in The City of Neoxian9 months ago (edited)

Hello and welcome!
Starry Night SkySource

You are about to begin a journey through eternity and I will be your guide. So, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Ancient artifacts Source

From the beginning of time one thing that has abounded in the minds and hearts of man are questions. Through the ages man has embarked on various thrilling voyages to discover answers to deep-seated, age-long questions. And once answers are found a great celebration and a history is made, but once all the chivalry is ended.

A man in a desert watching with a telescope

Like a parched land soaking in the first rains the heart of man seeks to know more, for it realizes more questions, more gray and dark spots that it did not notice while it was ignorant and in search for the previous answer. But this search will never come to an end unless the truth is revealed.

clouds flowingSource

For, in as much as, man searches to uncover the mysteries of the would around him. The full picture keeps eluding him and like the example of the three blind men and the elephant, they will keep grappling in the dark until their eyes are opened and the place is lightened.

My goal here and subsequently through this channel is to be your guide as you explore and search for answers to the mysteries of, not just the world around you, but also the universe within you. To grow to the point where you are no longer blind or half-sighted in the matters of both worlds, but that you are able to comprehend the Truth, and grab hold of this reality shaping it into the Truth.
Guiding lightSource

The times are changing, many things once prophesied, dreamed of, and even joked about are coming to life or at least we are seeing that they are no longer impossibilities, but things of ‘just a matter of time.’ Knowledge is increasing at light’s speed. Long held ‘truths’ are been invalidated and discarded. Former things lacking importance are been explored. Questions we feared to ask, answers for them are been posited already.

With these changes has come unprecedented advancement the world’s civilization has ever seen till date, and this is just the beginning. We are seeing how art, science, technology is rapidly shaping and changing our perception of and the way we interact with the world around us. We are becoming more and more aware of the world around and within us. And this my friend is something that we need to keep in mind.

our worlds within and without

Our worlds within and without is not changing, rather it is we humans who are advancing. We are becoming more like who we were created like. Our eyes are ‘opening’ to see clearer. Our minds are being enlightened to understand deep things. We are maturing with regards to our relationship with one another, with nature, the universe and with ourselves.

This is the start of a golden age, a period in history that will foreshadow and foretell the brilliance that we will emanate throughout the cosmos. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, nor has it entered into the mind, of the things God has prepared for those who love him.

We have lived on this small piece of rock in this part of this vast starry universe for so long. It is time for us to move, for us to step out. We are more than what we know we are. We will never know how much we can do or become until we take a step, and a step, and a step, and step out.

Step out of your bed
Step out of your house
Step out into this world

Step out of your head
Step out of your fears
Step out into your world

And, I bet you, you will be pleasantly surprised at what you will create, discover and experience. God who created this world, created you. You are a beacon of light penetrating through the thick of darkness shrouding the world. Let your light so shine and together we can dispel every darkness.

It is time for us to recognize who we are. We are not victims, creatures of suffering and shame, subjected by its own subjects. But we are victors, co-creators with God, creatures of glory and power, empowered by God to establish a kingdom of peace and love of righteousness and justice within and around us.

I am here a light to journey with uou as you fulfill your destiny and walk the path you chose, that which is for you. In the end, God.