Neoxian City weekly paper - 2023-04-16

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago


Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly

Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in and join us in our Discord chat to see what the latest is.

Your very own Mr Dragon has teamed up with Muterra to bring you a new tamer "echo"

Mr Dragon has worked closely with Muterra to bring you a brand spanking new tamer card.

Cards are now Sold out! We sold out of them early this week.


For further information please check Mr Dragon's post here:

On the portal you can create your very own new account. BIG NEWS!

In the words of Mr Dragon himself,

"🐲🐉 BIG NEWS GUYS: Do you need to create a Hive Account? You can now do it with Neoxag! For 1500 neoxag, you can create a new hive account (like if you are onboarding a friend, or you just need a new account for something). You go to and click "Sign up"."

Amazing! New hive accounts through our very own Neoxian portal. Very cool!

Unbelievably awesome that our Neoxian Minetest is going full flow

We have a Minetest server which is similar to Minecraft where you can build things and win prizes. Mr Dragon is getting into full flow as he adds new mods every week.

Come in and give it a try.

Win our City Games by @zoology

We have weekly game events now ran by @zoology.

Check out what this weeks games are on our Discord.

Impressively, Momogrow is making waves as City Prompt Curator

Congrats to @momogrow who has been hired as City Prompt Curator

Momogrow has secured a neoxian, brofi and bdvoter vote on curated posts for beastly upvotes! Make sure to get involved.

This month's prompt winner post is as follows:

@vickoly Hired as new curator to replace @sayee.

Good luck vickoly!

Minetest Trainer Hired!

What will be Minetest Trainer's role:
They will train:

  • the basics of minetest to people who want to learn about the game
  • PvP (or PvE) skills that will make them better in Arena battles and combat in general
  • Advance parkour and movement skills
  • and much more

And Mr Dragon is pleased to hire @pravesh0 for this role!!

New Bro/Neoxag Liquidity Pools and Rewards!

We have added a new liquidity pool for Bro/Neoxag. Funded with bro and neoxag and 500 hive reward pool to those providing liquidity!

Read about it here!

post-promotion is now on back on Discord!

Post promotion has moved back to discord.

Sadly, Nostr is becoming too filled with spam so we have decided to move post promotion back to our awesome discord.

Sidenote: Mr Dragon will not vote terrible posts. EVEN IF you win a giveaway.

Double Sidenote: Mr Dragon's city isn't a place for silent looting, if you don't have a city job and you are not chatting, you shouldn't be entering giveaways.

delegate your workerbee to @neoxianminer.


We are running a hive engine witness node. Please don't forget to vote:

Please delegate your WORKERBEE to @neoxianminer if you would like to take part in our mining pool. The aim of this mining pool is to mine BEE whilst earning a little for the neoxian burn fund.

With the burn fund we will then buy back neoxag from the market and burn it.

Get better votes by using the website!

Please remember to use our website, it doesn't cost you anything. By only using our tag there is a 20% levvy on your neoxag earnings.

Where do you fit into the City of Neoxian?

A lot of people come here and get sucked into the friendliness of our server. Some people want to take on roles in the city, others just want to chat and have a good time. There's nothing wrong with either!

What we haven't seen many of though is those wanting to create new roles and responsibilities for themselves in Neoxian City. Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.

Do you have a special talent? Let us see! Join our Discord chat.
-- we encourage growth here. What benefits us, also benefits you.

We have already started a School, A minetest server, A banking service, games, and so much more.

What can you bring to us?

City of Neoxian Puzzler

Well done to @pravesh0 for winning last week's puzzler. He managed it in only a night! The answer was Thailand. You guys are focused. This week is a similar puzzler. Here we are:

I've never been shy when it comes to travelling for dating. I once dated someone and visited her in a different country.

  1. What country did I visit?
  2. How many times did I visit?
  3. Why was this not a good thing?

Since there are only a limited number of answers here, guesses are limited to two per person

The right guess nets you 20 LGN

This weeks Giveaway winners!

Thanks to @rosecane who designed this lovely graphic we can now show you all winners of the giveaways in our server

Woah, Merit Ahama wins 5 times! Damn sir, well done :)

Curation Station!

Our curators regularly scour the whole of Neoxian to find the best and sometimes most undervalued work to send into planetary orbit with our humungous weighted curation trail. If you observe our tribe we have one of the best trending pages and that is because our administration team weight the trail down with their HUGE votes.

