Yep! That’s me in the photo currently covering my being from the world (well at least as much of it as I can with that small blanket 😏).
This is how I feel atm. Like hiding, running or somehow putting my presence on hold.
If only for a moment I can pretend no one knows I’m here and all of my responsibilities take a break from needing me. Oh that would be a beautiful one. A moment where just God and myself know I’m alive and I can actually rest my body, my weary mind and soul.
It’s been almost a month since I last posted. I’ve had to be away for awhile and I must admit I have really missed my writing and mingling time with you all. I’ve dropped in every now and then to curate and respond to messages but I haven’t been tuned in as I normally am.
Some things have shifted in my life and admittedly I wasn’t ready for it. I always think about how @neumannsalva (who is currently on a break) repeatedly tells me
I just don’t get how you do it all.
My response has always been
Well I make time for the things I enjoy to do and find ways to fit it all in.
𝙽𝚎𝚠𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝:
Folks, I think I have reached a breaking point and admit I need to slow down, rest and regroup.
I have informed the leaders of the communities I work in and plans have been put into place for curation and contest activities to continue while I’m away.
I’m sure you’re wondering right now what has caused this shift and what things have a play in putting me in a place of overwhelmness.
Let’s talk.
Hoмeѕcнool & Co-op Cнαɴɢeѕ
Some great news that I feel very grateful for is that I have been promoted in our co-op to Volunteer Coordinator. I directly assist our Elementary Director as well as organizing meetings, making sure teachers and volunteers have what they need and assisting with any other tasks needed by other staff members.
With this comes a lot more responsibility and keeping up with the happenings on my part. The teachers and volunteers reach out to me often with questions or concerns and even during our co-op days (which is every Friday this year) I might get pulled aside for a discussion. Since I am now present at all of the administrative meetings I am able to fill people in and know the flow of things.
As I stated I am very grateful to have been chosen for this position but I have been having some difficulties remembering things and keeping up at times. Eventually I get it together but it does require more time and energy.
Along with this new position I am also teaching our K-2 class which I really do enjoy.

We are teaching with the Five in a Row curriculum by Jane C. Lambert which is so much fun and keeps the kids active and busy.
The idea is to read a book everyday (five days in a row) and each day pull out different subjects from the story to teach.
For instance, on Monday we may read the book and talk about the type of art the author chose and then ask the students to create their own art versions based on the book. Or for History we may explore the year the story takes place and talk about how things have changed since then. Then for geography we will find the location of the story on a map and talk about how far or close it is from our home.
We continue with this method for every subject including science, crafts and language arts. It’s amazing how much you can pull from a good book of literature and in the midst of teaching, these books start to become your household favorites because you get to know them so well.
The other part of this homeschool journey has been balancing out my time and energy between my elementary kiddos and my two junior high students at home. I gotta say, it’s soooo much easier being a parent of multiple children when they are young and on elementary level. It’s so challenging keeping up with the extra work my older kids are getting now which is preparing them for high school. 😩
They come to me for help pretty much throughout the day whereas the year before they could do more on their own. I know it’s a learning curve for all of us and once they get the hang of it I think they will be able to take the lead more on their own. I just have to be careful not to hold their hand too much as this is good training for them.
Oh and they were not happy about no more recess. I told them
Welcome to the world of adulthood prep 😂!
Aвαɴdoɴed Worĸ

Yep! That’s my eggpron rolled up and ready for take off then landing into my craft box. 😕
I want to let the NeedleWorkMonday Community know this isn’t goodbye forever to my WIP. In fact, taking on this last challenge with you all has motivated me and excited me about finishing it.
I already knew with my busy and unpredictable life that I might not get around to finishing it but at least I took the step in getting it out and working on it again.
My main focus right now as far as needlework goes is to wrap up the WIP challenge which will take place later today. Stay tuned for our final prize drawing from @needleworkmonday!
