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RE: Adventures with elephants and chocolates

in Cycling8 months ago

Hola mi querida @nanixxx gracias miles por la parte que me toca de este post , me siento muy feliz de ser delfín y de que ambas cubanas sabiendo todo el trabajo que lleva detrás y en las condiciones que lo hemos hecho y sobran las experiencias, ha sido un reto importante y luchamos hasta lograrlo. En cuanto a lo de cambiar de profesión, creo que se te da muy bien crear contenido y las redes , el mundo cryto, no te veo como mensajera y no porque no seas capaz y se lo lucrativo que duele ser aquí en Cuba, pero cuando lo tengas que hacer por obligación o deber no lo vas a disfrutar tanto como lo haces. Te veo feliz haciendo lo que haces , así que sigue así 😊

Hello my dear @nanixxx, thank you very much for my part of this post, I feel very happy to be a dolphin and that both Cubans know all the work that goes into it and in the conditions that we have done it and there are plenty of experiences, ha It has been an important challenge and we fought until we achieved it. As for changing your profession, I think you are very good at creating content and networks, the cryto world, I don't see you as a messenger and not because you are not capable and I know how lucrative it hurts to be here in Cuba, but when If you have to do it out of obligation or duty, you are not going to enjoy it as much as you do. I see you happy doing what you do, so keep it up 😊



I was joking... but actually if the situation gets tough, I'll have to do whatever comes up, except prostitute myself (because nobody would pay anything for me hahahaha or sing and dance, because I don't know) - I'm still joking.