These are our picks:

Please note: We only support original content here.We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here.

We also take our tags seriously. So please try and use the relevant tags as we will only vote on those with them. We won't be voting a picture of your cat with SPT for example. SPT is for Splinterlands.

Our best picks of the week will be featured on our weekly newspaper highlights.

Best picks of the week

Our First pick of the week is from @bimpcy

My Easter outfit// I finally made a dress for myself after a very long time


The author has shared a tutorial post on how she sew a Easter dress for herself during this festive season.

Curated by @vickoly

Our next pick of the week is from @tegoshei

Garden Update: I Re-planted Some Bell Peppers... <3


The author talks about how she tries to plant some bell pepper once again, after several failed attempts in the past.

Curated by @vickoly

Our next pick of the week is from @whitebean

Welcome to the ideal coffee shop in Danang, Vietnam, MIRKO Coffee.


I enjoyed your photography more hehe, they picked an awesome location for a coffee shop
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @yetsimar

Happy with my new haircut - [ENG-ESP]


Author shared her short hair cut with us, It also suits you Yetsimar
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @ponpase

Travel to the Coffee Shop in the Forest


A pretty nice place to be and spend some time

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @akukamaruzzaman

WednesdayWalk: On Vacation at Puncak Geurutee


Nice way to spend some quality time with family

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @nkemakonam89

Do it yourself - A powerful advice from my fellow Hivean


The author write about how she got an advice from her fellow hivean that motivate her to take the bull by the horn and not rely on others too much on things she can do by herself....

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @treasuree

An Advice That helped Me


Sometimes we just need the insight of others to see our vision clearly, the author write about a friend whose advice set her on the right track

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @name0

Art on Labruge beach - Portugal


The author tells us about art in Labruge beach. Check it out!

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @cyclopshive

Vibing Wanderlust in Sylhet, Bangladesh | An Exciting Memory of Life.


Author shares his wanderlust in Sylhet, located in Bangladesh. It's a place named after the abundance of stones.

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @preeti

Delicious Zucchini Stir- Fry!


The author has shared her post about "Delicious Zucchini Stir- Fry!" She did share the steps too, you can make that if you want to

Curated by @bhattg

Our next pick of the week is from @anacvv05

[[ES-EN Mi experiencia yendo de viaje con mi hija // My experience traveling with my daughter


the author has shared her experience via the post "Traveling with her daughter"

Curated by @bhattg

This is our weekly edition of NeoxianCity Newspaper. We would like to congratulate all the featured Authors. keep up the high-quality original content-generating work.

Burning 700 neoxag to promote this post.


Neoxian is a Hive Witness



You can vote for @neoxian on HIVE Witnesses

Do you know that you can earn NEOXAG tokens as passive income by delegating HIVE to @neoxiancityvb.


A big congratulations to merit for being the Looter of the week.

For the puzzle.

  • The country you visit is Malta

  • You visit her three or four Times

  • Why it's bad is because she's married and you realise how morally bad it's to date attached people.

Damm that's too fast, man.

Posted using Neoxian City

You set the pace

Learn to be calming down oo 😂, imagine the time this announcement was published and the time u replied Ur answer..haaa!
Conc looter 😳

Posted using Neoxian City

well deserving posts were curated by neoxian city curators and appreciation to both authors and curators. You all doing really great in hive cum neoxian city. Keep it up! 👍

great work all the fellow curators, it's always good to see the city paper.
congarts to all the users who are been picked up for this week's city paper.

!giphy great


Posted using Neoxian City

Hehehe,, Merit is the biggest looter of the week, well done girl!! Congratulations to you.
The city that never sleeps with amazing members to make it interacting and fun.
Nice job to all curators and kudos to everyone who has been participating in the city job. Keep it up, guys.

Posted using Neoxian City

Keep up the good work guys I appreciate every of your hardwork.

cograts guys. Me is komin behind. I am followying with ease. No vawulence.

Posted using Neoxian City

Haha five times! That's a lot, a lucky looter 😃 I hope to keep it up.

Congrats to the other citizens and those selected for curation.