That’s not the only work that has gotten abandoned around here. I looked up one morning and realized how much of a mess my house was in. I have been so busy, stressed and too tired to really get any chores done. I was doing what needed to be done as far as cooking and basic wiping up and washing but wow you should have seen this place. 😥
We’ve added on to our kid’s chore list because it’s just getting to be a lot for me to handle on my own during the day and they are old enough to take on more.
Even my social life has been majorly changed. I haven’t hung out with any of my friends and had to cancel a few events due to the feeling of overwhelmness.
My priorities are that of my family and making sure I am the best teacher I can be to my children, and to my co-op students. This involves me digging into their homework more making sure I am able to assist them and planning far in advance for teaching my class.
Pнoтoɢrαpнy Bυѕιɴeѕѕ

Here’s a sneak peek of the Sweet 16 birthday party we recently did.
I have yet to edit all of the photos (close to 300) which is another task keeping me on my toes. I really enjoyed shooting this one and looking forward to getting them to their family. The birthday girl really made my job easy because she was so awesome in front of the camera as she knew what she wanted.
Don’t worry, when I return I’ll do a full post with more photos and details on this event. 😉
We have one more event lined up for next month which is a business seminar. After this event we will not accept any more gigs for a couple of months so that I can have the time I need to get better organized and focused on my homeschool duties.
As you can see I am taking a step away from the things that take up most of my time. I know this is what I need right now and will be good not just for me but for my family as well.
Uɴтιl We Meeт Aɢαιɴ

I won’t be away for too long but I know I’ll miss keeping up with you all. I’m sure I’ll have a lot of catching up to do once I return.
When I was younger I used to think that admitting I’m overwhelmed or needed a break was a sign of weakness. Really, to me, being able to admit when you need to take a load off is a sign of wisdom and strength.
Me pretending I’ve got it all under control doesn’t help anyone. I’d rather delegate responsibilities to others who are willing to take on tasks in order for me to get the time I need to come back refreshed.
Now you know the reasons I haven’t been as present here. I’m so grateful for the leaders in NeedleWorkMonday that have stepped up to help keep things running smoothly as well as those stepping in to help with the Stock Images Community. You ladies know who you are. Thank You! 😉
Okay, I think I wrote about a month’s worth of catching you up. 😄
Take care and I’ll see you when I get back…UNLESS…

Oн αɴd I αlмoѕт ғorɢoт тo мeɴтιoɴ I’ll вe celeвrαтιɴɢ мy 41ѕт вιrтнdαy тнιѕ Sαтυrdαy oɴ Sepтeмвer 3rd! 🎉
While I know about stress balls I've never heard of a stress blanket. Weighted blanket yes....I tried to make one for one of my autistic stepsons. I learned from a friend of mine a wonderful saying (about all the gazillion things that she and I balance) "I choose my battles". So you are entitled to choose some time out in certain areas that cause you to flee under the blanket. REST @crosheille. Psalm 46
I like the saying of choosing our battles which is what I practice in everyday life (being at home with my kids is a good example, I can't handle every little situation so I choose and allow the good Lord to help me).
Thanks my friend. I enjoyed reading that Psalm and rest is what I'll do ~ ☺️🌼
Learning to set your own pace is a super power 💥
I do it here as well because I find Hive so engaging I end up getting stuck on it hours and days... there's always more to see. And then more after that :)
I burnt out in my first few weeks!
Then I just slowed down.
Now I use the time I'm resting to not create content and to engage with everyone else's instead. And the times I'm full of energy to make more stuff.
I think online stuff puts us in the headspace that it must be all the time and now, now now...
It doesn't have to be that way. We can use it in whatever way we prefer.
3 days offline to detox every now and then is also a wonderful idea. To slow life down again.
It sounds as though you're streamlining and gearing up for the next years and that is SMART! Learning to say no and conserve your energy is also SMART!
