Adventures with elephants and chocolates

in Cycling8 months ago (edited)

The Strava App says that I have cycled 427.3 km so far this year. That much?

I am... 🤐

And yet, I know this is nothing 😅 because some of the guys I've been cycling with, literally beat the road, as they work as delivery boys in the city, in other words, that's one of their job options to survive.


They are in several WhatsApp groups that tell them when a customer requests that the purchase they made in a virtual shop be delivered to them, and then they apply to make the trip, depending on the availability they have at the time.

I'm not prepared to do that, but who knows if one day I'll reorient myself professionally, 😂 taking into account that each kilometre travelled is paid between 90 and 100 CUP and the first 3 km at 300 CUP. With about 20 kilometres travelled in a day, I get 40% of the salary I receive today per month...

(dramatic music)

Following with the statistics so as not to be the...


... inside the glassware, 😁 Strava also tells me that I have ridden this week:


On the 14th of July (Sunday) I had the first ride and I published it here. If you missed it you can see it at this link. In the post I mentioned that I had gone to try the artistic Alile chocolates from @lileisabel and her son, but I failed to share this image.

Alile chocolates are delicious and I bought a few with milk, white chocolate and peanut fillings. 🤤

chocolates alile.jpeg

The photo was taken by her son and is here with the consent of my amigurumi, as I affectionately call her. That day as you can see we had a mini Hive meetup. We are two Cubans proud to have already reached dolphin status. 😂

I have to say that she motivated me a lot to achieve it. When I saw how happy she was to receive that badge, I really got into gear and set goals. One of the things that really encourages me about Hive is that, for me at least, it always pushes me to move forward and improve as a content creator.

The other pedal stroke was on 17 July and I also posted it on the Wednesday Walk community. I even made a video showing some sections of the trip, but guess how I did it? Well, with my mobile phone in one hand and driving with the other, a very dangerous thing to do, I know.

Would you like to play a little?

(There will be a small reward for anyone who can tell me where in the video this recklessness can be seen and where or near where I was supposedly standing, judging by certain birds in the sky) 😂

I have already said that I want to buy an action camera to record my bike rides. A friend of mine suggested this device that you see here in the picture below. She told me that it could be positioned in such a way that I could record from it with my mobile phone. It was a failure. The camera of the mobile phone is not prepared for that and the image is distorted by the vibration of the rudder of the bike. It looks like it will be used for something else or I'll try to sell it again so it won't be 12 USD lost. I managed to film with the front camera and made the GIF that I inserted in this post. Will I have to dedicate myself to address certain issues while pedalling? Will destiny be leading me down that path? I don't know... now I'm thinking...🤔


I went to buy that device on 18 July and the ride was also recorded on Strava. Before I went, I stopped by my friend Amanda's house 😅 and I really wanted to spend more time there with her gossiping. It had been a while since we had seen each other.

The last tour of the week was yesterday. A trip to Vedado. After the videos that made it look like I was crossing a portal to another dimension, I took the photo of the elephant, near Jalisco Park which, by the way, looked very lively. Lots of kids jumping on inflatable things.

Amigurumi still had my chocolates stored in his fridge because that day I bought them, my friend and I were on our way to Old Havana. They were going to melt because they were in the backpack for so many hours. So... yesterday was the day to take them home.

You know, I took the opportunity to wander around Vedado and take a few photos with my mobile phone. I didn't bring the camera with me because of the weight of the backpack. I had taken the old Mac to a repair shop, as I already said. I couldn't find one.


I shot from... that device. {LOL} But I have a curiosity for you about this corner, 23rd and 12th, in Vedado. Korda's most reproduced photo in the history of photography, entitled "Guerrillero Heroico", was taken in this place.


I took this picture on 21st street just before L. It's just behind the Coppelia ice cream parlour and in front of the Indian embassy, which is right behind me so you don't see it. I was struck by that building, K23, our first skyscraper. Well, it's not me who says so, there is even controversy in the networks about it. People talk about its quality, its height and its stamina, you know? But I'll give you some facts: it has more than 500 rooms spread over 44 floors and measures more than 154 metres.

