good rains, its taunting us over here. You can find the link in any of the official articles from the HiveGhana account

The links there says expired!

Oh ok, let me get @mcsamm to help