I already liked this comment just after reading this first sentence. 😁
Haha I know exactly what you mean. I burned out early on too because at first I was posting every single day. I finally went down to only posting two days a week. I spend most of my time managing communities, running contests and curating. It’s like the longer I’m here the more I find needs to be done or that I want to do and I end up on way more than what I planned. I think it’s because I put my all into everything I do especially when I know people are counting on me. So the best thing for me to do is take these little breaks every so often so that I can rest. Although, I do need to pace myself more while I’m active so I appreciate you using that word…it’s so important for our mental and physical well-being. 😊
Thanks so much. Conserving my energy is definitely a practice I need to continue doing. I thinks it’s smart of you to come here only to chat sometimes and not really worry about creating content. We all know how much time and energy that takes. I also like the mention of taking a few days to detox. I think if I did that more I wouldn’t be hiding under this blanket. 😆
Thanks so much for this comment, it was very insightful. Take care ~
We all need some time off work every now and then, and to some extent Hive is like work, albeit unpaid and in a different form, as we have picked up responsibilities on one form or other. Knowing when to take a step back or time off before we reach burning point is a good thing. Enjoy your time off and see you soon
Yes, you're exactly right. Although there are aspects of Hive we enjoy and have fun with for some of us it is still work.
I remember throughout the years people have come and gone and those that come back make comments like
Some are so surprised that those of us who have started something here a long time ago would even care to still be here working in that community.
I’m already looking forward to my refreshed return. Thanks so much for everything you do, I really appreciate your friendship and guidance with things I reach out to you about ~ 💜
You have a lot of responsibilities right now and I certainly don't know how you do it all. Taking a break is necessary for body, mind and soul, otherwise exhaustion sets in and the body screams it. Listening to our body and knowing when it's time to stop is wise and you are definitely wise in that regard. Between the co-op, your new position, your children's elementary and high school studies, hive, the community, knitting, photography, (I get tired of just writing it), I totally understand the reason for your rest. You deserve it! Take care, rest and come back refreshed, we will be waiting for you with open arms.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
This my friend is exactly what was happening and I knew I needed to do something about it. I was drowning in my tasks and responsibilities and screaming on the inside.
Lol, you even got tired just jotting down what’s on my plate. 😅
Thanks so much for your sweet and supportive words. I’ll see you soon ~ 💗
Happy early birthday!! I can understand needing to take a break. It's nice to have time away and then come back and work on your blog with fresh ideas! I mean, I took off nearly three years and I had so much stuff, I wrote every day this month. Ha! Anyway, enjoy your time off to destress and figure out the new schedule! I have Five in a Row stuff, but I've never done anything with it! I hear it's great though! I know I love some of the books they use!! Enjoy your time off with family, friends, and faith!
Thank you!! Hahaha I remember counting down the days for my birthday back then. Now I just let them come when they come lol. I still can't believe I'm moving up in my 40's. Time is but a vapor!
Lol!! I can see that being me as well. It's funny because after I published this post I had another topic I wanted to share but I said nope, it can and it will wait! 😅
I really love the curriculum and it’s simplicity. I have needed a bit more simple in my life so I appreciate how it works. It’s been good for my younger ones especially. They are always picking up the books and retelling the stories aloud. It is really encouraging a love for reading in them. 😊
Thanks so much dear friend, I definitely will ~
Happy Birthday, a bit in advance, I know, enjoy that rest or break as you call it :), I hope it isn't longer than you've planned it :)
(by the way, I am also a Virgo) :D :P
Looking forward for the photos of that big cake coming :P
Take care!
Thanks so much for the birthday wish! I don't plan on being away longer...it's already going to be a challenge to stay away for the time I planned. 😂
Oh cool! Is your birthday in August or September?
I appreciate that, thanks for stopping in to see me off 😄.
You take care as well ~
Ah, ok, put that way it sounds much better :) My month is August :)
Have a great one :)
I am already missing your presence and I can't wait to see you showcase your presence here again. It is always a good idea to take a break because such task is never easy and we all need it as humans. God bless you.