By the way, I took a look at the offers of this restaurant "La Carreta" and I thought they were quite good. Someone recommended it to me some time ago.

The next stop was on the Malecon in front of the Maine Casualty Memorial.

Built in honor of the American sailors who died in the explosion of USS Maine which contributed to the United States’ declaration of war on Spain.

The American battleship Maine exploded in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898, killing two officers and 250 sailors. Fourteen of the survivors eventually died of their injuries, bringing the death toll to a total 266.Wikipedia


From right there, you can see our National Hotel.


And a little further on I ran into that guy you saw in the photo of the chocolates. He was sitting in the fountain at 23rd and Malecón waiting for Yoyo Batman, the guy in my previous post. We went to eat some hamburgers, I had malt, he had Pepsi Cola, and soon after the Batman arrived. I told them that I had to pick up the chocolates and they seemed to like my company because they didn't hesitate to accompany me.

Yoyo Batman bought Alile chocolates and before going home we stopped by his house to save them. It was a present for his mum. I imagine she must have been very happy.

There, in the basement of his house, I took this photo.


Dominoes, a game that has a lot of science behind it to make the pieces fit together, even if it's a matter of luck after the pieces have been removed.

It was 7 o'clock in the evening. Yoyo insisted on accompanying me home, even though it would still be daylight for me to arrive without any problems.


We chat along the way and laugh at all sorts of silly things.

When we arrived at the 100th Avenue Bridge, I couldn't let this moment pass.


A hug, friends... enough chit-chat for today. 😁 I hope you enjoyed some views of my city, if you joined me in this summary where, in addition to my day to day life, I also share some thoughts.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Two answers to your questions:
1- At the 0.45 second of the video
2-At the 0.53 second of the video

Now give me my chocolates!! jajajj

Hahaha.. wrong answers!

I know are wrongs answers.....but I read in your post that will be chocolat for everyone who answer anything jajajj

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

🤗 Thank you @ewkaw and Qurator.

You didn't mention you bought some chocolate last week!!! Chocolate needs to be shared with friends, not eaten by yourself 😡

You are wrong! 😁 and I quote myself:

Now then, this was a day of art. From stumbling across @lileisabel's artistic chocolates to sitting in the square... wait. Hey, hang on.

For you.



Now we're talking, girl!!!

You were a block away from my house 😅 (on the other corner of La Carreta). Passing 12, almost in front of Jalisco Park, there's an elephant inside a house, which must be the brother of the one in your photo.

Btw Tremenda Rueda

Now I know. Next time I'll call you and ask you to invite me for coffee.

Seeee 😉 se siente bien.

Hola mi querida @nanixxx gracias miles por la parte que me toca de este post , me siento muy feliz de ser delfín y de que ambas cubanas sabiendo todo el trabajo que lleva detrás y en las condiciones que lo hemos hecho y sobran las experiencias, ha sido un reto importante y luchamos hasta lograrlo. En cuanto a lo de cambiar de profesión, creo que se te da muy bien crear contenido y las redes , el mundo cryto, no te veo como mensajera y no porque no seas capaz y se lo lucrativo que duele ser aquí en Cuba, pero cuando lo tengas que hacer por obligación o deber no lo vas a disfrutar tanto como lo haces. Te veo feliz haciendo lo que haces , así que sigue así 😊

Hello my dear @nanixxx, thank you very much for my part of this post, I feel very happy to be a dolphin and that both Cubans know all the work that goes into it and in the conditions that we have done it and there are plenty of experiences, ha It has been an important challenge and we fought until we achieved it. As for changing your profession, I think you are very good at creating content and networks, the cryto world, I don't see you as a messenger and not because you are not capable and I know how lucrative it hurts to be here in Cuba, but when If you have to do it out of obligation or duty, you are not going to enjoy it as much as you do. I see you happy doing what you do, so keep it up 😊


I was joking... but actually if the situation gets tough, I'll have to do whatever comes up, except prostitute myself (because nobody would pay anything for me hahahaha or sing and dance, because I don't know) - I'm still joking.


