Ref: Pixabay
Life is busy and it can be hard to make time for what is most important to you. I find that the older that I get, the more things that I seem to have taking on my time. Strangely enough I don’t seem to go places or do as much as I used to back in my twenties and yet I never seem to have much time regardless. Back then I was never at home. Somewhere to go or something to do every day of the week and yet I was able to go to everything.
Nowadays even when I have a week off work it seems to be gone before I know it. Every day is spoken for before I manage to make any plans. Every day is gone and the minutes flown by. I think that is why we slim down our circles as we get older. We have new people and responsibilities from adult life so unfortunately we tend to lose some of the older ones along the way. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain old relationships over long distances so we need to be sure that they are the ones worth maintaining. The ones that have been there for all the big days and that you want there for the next days.
We give up a lot of time to work, family, hobbies and everything else that we feel is important. I spend a lot of time on #hive related activities as I feel it is worthwhile and will stand to the community in the long run. I spend a lot of time maintaining relationships and friendships as they are very important to my life.
It’s not always easy to stay on top of everything but if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
Sometimes that will require more effort or compromise to keep on top of everything. Sometimes that will require sacrificing other people or events to fit everything important in. Life isn’t always easy but maintaining these connections is very important. It’s the same for your personal life or for your personal brand.
Start-ups don't die when they run out of cash, they die when the founders run out of energy.
I feel that this quote can be made valid for any part of your life and not just a business. Relationships or ideas only die when we stop maintaining them. They will require sacrifice and energy but they will survive as long as you are willing to put that effort into them.
Nothing survives without putting in the work to it. As soon as you stop trying is the day it starts to break apart. This takes time and effort but that is the sacrifice. We need to choose carefully what we want to put this effort into as time is limited, the older that you get. While it seems ideal to be back in my teens with no responsibilities, part of growing up is making those choices and choosing where we want to be going forward in life.
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You put it well and I would like to say that managing energy and priority are two keys to get productive. Time is a constant to all of us, so can’t really make time. It is there anyway and we have our fair share of 24 hours.
You get it.
There are so many irrelevant distractions that we need to ignore and make sure to direct our time towards the more important things in life. The ones that will help us in the future.
You gotta reinvent yourself every now and then to enjoy life regardless of your age
Can't argue with that. To be fair I do make the most of life and try to enjoy all of it.
The quote really made so much meaning ,it made me reflect on when I first joined hive ,I felt so enthusiastic ,then in a couple of weeks ,I had other things taking my time and energy .
All I have to do now ,is rekindle that’s same energy from before ,the same applies to relationships, if you want something to work ,you can make it work !!
Exactly. You can make it work if you are willing to put in the time and effort. The other good news is that the more you practise and build, the easier it will be. We have seen even form writing 500 words every day how much easier it is getting to make that daily post. Once you form good habits they will stick with you and it will help to build your profile and account over time.
Yeah, would do that. ,thank you !
Well Said. We live in a world where there is so much going on and so much that requires attention. We have to prioritise and decide on what is truly important.
As I get older, I've come to realise that there is only 1 truly valuable resource; and that is TIME. Once you have spent that time doing an activity, you can never get it back, so it is important to me to make sure that whatever task I decide to do has some tangible value/benefit to me.
I would agree with you on this 100%. It's important to spend our time wisely as we only have a finite amount of it. It's easy to get wrapped up in unimportant things and waste that time instead of putting it into your healthy relationships and building the future that you want.
A good lifestyle and healthy relationships will be worth far more in the end than anything you can buy.
Whenever I go out, I just feel like I want to go home. I just can't stay up late and drink. I would probably yawn lol.
I still love going out but it's a different type of night. This lockdown has aged me very fast. Only last year I had spend all of these weeks at festivals and parties. Visiting my friends and having wild night.
This year everything is cancelled, so it's time in the garden and maybe a few friends over for the weekend. I feel about ten years older all of a sudden. I was probably living a few years below myself anyway so maybe life just caught up once I slowed down a bit. Either way it's not bad. Just different.
I know what you mean.
I guess I am really old lol. Or everyone.