Poem & Photography - monochromatic depression


Today I’m suffering from monochromatic depression!

Everywhere I look there is dampness
Everywhere I step there is water
Everywhere I lay my head there is sadness
Everywhere there are clouds there is madness

It seems like every time it rains I drowned in a depression of sorts. I really hate the rain! But I know it needs to happen for life to continue. So why does the sun make me so happy in the rain to make me so sad? I know I’m not alone because I read it everywhere. Hoping for a better Friday with more sun.


Hope you found a little depressing enjoyment in these monochromatic black and whites that are decided to include with this very small amateur piece of crap poem. OK, that might be the rain depression talking there.


This post has been manually curated by The PhotoStream team: The Photography Tribe!

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Congratulations @pesttopia

Thanks so much!!!!