I am pleasantly surprised that you have taken this bike ridi9ng seriously, I remember the early hesitant first rides!!

Apart from getting around and showing these places, the cycling is obviously keeping your body slim and lithe, burning off all the beer and chocolate !!

I am very happy with the results of that effort. It's not easy to ride a bike in the city, but it's what I have. On the other hand, I have eased the transport situation a bit. Although I have to think about the maintenance that my bike needs, which costs money... but at least I don't spend hours at a bus stop waiting for a bus, and the money that I would spend on a taxi, I dedicate to her and to sculpting my body. LOL.

keep on sculpting LOL

Hi, @nanixxx, again my congratulations to both of you for the dolphin achievement. I liked the gif, and I certainly like what you are showing us of the places you pass by. The last photo is spectacular.

Hope you have a great Sunday.

Hi, first of all, nice Sunday. Walks? Listening music? Sharing with friends? or just relaxing? Thanks for congratulating us hahaha... again... 😄 I'm a bit repetitive, I know. I love that you like everything you mention.

Big hug.

Sunday at minimums, yesterday I was in another exhibition and Madrid was like 38 degrees Celsius, I did not feel very well the walk. Today I'm recovering strength and at minimums in Hive... and in everything... hasta mañana!

Enjoy a great Sunday @nanixxx

Rest! See you around.



Oh! 🙃 ...👀

¡Muchísimas gracias! 🤗

23:32 (edición del comentario 😅)

Estamos en un momento de urgencia que la artista siente...

Llegaste a tiempo para esta Expo que habla de las vibraciones sutiles, de cosas que se sienten sin estar presentes, de la consciencia expandida... Hermoso tema.

Todos estamos conectados, lo sé, pero algunos se dedican a enraizar 😉 en otras almas. ¡Qué bonito!

Buenos días... mensaje de un árbol:

No he leído el catálogo, no quería leerlo antes de empaparme de exposición... tengo preparado el post (la parte gráfica) me queda escribir sobre lo que sentí.... y leer más sobre ella (y el catálogo). Recuerdo pocos momentos relacionados con el arte que me hayan conmovido tanto... en dos semanas o tres... creo que subiré algo...

Que disfrutes de un gran día.

Well I clearly see that at 0:25 to 0:29 a hand is not on the bike and of course you are filming.... very badly eh? hahaha The sign of a local says panamericana small giant... what I did not see were the birds but if I want chocolates!!!!🤣

How beautiful the Malecon and the hotel, the last image is luxurious!

Correct answer! Yes, of course I know that I film very badly. I'm not a good videographer. But I will take a course. Hahaha.... a little reward is on its way to your wallet por ser tan observadora. The other answer I'll give you en cuanto el post cumpla sus 24 hrs, if no one else does. (¿o debiera esperar 7 días? ¿o indefinidamente hasta que alguien responda?) 🤔🤣

I like challenges hahahahahahaha I said where is where!!!! Don't worry there is no hurry!🤣

Esa respuesta no es correcta jajaja... ok, (pista) hay un pájaro en el cielo y eso indica la cercanía de un lugar.

Ok ok me has desafiado... voy jajaja


El pájaro es un ✈️ y está en 1:04 jajaja

What a nice meeting with @lileisabel and best of all you got to taste her chocolates. I hope you rest on Sunday. A kiss.🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Bueno, lo que se dice descansar... no se descansa mucho aquí. Hoy toca jardinería en la tarde y ahora sigo en mi organización de gavetas y limpiando. Solo estoy en un break para tomar café y saludar a mis amigos de Hive. No puedo darte más detalles jajaja... 😁

It has no doubt we can't compete with Delivery boys in Cycling because it is their regular job. Being a regular Cyclist, I believe that If I shall do my daily work with my cycle then I can beat them. You have good Scenery and awesome click with family, have a good and wonderful day.

Aslam, first of all I wish you have a nice Sunday and welcome you to my blog. 🙃✌️ Friends are like family, yes. Well of course we can beat the delivery boys if we do our daily workouts and then enlist in some long rides.

Thanks for stopping by and admiring those views of my city.