Your kindness is always appreciated. The tasks I have at hand are definitely not easy and I've had many nights of tears. What gets me through is the Lord and knowing everything will always work out according to His plans, I just have to trust that. 😊
Thanks for always supporting my blog and taking the time to leave thoughtful and thorough comments. Take care @emeka4 ~ 👋🏽
Thanks for the kinds words and I believe you will be able to conquer the little task at hand. Take care @crosheille
I'm going to miss you, but I hope you get chance to recharge a bit. I think I need to do something similar!
Bless you for all that you do here to support so many of us. You know we'll look forward to your return. ❤️
I'm going to miss you too!! 😊🤗
Yes, recharge is the word I was looking for but couldn't find it while writing lol. I keep saying refreshed but my batteries surely need recharging.
I think it would be good for you too, especially with recovering from being sick for awhile. We all need that break time.
Thanks for everything and all of the opportunities you’ve given me to be even more active here, I truly love what I do. Thank you for always being a listening ear as well ~ 🌷
Oh my dear @crosheille, I have missed your motivation here and here you are with this news of leaving for a while 🥰
Well, having read your reasons for this break, I think you need it. Your hands are full already with lots of responsibilities and it's good you delegated some works to others. Congratulations on your new position at school and also congratulations 🎉👏 in advance for your upcoming birthday. 41 years is a whole lot to celebrate life, now we gonna miss the birthday cake here🍰😂 come 3rd September 🤗🎉
Hope to see you back soon, needle work Monday will miss you ma.
Do take care and send my warm regards to Legomaster and his brother and others at home😍🥰❤️💕
I hope to publish my final wip asap and take part in the draw coming soon today!....😂
Hey my dear @nkemakonam89!
I am always left with feeling warm and loved after reading your comments. 🥰
I was really missing being here but in the midst of that I realized I just couldn’t handle everything I was doing.
Thanks so much for the congrats and birthday wishes. I’ll really miss you all ~ 💗
I’ll be wrapping up the challenge tomorrow as I will not be able to get it completed tonight. So glad you were able to participate! 😉
Oh wow, @crosheille , those are some huge responsibilities you are facing. Homeschooling and teaching other children too, organization, family, business, blogging and all what goes with it. No, not a weakness to take a break. It will make you good and although I just got to know you recently (right because of this decision :D ) I am already seeing you as a great mom and outstanding person. We will be waiting for your coming back so to continue knowing you better 😇 Hive family will miss you for two months but it will pass quickly!
And, happy birthday soon :))) (my grandma had her birthday on the same day...)
Sometimes I think I forget how much I actually take on.
Thank you for your sweet words. I look forward to us getting to know each other better too! 😊😉
Oh wow that’s awesome we share the same day! Thank you ~ ☺️
Happy Birthday 😍
So pleased you are recognising your limits and making decisions about where to put your energy and attention. HIVE, crypto and the universe will just keep rolling on and will still be here, different but the same, whenever you decide to come back.
Enjoy your break and having time to yourself ❤️ 😘 x
Thank you Shani❣️
So true. I know things will keep rolling. I am really glad to have made this decision as well. I know it will be good for me. Thanks for always being here for me ~ 😘🤗
Happy birthday in advance @crosheille and i an glad you were able to identify the fact that you needed a break and you took it... thanks for keeping us up to date with these information.
Obviously hive would not be the same for me without you🥺 but i am counting down to seeing a post from you again.
Have an enjoyable and fulfilling break @crosheille
I thank you Esther! I definitely didn't want to not show up for 2 months without giving a reason why. I am just too connected and invested here to do that.
Aww how sweet, I feel so loved and appreciated. ☺️🥰
Take care and I’ll see you when I return ~ 💛
Oh my God! @crosheille, sister you have been into too many things simultaneously. Kudos to your management skills. I am in an awe 1reading about all the activities that are part of your daily routine. The modification in your job as co op would have brought you extra responsibilities. Along with it you have your own kids to deal with. I agree that as the kids grow the responsibilities with regard to their education increases on the mother. I also need to spend more time on my elder one than on the younger one.
