There's one improvement I'd like to see in what I call 'The Boreholes of Hope.'
Water is heavy.
When I visited Africa, I saw a lot of women carrying huge containers of water back to their homes (why the men weren't doing this heavy lifting is a mystery to me).
Since we see so many women BENDING OVER to lift up these heavy containers of water, I'd like to see you raise the platform to waist-height, so that these exhausted women don't have to constantly bend over to pick them up and carry them home, injuring their backs over time.
Thank you for your contribution. The hive waterwell is designed to offer various methods for water collection.
Individuals can choose to hold their containers while the water fills. Others choose to carry containers on their heads while filling. Some leave containers on the ground. People from different communities utilize the well according to their preferences of collection.
Perhaps further education on the most efficient methods would be beneficial. Thank you again for your assistance @evernoticethat.
In some tribes in Africa, women and children bear the responsibility of fetching water for household use, while the men are responsible for ensuring the proper upkeep of the home, such as providing daily, weekly, or monthly housekeeping money, paying the bills, and other related tasks. Those unfamiliar with these tribes and their culture may assume that the men are insensitive, but that’s not the case, it’s more like a shared responsibility. I'm glad you witnessed this when you visited Africa but as to why the men don't usually engage in the act is what I have explained. Also thanks for the improvement suggested, going forward we will look into that. We always try to design the boreholes to suit the community's need or request and if they want it in a particular way we would will do accordingly.
maybe we can look into if theer si some simple way to make or order back straps or something to help with that, or water backpack bags, or i dunno, maybe we just need a way to allow for cheap pipes and some pumps altho thats a whole thing.
maybe we can come up with some new way to more easily transport or decentralize, distribute the water to more areas from the wells with delivery drivers.... like rent some water trucks or bicycles even to help distribute it to more points ,
water delivery drivers