Who are you, now?
Why is my life so interesting for you all to fight against?
Why don´t you fight agains pharma/WHO/WEF/Gates,...?
Not that I wouldn´t know that the answer is you are sick (capitalist racists) and support them. Your actions prove it.
Did I ask for it? What about free speech you NAZIs?
are you a real human? Do you have a name, face, opinion?
Are you an adult? Maybe most of you are drunk teenagers on Alcopops.
**Prove it via telegram +4915257427427
Karma will judge you. How evil does a community (member) have to be to fight against a single person who is just honest?
Btw the author was not at all as offended as the other fascists and took it with humor.
You all are just one hive to make more money while destroying the planet. I post for peace and don´t need money for it but seems like my account is blocked now.
I knew this will happen sooner or later. I have not met any healthy human here
Anybody who can explain me how your sugar and gluten consumption is not terrorism?
So you are all evil terrorists?
**Quod erat demonstrandum
In real life racist have beaten me to hospital...
I planned to make an account as a white anyway
You just hate, hate, hate white privileged satanists - it´s not my fault
You are sick in the head... All these baseless comments.. Who asked for your free speech here? If you keep up this attitude of yours, you will always find yourself relegated in life.