Besides, you have been doing these many things on Hive and you have been doing them so efficiently. It is not easy at all.
Taking a break is not a sign of weakness at all. Break is a natural need of every living being. It brings us energy back. Besides, it gives us the time to focus on things that we had been missing. You know looking at something for a long time continuously makes the vision blurry. We need to close our eyes for a while to observe the sight clearly again. I hope you would make the most of your break.
Happy Birthday in advance 💓 💐♥️
Yea it's quite a lot huh? I've just reached that point to where I feel like 😳😰🫣. Yes, the older kiddos definitely have more work which need our attention.
Thank you! I always strive to give everyone my best here which is why I need to rest in order to continue doing that.
Yes! This is exactly how I feel. 👆🏽👌🏽🫶🏽
Thank you so much for your thoughtful words and insights and also for the birthday wish. I look forward to chatting with you more when I return. You are quite an awesome woman!! 😎😍😉
Rest is important. You should take it fully.
Me too smile 😊
Awwwwww...! I am feeling humbled by this compliment. A lot of !LUV for you.
And i am sorry to reply this much late. Routine sometimes becomes so crazy.
Good on you for realising something has to give, and I'm glad it's HIVE with so many immportant and worthy pursuits to - well, pursue - let alone responding to and dealing with the REAL LIFE people that need you.
I remember getting so overloaded and stressed here I wasn't doing the jobs I was meant to do, particularly for one big curation project, and as much as I tried to explain how stressed and busy I was, they got mad at me and booted me. So I think maybe I either didn't explain it properly or perhaps they didn't like me! Probably both. So I'm glad you can put a pause here and come back when you're ready. Hive IS work too, especially for the various projects we get involved with because we're trying to help out coz we care.
You need to take care of YOU.
I appreciate that. Dealing with RL has to definitely be my priority right now. My kids only have so many years of being under my care, I need and want to give the best to them. Sometimes that means me putting aside the things I enjoy to focus more on them. 🙂
I’m so glad you decided to stick around after all of that and are still doing well with your blog. Hive is surely Work even though we enjoy it…it takes a lot of time and effort in order to keep up with things and support people.
Thanks for the encouragement, I’m so ready for this break to take care of Me ~ 💓
Yeah it took me downsizing here and getting my priorities right to stick around - I'm loving doing the garden journal so much, I feel like I'm contributing but not overworking if that makes sense? And I love sharing and socialising with my Hive friends.
Oh goodness, if I had kids I'd have to think about whether Hive was a good idea at all... you are right, time is precious with them!
I have a grandkid on the way now!
I get exactly what you mean. That's the point I want to get to where I'm still here contributing and supporting others but not overdoing it to where it's burning me out. I want this to continue being a fun treat for me and not feel like a heavy chore that I can't handle. I will be very strategic with my time here after my break.
Oh wow congratulations!! That's going to be fun for you!
Thanks for the chat ~
Congratulations for the promotion in the cooperative, it must be gratifying to see how the children and young people advance in the cooperative and you to be part of those achievements, but attending several responsibilities that demand time and energy is exhausting, a time off will be great, recharge your energies, enjoy a well deserved vacation in the countryside or the beach and make the most of the rest.Greetings @crosheille, may you have a happy birthday with your family, enjoy your special day with a delicious cake, I pray God fill your life with blessings and grant the desires of your heart.
You know? I really liked the study plan where they read 5 books in five days and how they articulate these readings with the different areas of study, it's amazing all the learning you get from selecting a good book.
Enjoy your break!
Hey @belkyscabrera! I really love and enjoyed reading your comment. Thank you for the congrats and birthday wishes. It is so rewarding and gratifying being a part of it all which is why I want to make sure I’m able to handle it. I sure wish I could travel and get away right now but being able to free up more time for the work that needs done is good enough. 😊
Isn’t it amazing? There is so much to learn just from one book.