Well to all those putting in the efforts, the city keeps getting fun with so many activities 💯❤️

Posted using Neoxian City

Oooh goodness. Merit Sir! Congratulations for the loot bag. You grabbed it all. This is really big one. And yeah to all the curated post, you guys should keep up the great work. It's always fun in the city. Thanks so much Mr D

Posted using Neoxian City

Congratulations to vickoly, and Pravesh on their new roles in the city

Congratulations to merit for 5 straight winnings

Great work guys!!!

Congratulations to the new Jobbers in the city. Vic and Moremoney.

Thank you, Sir Ray, for you awesome puzzles.
And big thanks to Mr.D for the opportunities everytime!

Posted using Neoxian City

Thanks to all those who worked on this city paper and congratulations to the selected authors. I appreciate the curation @burlarj. A big congratulations to Merit for her streak winning within last week.

Thanks Mr dragon for your amazing work in the city
For the puzzle, I guess I arrived late 😇

Posted using Neoxian City

5 wins in a week, that is incredible. congrats to you; and congrats to other looters.

Congratulations to the looter of the week

A big kudus to everyone that is making the city growing and all thanks to Mr D for his kindness.

Wonderful update, congratulations to @vickoly who was chosen to be the curator and also congratulations to friends who published in this amazing post

Congratulations Looter Merit you nearly met Vic's looting record of looting seven times a week.

@vickoly be calming down oo, you did not even allow the puzzle to rest a bit 😃😃 Looter king.

A job well done to everyone who worked on the paper.

Welldone Mr D and kudos to the curators of the neoxian city and congratulations to the selected posts of week...

Congratulations merit and for the puzzler i think it is Malta you visited twice - 5 times and it was wrong because you went there because of her 🤔

Lol I know I heard something about that puzzler in one of the city games, but I couldn't quite put my finger on the details. By the time I scrapped up the message from the discord chat, vickfuckingoly already had it in the comments here. Lol congrats @vickoly(in advance)

Ahhh @merit.ahama. I tip my hat to you, your lootiness:)

Posted using Neoxian City

I'll comment my reserve, merit is doing well.

congratulations to the winner of the puzzle of the previous week @pravesh0 great job I think the country would be Australia and he visited it 3 times also the most difficult thing must be adapting to the time difference mainly


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/10) @bhattg tipped @neoxiancity

Interesting puzzler like always.lolzzzz

  1. Malta
  2. 2 times
  3. I guess she was already married or in a reletionship.

very happy to share again here and enjoy the work done with the weekly cures. To participate in this week's puzzle the country is China has made more than 5 trips and the most difficult thing is the cultural clash between East and West

My @merit.ahama is king looter. Big congrats.🎊🤌

Have already tried the puzzle and got it wrong twice. Good luck to you guys.😅

Did you call? 😅

😂 and the looter of the week is here.

Lol lemme alone 😂

Congratulations for us 🚀

Its great opportunity for all users. Thank you very much supported my article ♥️♥️♥️


0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @theguruasia You Successfully Shared With @neoxiancity.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/4 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.084

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Thank you Mr. D and Mr. Ray for lovely paper!!!
Thumbs up to curation team and congrats Vickoly for entering in the curation team, you will do well , we all know that!!
Congrats to moremoney for being the greeter of the city
and wow Merit Ahama the looter this week, she did something with that bounty bot hehehe just kidding, you desereved it....
This puzzler is not looking easy at all, good luck eveyrone and thanks for the puzzler Mr. Ray!!!!

Posted using Neoxian City

Great weekly update. The curated list is indeed interesting.

Great picks as always. Keep rocking, Neoxian city.

Posted using Neoxian City

Congratulations to @vickoly, @pravesh0, @moremoney28 and the special looter @merit.ahama. Great picks as always from the curators.

The puzzler is puzzling indeed.

  1. What country did I visit? Malta
  2. How many times did I visit? Once
  3. Why was this not a good thing? She had another man on the side.

Posted using Neoxian City

Thanks Momo 🙂

Merit the Loot Queen! I see you,

God job to the curators, a great week already in progress.

Posted using Neoxian City

Merit is doing well😁. Congratulations to her and to everyone that their post is being selected for curation. Thanks to Mr D for curating the post selected for curation and to everyone that work on the city paper.

Posted using Neoxian City

Congrats Nkem. I also noticed mnany new faces who got curated. Thanks Neoxian Sir and curation station masters.

Posted using Neoxian City