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RE: Make time for what matters most. #500wordaday

in 500 Words a day5 years ago

Well Said. We live in a world where there is so much going on and so much that requires attention. We have to prioritise and decide on what is truly important.

As I get older, I've come to realise that there is only 1 truly valuable resource; and that is TIME. Once you have spent that time doing an activity, you can never get it back, so it is important to me to make sure that whatever task I decide to do has some tangible value/benefit to me.


I would agree with you on this 100%. It's important to spend our time wisely as we only have a finite amount of it. It's easy to get wrapped up in unimportant things and waste that time instead of putting it into your healthy relationships and building the future that you want.

A good lifestyle and healthy relationships will be worth far more in the end than anything you can buy.