Thanks again and take care ~
Happy to read of you taking this wise step in restoring balance to your life, my friend. I could say a lot more, having "been there done that" ... 😉 ... but I know you will be back, when you are ready.
Until then, God bless and keep you and your loved ones @crosheille!
P.S. Love the picture, very clever! Reminds of the stories I have read about Susanna Wesley, the mother of the famous Wesley brothers, John and Charles. She would throw her apron up over her head to get some privacy in their modest home ... She was an amazing woman, as you are!
Thank you very much! It feels good to make this wise step I must admit.
Oh wow! Yes! She is who inspired my photo! One of my older Christian friends told me about her story one day and every since I’ve been intrigued with what she did to get privacy and quiet time. My friend always suggests I try this but if I did this in our home my kids would feel “invited” to come under the blanket to snuggle with me 😄. My four year old would think it’s a game of hide and seek lol.
I didn’t think anyone would know where I got the inspiration from but of course I’m not surprised that you know about it and I’m so glad you mentioned it. I honestly do feel like hiding from the world at times. 🙂
Thank you so much for such a sweet compliment. Please send my hello to your lovely wife and take care ~
The God who promoted you will always give you the strength and energy to carry out the teaching and other activities related to you, boss @crosheille. It's a good thing for one to always have time for a break in life at least for your health to always relax. Well, for the two months break, I wouldn't say that I will not miss you because imagine just one week off and I missed everything about you not now you will be off for a whole two months. I'll always be praying for strong and long life for you boss.
Amen!! I believe that!
Thanks for your prayers, I need them. 😊
Only God can do it, Boss.
Happy 41st birthday in advance and you're right to be taking this break! Go, rest up, enjoy the little things and when you're ready to come back, we'll be ready for ya! Xx 😘
Aww thanks sweet @alimamasstory! I really want to take more time catching up with you when I return. 🤗😘
And we shall! Hugs ❤️
Take care for you. ❤️🤗
Thank you @anggreklestari, I will ~ 💓🤗
O dear, I'm happy for you concerning your promotion and I'm sorry about how you feel. It happens and I'm glad you admit you need a break and you're taking some time off for really good reasons. I never really knew you and now that I'm curious and want to get to know you, you'll be away, that's sad but I understand.
I'm sure a lot of Hivans will miss you. Goodluck with all you'll be doing and I pray you'll get better. I'll be looking forward to having you back here in a few months. Merry birthday in advance dear ♥️.
Thank you. Yes, normally I don't mind taking on loads of things at a time but I think as I age, my memory is not as sharp and my patience is more challenging to control so I’m learning to be smarter about my decisions.
Oh I’ll be back so there will be an opportunity to get to know me better. 😁😉
Thanks for the comment and birthday message ~
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Oh dear, that is a whole lot you handle all by yourself. Homeschooling photography blogging and your volunteer activities.
A break was truly need.
That is so much love, sacrifice and impact you have made in the lives of so many including your own, not every parent raise their kids with much love and attention.
I wish i can volunteer to assist you with all this works.
But all I can do now is pray that God helps you to find the peace and warmth you need.
May he keep you on his breast and embrace you in loving arms until all that bothers you go away...
May all the love and kindness you have shown be rewarded and may you enjoy more fruitful days on earth.
Thank you so much Monica. It is truly a lot to handle. A big part of what gets me through is knowing I only have my kiddos here for a time and one day they’ll be all grown and on their own. I want to push to give them the best foundation and upbringing as possible to prepare them for independence.
I really appreciate and adore your words. How sweet of you wishing you could help me. 😄
Thank you truly for your prayers and words of encouragement ~ 🤗💓🌸🥰
Knowing when to step aside a little to take care of yourself and what matters most to you is very important. In as much as I will miss you, I hope for the best for you too.
Do take care friend @crosheille
Dear, @crosheille
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Thank you!